CMS solar inverters reviews

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About CMS, Solar Inverters

CMS solar inverters review

Founded around 2007, Carbon Management Solutions (CMS) was an Australian owned and managed solar business supplying components such as inverters for residential and commercial applications. While designed and engineered by CMS, Their inverters were manufactured  by a Taiwanese contractor.

Carbon Management Solutions reportedly went into voluntary administration in 2013, but re-emerged from the ashes like a phoenix under another name - Carbon Management Solutions Group Pty Ltd. That new entity didn't last all that long - ASIC notes it was deregistered in 2018.

The CMS website remains active in 2025, but appears to have been taken over by spammers, so you won't find any useful information there.

CMS Inverters

As well as standard grid connect inverters, CMS also offered the "Smart Series" under its new entity, heralded to be the next generation in innovative inverter technology. These inverters were able to monitor both household consumption as well as production of solar electricity. It was claimed the monitoring system could store up to three years’ worth of data, with the logs accessible via an ethernet or WiFi connection.

CMS inverters were available either in single- or three-phase, in capacities ranging from 1.5kW to 10kW.

Warranty Information

Carbon Management Solutions offered up to a 10-year inverter warranty. But when it liquidated in 2013 and re-emerged under a new name, it reportedly would not honour warranties issued under the previous company. And as the new company also folded, the only hope for a warranty claim for the newer CMS inverters (if any still have coverage) is through whichever company installed them.

It would be surprising if any of these inverters are still installed and operating today - and repairing a CMS inverter that has failed could be a challenge. Consider putting that cash towards a good inverter from another brand more likely to be around for the long haul.

CMS Solar Inverter Reviews

Stopped working and apparently company had gone just so couldn't get it replaced under warranty.
Bought From: Pure Earth Energy
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Bought From: Supercharged Energy Show additional information
Bought From: Perth Solar Force Show additional information
No nothing to add except I have 4 other systems to compare it with and it's right up there, fortunately.
Bought From: Beyond Solar NSW
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I have three inverters (3 Phase, 2 x CMS one x Solarmax), every company has gone broke leaving me with no warranty. Most solar installers have also gone broke complicating the whole process.
Bought From: Mark Group Australia NSW
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Bought From: All Green Environmental Solutions Show additional information
Bought From: CSA Services Show additional information
Bought From: CSA Services Show additional information
We have not had the best of weather but the promised cost recovery is well on target
Bought From: Solar Automation Systems
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it apppearsto work but I do not know if it is operating to its full potential.
Bought From: SolarGen
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Bought From: Harelec Outer Show additional information
Bought From: Solar Online Show additional information
No problems after 26 months
Bought From: Kangaroo Valley Solar
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Bought From: Halcol Energy Show additional information
Bought From: CSA Services Show additional information
Bought From: Aussie Solar Show additional information
But in rating this we have had trouble with the inverter not working but CMS have repaired and then upon failure again have replaced with a newer model that is working brilliantly.
Bought From: Solar Distributors Pty Ltd
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Bought From: CSA Services Show additional information
Never had a fault
Bought From: All Green Environmental Solutions
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Bought From: Halcol Energy Show additional information
Has been in for about 2 years no issues
Bought From: Go Green Generation
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First on broke down after two months and took another three months before i had it replaced with a new one. Since then it has been working fine.
Bought From: Solartech Energy Solutions
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Bought From: CSA Services Show additional information
Bought From: CSA Services Show additional information
Bought From: MV Solar Show additional information
Bought From: Spectrum Solar Show additional information
Bought From: Solar Australia Newcastle Show additional information
Bought From: Ecovibe PL Show additional information
We bought 5kw inverter we had trouble with it for the first 6 months and our installer came back on several occasions and then he changed it to 3x2kw and has been working good since.
Bought From: CSA Services
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Seems to be working OK, however, last year generated quite a good profit, however, this year barely broke even. Not sure if it's the inverter or the input / output meter.
Bought From: Solar Wholesalers
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Trying to get inverter replaced. Still waiting
Bought From: Halcol Energy
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Bought From: Aussie Solar Show additional information
Bought From: Sunburst Solar Show additional information
Bought From: Solar Sense Show additional information
the inverter worked good for 18 months then unknown to me it stoped working for 1-2 months before I realised it was not working. Contacted Scott Ford re warranty and it took about 1 month to instal a replacement. Not very good about 400 dollars down the drain???. The new inverter is a new model and is a lot better than the old one.(shows more info ) ,but it is early days, time will tell how good it is.
Bought From: All Green Environmental Solutions
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I have had no problems at all
Bought From: CSA Services
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I am going to have this whole system checked. My system is a 1.92kw but is performing poorly even against a standard 1.5 kw system .I have now had the system running for 2 years next month and whilst initially seemed to be running well the last 3 rebates from the electricity supplier have been less than encouraging . Looking at the output meter reading since installation shows just on 3000 kw produced ,so I don't know where the problem lies.
Bought From: The Solar Renewable Energy Corp
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Bought From: Sunwise Energy PV Show additional information
Bought From: CSA Services Show additional information
Bought From: All Green Environmental Solutions Show additional information
Bought From: Ecosmart Solar Sydney Show additional information
2 * CMS 2000 running with 3KW of pannels
Bought From: All Green Environmental Solutions
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So far I have had no problems what so ever.
Bought From: Solaire Connect
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Bought From: CSA Services Show additional information
Inverter is 28 months old. Would not expect any issues.
Bought From: Time Electrical
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Appears to be working very good and provides important data to let you know how things are going
Bought From: Halcol Energy
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Bought From: Mojarra Show additional information
Bought From: DPR Network Show additional information
I have no idea if it is performing to it capacity.
Bought From: Halcol Energy
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Bought From: Smart Power Technologies Show additional information

CMS has 9 solar inverters in our database

Model DC Voltage AC Power Efficiency
CMS - 2800100-500280096.50
CMS-10000200-800 1000097.00
CMS-1500SS550 V1500 96.00
CMS-3000SS550 V300097.00
CMS-5000100-500 500097.00
CMS5000SS550 V500097.00
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