Tindo Solar review

Tindo Solar - Solar Panel Reviews


Based on 128 ratings

Finn's Tindo Solar Panels Review & Verdict

Finn Peacock has been a Chartered Electrical Engineer since 1998, and is ex-CSIRO

If you have your heart set on Australian-made solar panels, Tindo Solar is the only manufacturer I would recommend to a friend. And as at late 2024, the company is also Australia’s only module producer.

I’ve visited their factory in Adelaide on a couple of occasions and checked out their production line, which is impressive. I’ve also had a bunch of Tindo panels on my roof for over 12 years and I’m very happy with their performance and durability.

Tindo solar panels are more expensive than many other brands. It’s up to you to decide if the extra cost is worth it to support local manufacturing.

Tindo Solar Panels: Pros & Cons

  • Australian-made
  • Solid warranty
  • Good performance
  • At the upper end of the pricing spectrum among panels I recommend

About Tindo Solar

Founded in 2011, Tindo Solar is currently Australia's only solar panel manufacturer - and thankfully for those wanting locally-made products, they produce good quality panels. The company may be a very small player now, but has set its sights on significant growth in the years ahead. 

Australian Office 

Address: 6-8 Park Way, Mawson Lakes SA 5095
Phone: (08) 7912 8184
Sales email: [email protected]
Support email: [email protected]

Company Info

Tindo Solar was founded in 2011. Their original Adelaide factory, situated at Technology Park around 12 km north of Adelaide's CBD, had a manufacturing capacity of 60 megawatts. 

Tindo has always been understandably very pro Australian-made.

In 2014, Tindo Solar instigated an an anti-dumping case against Chinese solar panel manufacturers. It did not succeed. If it had, this could have resulted in punitive tariffs being placed on Chinese panels. This would have helped Tindo Solar and its 25 employees at the time, while harming the rest of Australia’s solar industry by raising the cost of imported panels.

But moving on from that, the company was bought by South Australia's Cool or Cozy in March 2017.

In September 2021, the firm started decommissioning the original factory in readiness to commence operations in its new plant, situated adjacent. The new factory is capable of producing more than twice the output of the old plant (150MW annually) and commenced operations in early 2022.

In early 2023, Tindo Solar officially opened the Australian Centre for Excellence in Photovoltaics (ACEPV) within the new factory premises. ACEPV is to bring together industry and research partners; with one of the aims being to further boost Australia's domestic module manufacturing capabilities.

Tindo isn't stopping there. The company also intends building a new factory capable of producing up to 1 gigawatt (GW) of panels annually. 

Tindo Walara Solar Panels

Tindo's Karra panels served the company and its customers well for years. But Karra has been superseded by the Walara; the launch of which was announced in early September 2024.

Walara panels for residential applications are based on half-cut cells and are currently only available in 425W capacity, but other wattages and variants will make their way to market.

Weighing in at 22 kilograms and with dimensions of 1722 x 1133 x 35 mm, the 425W Walara boasts a module conversion efficiency of 21.8%. The Walara series are the first panels produced in Australia featuring N-Type cells.

Walara Temperature Coefficient

The hotter a solar panel gets, the lower its efficiency. The value that indicates how much a panel's efficiency drops by for each one degree increase in temperature over 25 degrees is called the Max Power Temperature Coefficient, or alternatively  the Temperature Coefficient of Pmax. A typical value these days is around -0.35%. This means if a panel’s temperature is 35 degrees it would produce 3.5% less electricity than if it was at 25 degrees.

Tindo's Temperature Coefficient of Pmax for the Walara is -0.32%/°C, which isn't the best in the industry, but certainly isn't bad either.

Walara Power Tolerance

The majority of good quality panels have positive tolerance. This means their wattage will be the rated amount plus a small amount, for example 0 to 5 watts. Tindo panels' power tolerance used to be plus or minus 3%, which meant its actual wattage could be up to 3% above or 3% below its rating. However, these days it is 0 + ~ 5W.

