Goodwe review

Goodwe - Inverter Reviews


Based on 2634 ratings

Finn's Goodwe Inverters Review & Verdict

Finn Peacock has been a Chartered Electrical Engineer since 1998, and is ex-CSIRO

GoodWe are one of the better budget inverters out there. If you choose a GoodWe, you are likely to save about $1200 compared to a brand such as Fronius or SMA. 

GoodWe inverters do what they promise and are straightforward to commission. Lots of installers like them and they consistently vote GoodWe as one of the top 3 inverter manufacturers selling in Australia.

The GoodWe inverter warranty wasn't always particularly good in terms of duration. There was only 5 years standard coverage, unless you have some particular models that offered a further 5 years parts only. But the company subsequently introduced a promotional 10 year warranty on its grid connect and some hybrid inverters installed in Australia. As with many manufacturers, there are exclusions on some of the ancillaries such as internet dongles, which I think is a sick joke when you're supposed to have internet to maintain the warranty in the first place.

Goodwe Inverters: Pros & Cons

  • The price is right with good local support.
  • In January 2021 GoodWe announced a boost to 10-years full warranty for all grid connect inverters.
  • The range of inverters includes 3-phase models with high and low voltage battery hybrids
  • Compatible solar PV inverters allow further expansion of hybrids.
  • Extra solar capacity can be AC coupled, so 20kWp is possible on single phase
  • Solar Analytics integrated
  • Like anything that doesn't have a fan, GoodWe rely on convection cooling. This means they are prone to de-rate themselves - when they're working hard in summer, the energy yield falls because they go into a self protection mode.
  • Warranty does not allow battery modules to be added after installation.
  • App is a little clunky.
  • "Homekit" consumption meter has some known issues with WiFi connection, which we believe are being addressed.
  • Monitoring and metering issues can be happily resolved with a Catchpower relay. An expense but actually a good upgrade.

About Goodwe

Goodwe Customer Service: 03 9918 3905

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd is a Chinese inverter and energy storage solutions manufacturer. The firm is listed as a public limited company on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

GoodWe specialises in the production of string solar inverters, with power capacities ranging between 0.7kW and 250kW. As well as single-phase and three-phase inverters, the company also manufactures hybrid inverters and battery storage.

More than 52GW of GoodWe solar inverter capacity has been installed in countries throughout the world, including Australia.

Australian customers will be glad to know there is a local GoodWe office in Rowville (Melbourne, Victoria), so, should you have any specific question or issue, you can directly refer to the local team. Furthermore, the company has a pretty strong international profile, thanks to other offices located in countries including Germany, Netherlands and the UK.

GoodWe Inverter Quality And Awards

GoodWe is currently listed as a SolarQuotes approved brand, offering good quality solar inverter products for the budget end of the market.

The company was the recipient of EuPD Research’s Top Brand PV Award in Australia in 2019, 2020 and 2021, which is based on the recommendations of installers. It also achieved joint 3rd place in SQ's Installers Choice Awards 2021 in the budget inverter category, scored 2nd place in 20223rd in 2023 and 2nd in 2024.  For 2025 we simplified the award process and simply asked installers, "If installing a system on your own house today, which brand's inverters would you use?"  Goodwe took third place.

As well as producing inverters under their own banner, GoodWe also manufactures for several other companies - Australia's Redback Technologies, General Electric and LG. This is a big vote of confidence.

While a solid product with great features for the price, be warned that some Australian owners have commented very high ambient temperatures cause GoodWe inverters to "derate" significantly, which is the internally controlled reduction of inverter power.

GoodWe Inverter Warranty Notes

GoodWe solar inverters installed in Australia were originally accompanied by a 5 year product warranty, which is fairly standard among manufacturers. However, in January 2021 the company announced a boost to 10-years full warranty across its entire range of grid connect inverters installed in Australia, when registered on GoodWe’s portal.

The warranty extension applies to all GoodWe inverters manufactured after October 1, 2020 and installed in this country after January 1, 2021.

Beyond the standard warranty and depending on the model, the warranty can be extended to as long as 25 years, which is an incredibly long period for an inverter.

Regarding warranty claims, the installer who installed your Goodwe inverter is always the first to contact as it is their responsibility to remediate any warranty related issues.

But in the case of the original installation company no longer being in business or are otherwise uncontactable, GoodWe customers are advised to contact  their customer warranty support department directly on the number listed above. GoodWe will then handle the process of sourcing an installer, and arrange for replacement of the solar inverter.

