Kubo Electrical

Kubo Electrical Reviews


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Why choose Kubo Electrical.

The team at Kubo Electrical is dedicated to designing solar systems that work for you.

Using our in-house teams of electricians and engineers we are dedicated to ensure your investment pays off with reliable and trustworthy products that are designed to last.


After the initial design and installation, we provide an ongoing commitment to all clients that their solar panel systems are generating the power they need. With ongoing monitoring, we are here to help and advise you if your system needs to be serviced or expanded as your power requirements have increase.


At Kubo Electrical, we have a strong track record in safety, reliability, affordability and customer satisfaction. We’re CEC accredited and are signatories to the CEC retailer, designer and installer code of conduct.


When it comes to the day-to-day, we’re professional, honest and energetic, and keep you front of mind while delivering quality work. We guarantee our work for 7 years and each job comes with a certificate of compliance and a full service manual.

Our team is dedicated to only using trusted brands and materials, and you’ll also get a manufacturer’s guarantee.

Panels, inverter, battery and EV charger brands

Panel brands currently installed

Inverter brands currently installed

Battery brands currently installed

The views expressed by reviewers are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of SolarQuotes Home Electrification Pty Ltd, which makes no representations as to the accuracy of the reviews. For our full disclaimer and further information, see our Terms of Use and our Review Guidelines.

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