Seraphim review

Seraphim - Solar Panel Reviews


Based on 757 ratings

Finn's Seraphim Panels Review & Verdict

Finn Peacock has been a Chartered Electrical Engineer since 1998, and is ex-CSIRO

Seraphim was once a SolarQuotes recommended solar panel brand. But after poor reports concerning Seraphim warranty claim issues, I revoked this status back in April 2023 and haven't seen any change since that would encourage me to reinstate it.

Seraphim Panels: Pros & Cons

  • Budget-priced.
  • Reports of poor warranty support in Australia.

About Seraphim

Seraphim is a Chinese solar panel manufacturer headquartered in Jinzhai, but it has offices scattered across much of the world, including Australia. 

Australian Office Details

Add: Level 11, 66 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 
Tel: 02 8705 5405
Email: [email protected]

Company Info

Seraphim was founded in 2011 and today is a moderate- sized manufacturer of solar panels. Their production capacity was approximately 5 gigawatts at the end of 2019, but that grew rapidly to 12GW by the end of 2023.

According to the company, by the end of 2023 more than 30GW of Seraphim PV products were installed in more than 100 countries, including Australia.

As with many larger manufacturers of solar panels, Seraphim is vertically integrated and produces the silicon ingots its solar cells are made from. This makes the firm less reliant on outside suppliers and reduces the risk of supply chain disruptions.

Seraphim produces most of its panels in the city of Changzhou, which is north-west of Shanghai. Elsewhere in China it has a facility in northern China’s Shanxi province, and a couple of other factories.

In 2018, the company opened a plant in Eastern Cape, South Africa with an annual output capability of 300MW. Also outside of China is a plant in Vietnam. Seraphim once had a small manufacturing plant in Jackson Mississippi in the USA, but that's no longer operating.

Seraphim Solar Panels

Seraphim produces a variety of solar panels for residential, commercial and utility-scale applications, most featuring "half-cut" solar cells. 

Nebula Series

The Seraphim Nebula series are dual-glass bifacial modules available in 54 (108)- and 60 (120)-cell modules boasting TOPCon technology. While bifacial panels generate electricity from both the front and back of the module, that isn't all that useful in most residential installation scenarios. However, the Nebula is available in front-face capacities of 400-460W. The modules have 1.6mm+1.6mm dual-glass design, which in conjunction with its 28mm frame reduces their weight.

The Nebula's dimensions are 1722 x 1134 x 28 mm and weigh in at around 21 kilograms.

The 54-cell version offers conversion efficiencies of up to 21.25%, and the 60-cell, 21.26%. These panels are also available in "all-black" versions.

Seco Series 

Seraphim Seco panels suitable for residential installations measure 1722 x 1134 x 30 mm and weigh 21.5kg. These feature PERC cells and are available in capacities of 400W to 415W, although higher wattages (and bigger panels) are also available in the Seco range for commercial and utility scale projects.

In models suitable for home rooftops, Seco conversion efficiencies range from 20.48% to 21.25%.

All Seraphim panels are certified as corrosion resistant, which makes them suitable for installation in coastal areas.

Warranty Information

It used to be that Seraphim modules were covered by a 12 or 15 year product warranty in Australia. But that changed in 2022.

For Seraphim S4 series (including Seco and Nebula) 108 half-cell modules installed after 1 July 2022 in Australia for residential rooftop projects, the product warranty period is twenty-five years (25 Year Warranty) according to the company. For Seraphim S4 series 108-pieces half-cell bifacial modules, the warranty is thirty years.

But finding this extended product warranty document for Australia on Seraphim's website has proved difficult, so be sure to sight and examine it before making a purchase decision.

Seraphim also provides a power output guarantee for its monofacial PERC modules for a total of 25 years ( no less than 84.80% in the 25th year), and 30 years for its bifacial PERC, TOPCon and HJT modules (no less than 84.95% in the 30th year). 