Goodwe has 17 solar inverters in our database

Filter by:

Inverter Size 
Phase type 
Model number
Approx Price
Inverter Size
Max Efficiency (%)
# of MPPT's
Phase Type
1500 W
Single phase
2000 W
Single phase
2500 W
Single phase
3000 W
Single phase
5000 W
Single phase
6000 W
Single phase
8500 W
Single phase
10000 W
Single phase
5000 W
Three phase
6000 W
Three phase
8000 W
Three phase
10000 W
Three phase
12000 W
Three phase
15000 W
Three phase
3000 W
Single phase
5000 W
Single phase
6000 W
Single phase


Goodwe Reviews (2634)

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  • 5 star 2146
  • 4 star 393
  • 3 star 35
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View Timeline

The GoodWe inverter is user-friendly, efficient, and operates quietly. The app monitoring feature provides real-time insights into energy production, which is fantastic for tracking savings. A great choice for my solar setup

Panel Brand

Jinko Solar

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

My system has been in operation for just over 3 weeks now. The inverter is a 10kW inverter and is doing its job. It is internet connected through WiFi and have had no problem with this so far.
The software that logs the performance of the system is quite good (viewed either a through phone app or a web browser) and provides a great deal of information. This information is quite valuable for anyone who would want to manage their energy usage and should be available to consumers whether they have a solar system or not.

Panel Brand


System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

The ratings change is due to the complete system I had installed by Vagus at a second property. Due to staff changes (management), my second system had different panels and invertor as per the contract as I was told there was a long delay due to supply. I believe it was a cheaper system as the inverter only had a five-year warranty until I complained, they then paid for an additional 5 year warranty extension.

Panel Brand

JA Solar

System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

GoodWe 8.5kW (GW8500-MS)

Very happy with this inverter. On a sunny day it's often pumping out around 9.3kW for hours with no issues. The third MPPT was a selling point for me due to occasional shading of the lower string from trees.

The Homekit consumption monitor is also effective and easy to use on both desktop or mobile app. It doesn’t allow dollar tracking as you cannot input values for various tariffs, however I find there's enough data for my needs. And hopefully future software updates will address this.

Panel Brand


System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

This inverter was the only 10Kw inverter on the market, so given we had over 12Kw of panels it was the only choice. Has been great so far: its connected up to wifi so I can track generation and feed in tariffs.

Panel Brand

Jinko Solar

System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

3 phase + 3 MPPT for three orientations E,N/E; N ; S on 6 sections of the roof.
Canopy installed
10 year warranty
Excellent to date

Panel Brand

Jinko Solar

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

I had the solar power system installed in July 2020 and since then the Goodwee inverter has been trouble free and performed well with respect to generating plenty of power. The mobile app is very user friendly and informative.

Panel Brand


System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

I cancelled the job as they keep telling me things that did not add up

Panel Brand

Jinko Solar

System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

An incentive was offered by Regen Power for this review. Learn more here.

Great price for a great inverter

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$0 to $2,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

The inverter is fine, ita the way it has been set up and if the installer submits the wrong information, you are the middle man between network and manufacturer.

System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

An incentive was offered by Regen Power for this review. Learn more here.

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

An incentive was offered by Regen Power for this review. Learn more here.

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

An incentive was offered by Regen Power for this review. Learn more here.

System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$15,000 to $20,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$12,500 to $15,000

System Size


Installed By

Simple and easy to read and operate.

Panel Brand

I don't know

System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

An incentive was offered by Regen Power for this review. Learn more here.

System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

An incentive was offered by Regen Power for this review. Learn more here.

System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

1 x 5kW Goodwe EH+ 1-Phase Hybrid Inverter
1 x Goodwe 1-Phase Consumption Monitor

Panel Brand

Aiko Solar

System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$8,000 to $10,000

System Size


Installed By

The Goodwe inverter is a very good inverter to install and to use and I haven't had any problems with the inverter at all.

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

An incentive was offered by Regen Power for this review. Learn more here.

Working perfectly, getting 5490 Watts during peak. Tracking via App and Webpage via Goodwe apps etc is great. Efficiency of the inverter is great. Zero problems.

Panel Brand

Jinko Solar

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

An incentive was offered by Regen Power for this review. Learn more here.

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$0 to $2,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

More than $20,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

We have recently had a problem with our Goodwe inverter on a house we purchased 12 months ago. Initially they were responsive until it became apparent that it was not an easy fix. Since then Goodwe have wanted nothing to do with us. They will not return calls. Will not return emails other than to tell us our problem has been received. It has been over 2 weeks and they are no help at all. Their service is bad.
My advice, pick another brand.

System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

Very reliable so far

System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

An incentive was offered by Regen Power for this review. Learn more here.

System Cost

$4,000 to $6,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$12,500 to $15,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$12,500 to $15,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

More than $20,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

More than $20,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

More than $20,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$6,000 to $8,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

More than $20,000

System Size


Installed By

Warranty of 10 years seems adequate.

Panel Brand

Jinko Solar

System Cost

$2,000 to $4,000

System Size


Installed By

System Cost

$10,000 to $12,500

System Size


Installed By

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