The Good Solar Guide – 7 Steps To Tiny Bills For Australian Homeowners

By Finn Peacock – Chartered Electrical Engineer, Ex-CSIRO, Founder of, Author of the Good Solar Guide

Are you considering solar to get your bills down, but uncertain whether solar is right for you?

Are you wary of potential rogue installers in such a new industry?

Would you know a good panel brand from a dud?

What about batteries?

At long last, there is an independent guide to buying and installing solar in Australia with the express aim of getting your future energy bills as low as possible – the Good Solar Guide.

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From SolarQuotes to the Good Solar Guide

I founded SolarQuotes way back in 2009 (when the Australian solar industry was in its infancy, and a piddly 1kW system cost around $10,000!) because I saw that the average Aussie was crying out for an independent, unbiased voice to tell them that the prices they had been quoted were reasonable, the hardware was good quality, and the installation was safe.

Since then, my website has provided quotes for solar to over 360,000 Australians (seriously!). 

The rest of this website contains lots of information on everything you could possibly need to know about solar energy. But there is so much to read that it can feel a little like tumbling down a rabbit hole.

Over the last decade, I’ve had many people tell me that they’d love to get their hands on a book about solar that they can curl up with on the couch, give to a friend or family member, or throw at a shonky solar doorknocker.

So, with that in mind, I went through my website and curated all of the information I thought people should know before getting quotes for solar, and the end result was “The Good Solar Guide – 7 Steps To Tiny Bills For Australian Homeowners“:

The Good Solar Guide

Think of it as a crash-course in solar for someone who knows absolutely nothing about it.

If you read this book – you will know more about solar than 99.9% of Australians – and probably some solar salespeople as well.

I’m proud to say that when it was released, it managed to hit the #1 bestseller on

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Who will get the most out of the Good Solar Guide?

I wrote the Good Solar Guide in a down-to-earth style that is doesn’t rely on assumed technical knowledge like some other books do – so you don’t need to be a chartered electrical engineer (like me!) to understand it.

That means it’s perfect for:

  • Homeowners who are considering solar but have no idea where to start
  • A gift for friends or family who are considering solar
  • Someone who already has solar but wants to learn more about certain aspects (such as battery storage)

What makes the Good Solar Guide unique?

  • It is focused on the Australian consumer, Australian standards, Australian climate and the Australian electricity market. Every other book I can find is aimed at either the US or the UK market. The Australian solar market has lots of unique aspects that require dedicated advice.
  • It is independent and written by a qualified engineer. Many books about going solar are full of ‘green-hype’ and breathless ‘solar panels will save the world’ commentary. My approach is balanced and pragmatic, and I will happily advise people if their situation means solar power is not the right choice for them.
  • It recognizes that the end game for Australians going solar is tiny bills. It includes energy efficiency and energy monitoring to provide a holistic approach that will minimize bills post solar panel installation.
  • It is up to date. This book covers the latest battery & solar panel technology, rebates and regulations, and I plan to update it annually.
  • It is written in the humorous but scientifically grounded style that I have used to great praise from my blog readers. It is also based on my interaction with 1-in-30 homes in Australia through my website. It contains links to online tools and comparison tables that help homeowners compare panels, calculate payback and even find out how many panels will fit on their roof using Google Maps.
  • It is a proven, step-by-step approach to getting tiny bills with an affordable solar power system.

What’s inside?

The Good Solar Guide goes through my seven-step process to lowering your electricity bills:

Step 1 – Essential Knowledge

In this chapter, I go through the solar basics that I think you need to know to understand what you are getting into with solar, and how it can best work to get your bills down.

Step 2 – Measuring Your Energy Use

This section shows you how to measure your home’s energy consumption so you can do your own energy audit – because buying solar without first auditing your energy use is like buying shoes without knowing your shoe size.

Step 3 – Heating Your Water

This section shines the spotlight on the (undeservedly) poor cousin of solar electricity – solar hot water. Most people give almost no thought to their water heating, despite the fact that it is one of the largest energy users in most homes.

Step 4 – Show Me The Money!

This section shows you how to accurately estimate the financial return of a solar system on your roof, and goes through the economics of batteries.

Step 5 – Choosing Your Hardware

There are heaps of brands of solar panels and inverters available in Australia – many of them cheap and nasty. In this section, I’ll show you the two dozen or so that you should consider if you want a safe, reliable and well-supported system on your roof.

Step 6 – Getting Quotes

Building on the knowledge of all the previous steps, this section shows you how to find three reputable solar installers, engage them for quotes, and then pick the best quote for your situation.

Step 7 – After The Install

In this section, I go through a post-install checklist of small but important things that should be done to ensure your new solar system has a long and hassle-free life.

I’ll also show you how to live with your new solar system so you can keep your bills as small as possible.

How can I order it?

You can order the book directly from me by hitting the button below – use the code “GSGSHIPPING” at checkout to get free standard shipping:

See what readers have to say about the Good Solar Guide:

About Finn Peacock

I’m a Chartered Electrical Engineer, solar and energy efficiency nut, electric car and e-bike owner, dad, and founder of My last “real job” was working for the CSIRO in their renewable energy division. Since 2009 more than 750,000 Australians have used my site to get quotes for high quality PV systems from pre-vetted solar installers.

Read my full bio

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