If you have purchased Seraphim panels from a solar installer who has since gone out of business, the responsibility for warranty claims shifts to Seraphim. Their customer service line in Australia is 02 8705 5405 - affected customers should contact this line for warranty assistance. 

Reviewers report paying:
$4,000 - $11,900

For a

Seraphim System

Depending on hardware choice and installation difficulty

Seraphim has 1 solar panel in our database

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440 W


Seraphim Reviews (757)

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  • 5 star 604
  • 4 star 141
  • 3 star 8
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  • 1 star 3

View Timeline

We are very happy with the Seraphim panels.
They were mid-price - and have performed every bit as good as we could have expected to date. So we are happily looking at a 5-year payback period on our investment.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

My Seraphim panels are producing more solar energy this month that when first installed. This is due to the fact that there is more cloud free days now than there was back in February when I got my system installed. September and October have been great months for harvesting solar. As well as using the solar power I generate through the day I also sold back to the grid over 950 Kw per month.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Our new panels were installed in mid December 2020 just 2 months ago. We previously had 14 Sharp 175 watt panels which after 14 years were still working fine at about 95% of original out. Down to only 2.3 kilowatts, just not enough anymore even for a two person household.

Because of new clearance requirements for racking we were only able to install 10 panels this time so the 370 watt Seraphim Blade panels make a maximum fit: 3.7 kilowatts nominal. With their half cut cell technology these panels are much more efficient is dappled light, low light and maximum light.

On the most overcast days our old array only managed about 170 watts. These new panels put out 520 watts. At maximum insolation they produce 4.6 kilowatts, way beyond the nominal 3.7 kilowatts.

They are tier one cells and very well priced against their competitors. I wish we had been able to find a similar product NOT MADE in CHINA. We are trying our best to not buy chinese goods at the moment. I wonder why!?!

System Cost

Under $3000

System Size


Installed By

16 x 415W Seraphim SRP-415-BMD-HV Solar Panels

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

I had 6kw installed 4 years and added another 6kw. Used Seraphim again as they have performed well.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$15,000 to $20,000

System Size


Installed By

Third time getting seraphim panels

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

I used OpenSolar to look Seraphim, LG, Jinko, Qcells, Canadian Solar, and REC.... and Seraphim out-performed them all! That's science I can't deny! Seraphim Blade is the best panel!

System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

No known issues with the panels.
Due to the orientation of our unit, we have an east-west installation of the panels - 8 east, 10 west.
Today, with clear skies and 24degrees we still peaked at approx 4.8kW. Even now, at 3.10pm we're still generating 4.3kW.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

There had been massive wind and hail storms over winter and performance has not suffered.

The panels themselves have a bit of flex so can make some noise in the wind.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

They look quite good with the black outer channel. I have monitored the performance of our 6.6KW system since the installment and on a great summers day in the warmer months when the sun is high in the sky the maximum KW I have seen generated is 5.5KW. This is down to about 4KW maximum when the sun is lower in the sky. Even with these readings it is helping with our electricity bills at present.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

Since installation a few weeks ago we have had quite a few cloudy days with the panels able to still produce 20+kwh. I can't wait until next Summer to see how much they can produce on those long & sunny days.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

The panels are producing more energy than I expected. I am now waiting for prices of batteries to drop to an acceptable level and possibly go off grid mostly. I produce enough energy to store all of my overnight usage.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

32 x 330W Seraphim Panels

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

The 21 Seraphim Blade 315W panels seem to be operating as efficiently as claimed.

