Solarworld solar panels reviews

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About Solarworld, Solar Panels

Solarworld solar panels review

SolarWorld was a German manufacturer of tier one solar panels - and like most panel producers in Germany, is no more.

Company Info

SolarWorld was founded in 1988, and in 1998 the company's activities were transferred to SolarWorld AG, which went public in 1999. The company manufactured solar panels from two locations in Germany, and it had a plant in the USA.

SolarWorld had a tumultuous history. Among the firm's woes, its share price tanked in 2006. Around 2008, SolarWorld entered into an agreement with US polysilicon producer Hemlock to buy silicon from them at a set price. After silicon prices fell, Solarworld decided they’d rather not do that and broke their agreement. So, Hemlock sued them. Back in March 2013, Hemlock wanted $83 million US in damages and in 2016 they want $793 million US; or over one billion Australian.

In October 2016 SolarWorld announced an inability to meet revenue forecasts for that year and the month before it announced the company would lay off 500 workers.

In May 2017, SolarWorld AG announced it would be filing for insolvency. Then in August, an agreement was signed for the purchase and transfer of SolarWorld AG, SolarWorld Industries Sachsen GmbH, SolarWorld Innovations GmbH and SolarWorld Industries Thüringen GmbH to SolarWorld Industries GmbH. Not part of the deal was SolarWorld Americas, which continued to do its own thing.

The new company took on the warranty obligations of the old SolarWorld.  More on these two events can be found here.

But the company continued to have problems and was also battling increasing headwinds from cheaper Chinese imports. Meanwhile, SolarWorld Americas was put up for sale in 2017 to help resolve the debts of its parent company. In 2018, SunPower Corp acquired some of SolarWorld Americas' assets, including the Hillsboro, Oregon plant; and at a bargain basement price.

Just months after it was resurrected as SolarWorld Industries GmbH, the new company filed for bankruptcy.

SolarWorld Panels In Australia

SolarWorld’s standard sized 60 cell solar panels that were last available in Australia were in the 280 to 300 watts range and were up to 17.9% efficient.

The company also produced a bifacial panel called Bisun. A bifacial panel is one that that instead of glass on one side and an opaque backsheet, the solar cells are sandwiched between two sheets of glass. In addition, rather than having a light blocking coating on one side that reflects back through the solar cells, this panel has none and so and could benefit from light coming from the front and from behind.

Warranty Information

All Solarworld panels had a 20 year product warranty. They also had a 25 year performance warranty, except for their Bisun panel, which was 30 years..

SolarWorld did not have an Australian office, which means the company that imported the panels is responsible for their product and performance warranties - unfortunately, we're not sure who that is or was. But the party who installed the panels is the first port of call for any warranty related issues.

Solarworld Solar Panel Reviews

We have had our Solarworld panels for 12 years and they are brilliant I want to buy another 4 panels to put on the roof to make it even bigger.
Bought From: Infinity Electrical and Solar Pty Ltd
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Bought From: Green 4 Life Oz Show additional information
The panels seem to work well in low light.
Bought From: PSW Energy Perth Solar Warehouse
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Works well
Bought From: Green Sun Solar
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We installed 18 x SolarWorld Sunmodule Plus 290 Watt panels (total 5.22 kW). We wanted the top end of efficiency and quality. We also chose a quality Schletter frame to mount them to the roof. We went for the high end because, in the context of the cost of a whole house, the extra sort of disappears!
Bought From: DNX Energy
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Bought From: Green Sun Solar Show additional information
Bought From: Save Energy Residential Show additional information
Level of performance exceeds the specifications. It produces more power than stated at the Specifications. After a year, it still looks like brand new.
Bought From: Mitchell & Brown Communications
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Bought From: Solar Essence Melbourne Outer Show additional information
Bought From: Infinity Power Toowoomba Show additional information
I have 17 Solar World x 235w poly panels fitted on my roof. Eight are on the eastern side and nine on the western side which was decided as the best placement for my style of roof and to gain maximum exposure to the sun year round.
Bought From: Infinity Power Townsville
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Bought From: Infinity Power Townsville Show additional information
Bought From: Infinity Power Toowoomba Show additional information
Bought From: Infinity Power Toowoomba Show additional information
Bought From: Infinity Power Show additional information
Bought From: Infinity Power Townsville Show additional information
Bought From: Infinity Power Show additional information
Bought From: Eco Kinetics NSW Show additional information
Bought From: SolarSA Show additional information
Bought From: SolarLife Show additional information
We have a curved colourbond roof . The panels were installed curved like the roof look great. Haven't seen any others like this... they all seem to be upright. Still get average 9kw per day out of them. So just as efficient not as unisghtly.
Bought From: Soma Power
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Have been generating more power than initially expected
Bought From: SolarSA
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Bought From: SolarSA Show additional information
Bought From: Infinity Power Show additional information
Bought From: 1KOMMA5Sydney Z2 (Solaray Energy) Show additional information

Solarworld has 26 solar panels in our database

Model Type Size (W) PTC (W) Performance Ratio
Sunmodule SW165 mono (72 cells)Monocrystalline16514789.09
Sunmodule SW175 mono (72 cells)Monocrystalline17515789.71
Sunmodule SW220 MonoMonocrystalline22019789.55
Sunmodule SW220 mono (60 cells)Monocrystalline22019789.55
Sunmodule SW220 PolyPolycrystalline22019588.64
Sunmodule SW225 MonoMonocrystalline22520189.33
Sunmodule SW225 mono (60 cells)Monocrystalline22520189.33
Sunmodule SW225 PolyPolycrystalline22520189.33
Sunmodule SW230 MonoMonocrystalline23020689.57
Sunmodule SW230 PolyPolycrystalline23020589.13
Sunmodule SW235 MonoMonocrystalline23521089.36
Sunmodule SW235 mono (60 cells)Monocrystalline23521089.36
Sunmodule SW235 PolyPolycrystalline23521089.36
Sunmodule SW235 poly (60 cells)Polycrystalline23521089.36
Sunmodule SW240 MonoMonocrystalline24021589.58
Sunmodule SW240 polyPolycrystalline24021489.17
Sunmodule SW245 MonoMonocrystalline24522089.80
Sunmodule SW245 polyPolycrystalline24522089.80
Sunmodule SW250 MonoMonocrystalline25022288.80
Sunmodule SW250 mono (60 cells)Monocrystalline25022288.80
Sunmodule SW250 mono black (60 cells)Monocrystalline25022288.80
Sunmodule SW250 polyPolycrystalline25022590.00
Sunmodule SW255 mono (60 cells)Monocrystalline25523190.59
Sunmodule SW260 mono (60 cells)Monocrystalline26023590.38
Sunmodule SW265 mono (60 cells)Monocrystalline26523689.06
Sunmodule SW270 mono (60 cells)Monocrystalline27024289.63
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