General Energy Solutions solar panels reviews

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About General Energy Solutions, Solar Panels

General Energy Solutions solar panels review

General Energy Solutions (GES) was founded in 2009 in Taiwan. The firm was previously known as Sunny Optronics Corp., but changed its name in 2012. 

GES Contact Info

Address: No. 7, Li Hsin 3rd Rd, East District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 30078
Phone: +886 3 578 0011

Company Info

General Energy Solutions originally focused on the production of solar cells and panels, but then expanded into offering full systems, along with solar thermal solutions. It also became involved with commercial solar projects in Taiwan and USA.

At some point the firm became a subsidiary of Neo Solar Power Corporation, which was subsequently renamed to United Renewable Energy (URECO). 

Production of GES solar cells and panels didn't last all that long - around 2014 mentions of these dropped off its website.

Fast forward to today (2025) and the company now focuses on renewable energy related financing, project development, engineering and procurement and operations & maintenance. It doesn't manufacture anything; but parent company URECO is still producing cells and modules with interesting series names such as "Peach", "Glory" and "Hello".

GES Solar Panels In Australia

At one point way back when, GES solar panels were approved by Australia's Clean Energy Council - but we don't think many were sold here. General Energy Solutions panels available in Australia were in the 225W to 310W range, in monocrystalline and polycrystalline - and with far less interesting names than URECO uses now. Past that, we can't tell you much about them - datasheets and related information seem to have been lost among the sands of time.

Warranty Information

We've searched and searched but cannot find any reliable information on the warranty period for General Energy Solutions' solar panels. If you have a document stating what the product and performance warranty was for Australian purchasers, it would be great if you could let us know!

General Energy Solutions Solar Panel Reviews

General Energy Solutions has 27 solar panels in our database

Model Type Size (W) PTC (W) Performance Ratio
7NAC000-06A225 (60 Poly cells)Polycrystalline22519988.44
7NAC000-06A230 (60 Poly cells)Polycrystalline23020488.70
7NAC000-06A235 (60 Poly cells)Polycrystalline23520888.51
7NAC000-06A240 (60 Poly cells)Polycrystalline24021388.75
7NAC000-06A245 (60 Poly cells)Polycrystalline24521788.57
7NAC000-06C275 (72 Poly cells)Polycrystalline27524388.36
7NAC000-06C280 (72 Poly cells)Polycrystalline28024888.57
7NAC000-06C285 (72 Poly cells)Polycrystalline28525589.47
7NAC000-06C290 (72 Poly cells)Polycrystalline29026089.66
7NAC000-06C295 (72 Poly cells)Polycrystalline29526589.83
7NAC000-06C300 (72 Poly cells)Polycrystalline30026989.67
7NAC000-06C305 (72 Poly cells)Polycrystalline30527489.84
7NAC000-06C310 (72 Poly cells)Polycrystalline31027889.68
7NAE000-06A235 (60 Mono cells)Monocrystalline23520888.51
7NAE000-06A240 (60 Mono cells)Monocrystalline24021388.75
7NAE000-06A245 (60 Mono cells)Monocrystalline24521888.98
7NAE000-06A250 (60 Mono cells)Monocrystalline25022288.80
7NAE000-06A255 (60 Mono cells)Monocrystalline25522789.02
7NAE000-06A260 (60 Mono cells)Monocrystalline26023188.85
7NAE000-06A265 (60 Mono cells)Monocrystalline26523689.06
7NAE000-06C285 (72 Mono cells)Monocrystalline28525388.77
7NAE000-06C290 (72 Mono cells)Monocrystalline29025788.62
7NAE000-06C295 (72 Mono cells)Monocrystalline29526489.49
7NAE000-06C300 (72 Mono cells)Monocrystalline30026989.67
7NAE000-06C305 (72 Mono cells)Monocrystalline30527489.84
7NAE000-06C310 (72 Mono cells)Monocrystalline31027889.68
7NAE000-06C315 (72 Mono cells)Monocrystalline31528389.84
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