For further details and to compare Walara specifications with models from other manufacturers, use the SolarQuotes solar panel comparison table.

How Much Australian Content Is In Tindo Solar Panels?

Tindo  assembles solar panels using imported solar cells and other components. 

The company has committed to integrating Australian-made components into its solar panels and in August 2024 announced an agreement with the country’s largest aluminium extruder, Capral Aluminium, for the supply of module frame materials that will be used for Walara modules.

Warranty Details

The Walara is accompanied by a product warranty of 25 years, also also a 25-year performance warranty (87.4% power at year 25).

In the event of an issue with Tindo panels, as with any other modules, your first contact should be your installer.

If you have purchased a Tindo system from an installer who has since gone under, Tindo become responsible for handling the replacement of panels under warranty. They will handle the process for you using installers in their network.

Note that while Tindo's manufacturer’s warranty provides for replacement or repair, including both parts and labour, this only applies within capital city metropolitan areas of Australia.  Added charges apply to "remote" sites (> 50km from CBD of Australian capital cities); including on-site labour and transportation.


If you want Australian made solar panels, then Tindo Solar is a good choice. If you want quality, reliable panels, then you'll also get them with Tindo Solar. The fact the company has survived for many years in the face of intense competition from overseas says a lot.

While they are a comparatively small producer and will most likely never be a " tier one" solar panel manufacturer, we're satisfied that if you install their panels you will be very unlikely to have a problem with them.

If you've had Tindo Solar panels installed, we encourage you to leave a review to let other Australians know your thoughts on their performance.

Reviewers report paying:
$5,000 - $12,000

For a

Tindo Solar System

Depending on hardware choice and installation difficulty

Tindo Solar has 1 solar panel in our database

Filter by:

Type of solar panel 
Panel Efficiency 
Approx. Cost/Watt 
Model number
Panel efficiency (%)
Approx Cost per Watt AUD Retail incl GST
Approx cost per panel AUD Retail incl GST
Panel technology
Country of manufacture
Tindo Walara
430 W
Monocrystalline N-type


Tindo Solar Reviews (128)

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  • 4 star 14
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  • 2 star 2
  • 1 star 4

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Don't rely on Tindo Solar warranties - Tindo told me in Oct 2024 that they aren't responsible for warranties on elements of their panels.
I had bought 8 solar panels with attached microinverters in 2012 from manufacturer Tindo Solar in South Australia, via retailer Solar Essence in Victoria who is no longer trading. I bought another 3 panel packages from Tindo Solar direct in 2014. All panels and inverters clearly had a 20 year warranty. In 2019 I alerted Tindo that I had a problem with some of my panels (also had problems monitoring the system) and finally sent them photos of the problems, but Tindo ignored me and I gave up due to Covid. After again contacting Tindo Solar 2 weeks ago with no help provided, I resolved the system's monitoring problems a week ago myself, and this week my electrician confirmed that 3 inverters were not working. I informed Tindo of all this, and sent them copies of my quotes and invoices, their original brochure and email copies which confirmed the 20 year warranty, which still covers my system. They informed me today that as the company changed hands with a new ABN in 2017, so they weren't liable for my warranties. In addition, Mick Launer, Tindo's Operations Manager, emailed me that "Tindo is not responsible for the replacement of the inverters as this is a third party product sold by another company", plus the inverter supplier they used on my panels had gone out of business anyway. Mick's statement should concern any Tindo purchaser - Tindo panels routinely have third party products on them. I've engaged Tasmania's consumer affairs organisation to follow up on this and will notify the ACCC as well.

System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

9.5KW system installed in November 2021 using Tindo 365 w KARRA panels and a Solaredge inverter. To date I have not had any problems at all. Regularly daily output is greater than 30 kwh .

The installer has since disappeared however the work was neat and tidy with explanations along the way.

Good Aussie product.

Manufacturer Reply

Thank you for your review!

