Sungrid Reviews
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Sungrid is a Solar Power Installation company based in Fremantle and serves WA. Here are their reviews as submitted by visitors to SolarQuotes
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Sungrid Reviews (1)
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- 5 star 0
- 4 star 1
- 3 star 0
- 2 star 0
- 1 star 0
04 September 2012
Original Review on 14-08-2010:
We took up a Sungrid package promoted as part of the "Days of Change" program in Western Australia. Our choice was made after comparing the cost and advertised performance of that package with other packages identified by Solar Quotes and solarchoice.The discounted price of the Sungrid package made it unbeatable, particularly when we took into account the performance specifications of the Sungrid panels. Our system has been installed for less than two weeks, and we have yet to receive our electricity account, but we are pleased with what we have seen of the generating capacity recorded by the Orion inverter. The panels start generating a small amount of power shortly after dawn and, after building up to high levels during the day, they keep working until the sun drops quite low. We have had rain and cloud on some days but, even when the day has been dull, the panels have generated some power. Original ratings
Panel rating: 4/5
Inverter rating: 4/5
Value for money: 5/5
Quality of System: 5/5
Installation: 5/5
Customer Service: 3/5
25 months later we asked Cathie: "Are you happy with the performance of your system so far?"
Yes. Our rating of the components as good rather than fantastic may be due to the position of the system being less than optimum. It is angled slightly east of north and receives some afternoon shadow from a chimney. But, despite having nowhere else to put it, we are quite happy with its performance.