Encouraging businesses and homeowners to improve their energy efficiency is high up on the agenda for politicians at the moment – and $20 million worth of grants could come in useful.
The Gillard government has been keen to help businesses save on their operating costs, and what better way than through installing clean energy sources such as solar panels.
What's in it for the government? Well Australia's greenhouse gas emissions will be lowered at the same time, helping the country meet all sorts of climate change targets it has agreed to.
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) often need help realising how they can improve their use of renewables, explained minister for climate change and energy efficiency Greg Combet.
He said they often face "a lot of time pressure", but these grants will help them "use energy in the smartest and most efficient way".
If businesses are given the funding they need to shift to cleaner energy, then who knows what this might do for the uptake of solar electricity and other renewables.
Much in the same way that solar rebates work for domestic customers, this could be the push companies need to go green.
Posted by Bob Dawson