Inverter Brand

SolaX Power

System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

As can be expected, the placement of the panels is generating as expected. The change of seasons is shown on the attached spreadsheet, Nov - Jan were the best months.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

They Work well I guess... I don't know a lot about them, they were recommended by the provider Green Wiring Solar here in Perth. we are happy with them, they're doing the job.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

I have Seraphim with Maxum chips and they deal with shade very well.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$10,000 to $15,000

System Size


Installed By

I have 18 x SERAPHIM 275W BLACK FRAME PANELS installed.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$6,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

We have panels in 3 different orientations (E, N & W), so we also have 4 Tigo optimisers to smooth things out. So far seems to be generating over a large time chunk of the day

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

I knew the Seraphim panels aren't the top of the line & most efficient, but they give me exactly what I'd hoped they would.
So far, perfect.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$3,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

I had 3 or 4 panel they got a burn mark then looked like shattered glass.
The installer recommendation was that I should replace all the panels because they're most likely a faulty batch.
After a huge delay Sephrim gave me 4 panels.
By the time they got here i had two more faulty panels. Again we asked them to replace them all and they sent 2. By the time they were put on another had gone and while waiting for them to get back to us another has gone. The latest respone is that they are sending me one panel...two are currently faulty.
What an absolute shambles of a company!

System Cost

$3,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

I've seen over 40KWh generated during clear skies and the really hot days in Brisbane. Now that it's summer, I'm seeing over 30KWh. Doesn't look like performance has degraded although I probably need to compare same time next year to make that call.
Very happy customer.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$3,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

6.6kw system. 21 panels with 315W capacity were installed last week along with 5k SMA inverter. Panels producing 99.97% efficiency in sunny conditions i.e time from 11am till 3pm. since the inverter is 5k it can't go past 5k so was reading output as 4985... happy with the result. All panels facing north in Melbourne

System Cost

$3,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

24 x 320W Seraphim Eclipse Solar Panels - 7.68kW System Installation

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$6,000 to $10,000

System Size

More than 6kW

Installed By

We have a 6.5kW solar array and a 5kW Delta inverter. The solar array faces north and east. There is no shadowing as we had the trees removed prior to the installation.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$3,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

The good rating I gave is an early rating as we have only had the one bill since the system was fully installed 5 months ago and whilst it showed reasonable savings I thought the savings on our bill would have been better.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

Under $3000

System Size


Installed By

Generally, our 6.3kw system has never reached more than 4.6kw at any stage on full sunny days - accepting that we have not yet had a full summer day - and while this is OK as it suits the inverter and pretty much covers our needs, it is not what we were quoted. However, we are generally satisfied and certainly don't regret the investment.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$3,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Well its hard to say, there are so many saying so much. They are upper middle I believe, black, and 270w. Perhaps what's best is the kids showing off with their mates landed a poorly tossed rock in the middle of them the other day and they didn't break, so they are perfect in my books.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$3,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

No problems so far - probably about 5 years before they pay for themselves.

The Fronius solarweb system allowed me to analyse performance in real time. I built a 12 month spreadsheet based on daily production from Fronius and daily consumption from the United Energy "Energy Easy" web site. Using these two data sources, it is possible to calculate an actual savings figure that is accurate to the last cent. Some figures from the spreadsheet below:

6.5 kW (nominal) system - 25 panels
%ge of solar production used by house 31.89%
%ge of solar production exported 68.11%
%ge of house consumption provided by solar panels 44.59%
%ge of house consumption provided by grid 55.41%

% of total savings due to grid consumption reduction 53.8%
% of total savings due to grid export earnings 46.2%

Based on a very competitive installation price from Sahara Solar and the spreadsheet savings figures, my simple return on investment for 12 months was 12.8% PA.

I expect a higher ROI next year as the Victorian feed in tariff has recently been raised from 6.2c/kwH to 14c/kwH (Globird Energy). Based on this year's data, ROI next year should increase to 19.9% PA.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$6,000 to $10,000

System Size

More than 6kW

Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$15,000 to $20,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$15,000 to $20,000

System Size


Installed By

they look good

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand

FOXXESS 5kW 1phase Inverter (Other)

System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$12,500 to $15,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

The look neat and seem to perform well.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$12,500 to $15,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

More than $20,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

An incentive was offered by Yuma Energy for this review. Learn more here.

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

Inverter Brand


System Cost

More than $20,000

System Size


Installed By

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