System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

They are brilliant, I have 10.2kw of theese panels on my roof, with a 8.2kw fronius inverter. The system is perfect for us.
More than happy with Tindo. Highly recommend

System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

Had the Tindo panels for a month now and ten of those days they have been producing over 30kWh each day as reported on the Envoy monitoring system, in total for the month 573kWh

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

The Tindo panels are fantastic - both in terms of production as well as the aesthetic look on my house. Add to that the 25 year warranty and the fact that they are Australian made, and that made them the easy choice!

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

We have two properties in Victoria. One with Tindo solar panels and the other with another popular but slightly cheaper (and imported) brand of panels. Both are 3.6 kw systems. Acknowledging the difference in location and the available sunlight (one property being in northeast Victoria and the other in Melbourne), the amount of power generated by the Tindo panels far exceed the power generated from the other panels. We have had both systems for about 3 years and have never had an issue with either system.

System Cost

$3,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Great simple installation that was done within a fortnight of order. All works were completed on the day. The solar analytics monitoring is just great for checking hour your place is running and really helps you optimise where you use your power. I now fully understand the issue with my house is the three phase air con. We sort of new knew it but with solar analytics we now know it for sure and have data to support its replacement. Very happy with the help Tindo provided on sizing our system and the performance of it.

System Cost

$6,000 to $10,000

System Size

More than 6kW

Installed By

Tindo solar panels have a fantastic LONG guarantee! They are made right here in South Australia. They have an awesome monitoring system that let's you track usage & what you have produced. This can also be used to monitor performance so 'if' anything is not performing, the Company is notified as well as you! In the first quarter (in Winter) I saved OVER 2/3 of my energy bill.

System Cost

$10,000 to $15,000

System Size

More than 6kW

Installed By

6 weeks into my quarterly power bill and it’s already halved ! Best investment I’ve made to my house. The solar analytics app is amazing, I can watch the solar unit earn in 5 second intervals plus see my import/ export to and from the grid . Keep up the good work tindo.

System Cost

$6,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

Tindo Solar have been absolutely fantastic.
After 4 months of having our Tindo Solar Panels - we have already had a reduction of $200 in our Electricity Bill.!!!!
It was the best money we have ever spent and the panels will pay for themselves in no time at all.
Thank you to Sam and Darryl. Absolutely fantastic to deal with you both and Tindo Solar in general.
Will recommend you to all family and friends considering Solar Panels.

System Cost

$6,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

i am extremely satisfied with my panels which are all individually separate from each other and monitored all separately, in other words if 1 is affected in any way it will not affect the others and will alert the company that one is on the blink, thankfully all are working perfectly and have given me a tremendous amount of savings $$ and they do what they say, I have the enphase system and could not be any happier, installation was quick and thourough and the workmanship was of high quality , after taking a tour of the factory at mawson lakes it was apparent to me that these guys mean business with their quality product, all locally made , it just couldn't get any better, I would not hesitate at a moments notice in recommending tindo solar to anyone who is looking at getting solar power for their home , I researched for months from the top grade silicon and the panels and the workmanship and found these guys were the best and local as well, go look for yourselves in the factory , you will be amazed.. regards phil , more than satisfied customer..

System Cost

$6,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

Our Tindo Solar Karra 250W solar panels have been faultless since installation in May 2013. We have experienced problems with our SolarBridge micro-inverters but Tindo Solar have been responsive in honouring the warranty and replacing affected units. Our 22-panel system is operating perfectly.

System Cost

$10,000 to $15,000

System Size


Installed By

6.6 kW system purchased direct from Tindo Solar. SolarEdge 5kW hybrid inverter and SolarEdge power optimisers. Installed by LuCo Electrical and Solar. No issues to report to date.

Manufacturer Reply

Thank you for your review!

System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

We have not had any issues with our solar panels since installation, aside from now desiring a more powerful panel (i.e 440w instead of 315w) I am quite happy with the size of the system and its performance over the last 4 years.

Manufacturer Reply

Thank you for your review.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$15,000 to $20,000

System Size


Installed By

I recommend the Tindo panels. Australian made, top quality, longevity, reliability and safety.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

More than $20,000

System Size


Installed By

1 year update:
Over spec-ing the number of panels has been a great idea, as having 13.5kw of panels means that even on the most overcast (and raining) days we’re still generating enough power for the house and to charge the battery.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$15,000 to $20,000

System Size


Installed By

I paid a little extra and sacrificed a tiny amount of kW rating to get Australian Made panels over chinese made panels.

I don't have anything to compare them against, but overall I have no complaints about the panels themselves, they work as expected and I was a little surprised how long they generated power for and how much is generated in rainy conditions. Again, don't know if all solar panels run like this, but they exceeded my expectations.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

Equal east and west orientation at 26° tilt (due to roof limits) gives exceptional PV output spring to autumn. Top up battery on off peak to cost shift in midwinter (mid May-mid Aug). Storage HWS uses only excess PV from spring to autumn, top up via controlled load tariff over midwinter. May add freestanding north facing panels to improve winter PV output.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Because of our roof not all panels face the same direction. We have some facing East, West and North so we don't get all panels working at top capacity at the same time. But we haven't had to pay an electricity bill since.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

More than $20,000

System Size


Installed By

Panels look great (aesthetically pleasing) as it was hard to convince the household to get solar panels installed over the newly refurbished roof.

So far meeting performance expectations.

Additional confidence with the 25 year warranty on both performance curve & product quality.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

I am very lucky the position of my panels, allows direct sunlight with out any shadows the whole day. Just waiting to see how much the colder months affect the system once winter is over!

Inverter Brand

SolaX Power

System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

Panels have now reduced input for winter of course. Part of the issue is shading now the sun is low from 2 neighbour's trees (unfortunately we cant do anything about it , and panel siting is optimal). Overall happy with performance as stated.

Inverter Brand

SolaX Power

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Although a little more expensive than other companies, I would strongly recomend Tindor to those looking to install solar.

System Cost

$6,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

Just very very happy with the service and installation. The panels are performing at a better rate than was estimated by the sales man (most unusual). The installation was performed by the most professional workmen that I have every had work on my property.

System Cost

$10,000 to $15,000

System Size


Installed By

No problem with the Solar panels but the deck ties underneath panels haven't been fixed with screws into greenplugs drilled into the tiles. The silicon holding the deck tie to the roof has pulled away from the tile, allowing water to access the roof. Actually, just recently unwanted stains were found on the ceiling and that was due to a broken tile:(

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$6,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

Seem to generate at or slightly above promised level. Have been pounded by cricket ball sized hail and not missed a beat.

And they are Australian made, so whilst a bit more expensive, seem to be very high quality and some kid in Adelaide gets a job, which we need before we lose our ability to manufacture anything more complex than a cardboard box.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$10,000 to $15,000

System Size


Installed By

A great local option that looks amazing and is performing perfectly well.

Manufacturer Reply

Thank you for your review!

Inverter Brand


System Cost

More than $20,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

More than $20,000

System Size


Installed By

Manufacturer Reply

Thank you for your review!

Inverter Brand


System Cost

More than $20,000

System Size


Installed By

The solar panels continue to perform well with no issues encountered.

Manufacturer Reply

Thank you for your review!

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$15,000 to $20,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$15,000 to $20,000

System Size


Installed By

They look good hopefully they work properly
Last to bills $33 to $35 is that good?

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

An incentive was offered by Victorian Solar Systems for this review. Learn more here.

We specifically wanted Australian Made panels, but were given the option of cheaper alternatives. We decided to go with the Australian made panels.

System Cost

$12,500 to $15,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By


System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

Love that they are Australian made.
They look nice but the rails stick out at the edge.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

All good so far, Australian assembled panels was important.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

We specifically wanted Australian Made panels, but were given the option of cheaper alternatives. We decided to go with the Australian made panels.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

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