Green Solutions - Company Review Notice Green Solutions - Company Review Notice
Green Solutions

Green Solutions Reviews


Based on 5 ratings

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Green Solutions is a Solar Power Installation company based in Coffs Harbour and serves NSW. Here are their reviews as submitted by visitors to SolarQuotes
Panels, inverter, battery and EV charger brands

Panel brands previously installed

Inverter brands previously installed

The views expressed by reviewers are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of SolarQuotes Home Electrification Pty Ltd, which makes no representations as to the accuracy of the reviews. For our full disclaimer and further information, see our Terms of Use and our Review Guidelines.

Green Solutions Reviews (5)

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Customer Service

  • 5 star 0
  • 4 star 1
  • 3 star 2
  • 2 star 0
  • 1 star 2
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I would like to thank your web page for the information that it was able to assist me in choosing the type of system and products. Your web got me across the line in going head with solar.

Thank you for arranging quotes from suppliers. I decided to go with a local solar supplier.
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Original Review on 14-06-2011:

SolarQuotes site assisted greatly with the various sites to research all about solar power as I had no idea what I was getting into. Original ratings

Panel rating: 3/5
Inverter rating: 3/5

Value for money: 3/5
Quality of System: 4/5
Installation: 4/5
Customer Service: 3/5

15 months later we asked Thomas: "Are you happy with the performance of your system so far?"

My expectations were higher than actual returns. Only signed up after supplier informed me AGL was paying $0.28c/kWh and installed a Net Metering system but AGL has turned around and reduced this feed in rate to a paltry $0.08c/kWh. As soon as contact up going to another supplier, Energy Australia. Can only prey now that the system lasts long enough to recoup my investment. Being ripped off by energy supply companies and restrictions imposed by this Government that now only pay $0.08c/kWh and have the audacity to sell our generated power back to us at more that triple what they pay us for producing it. The contribute this to their overheads, wires, repeating stations but we householders have overheads also, annual inspections and cost of replacing these inverters every few years. Also very disappointed at how much we were ripped off by the supplies of these systems with grossly over inflated prices when Government rebates were in place, but now reduced. I purchased a 3.12kW system for $10,000 and could now purchase a system twice the size for the same money.
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Hidden cost after installation of panels and invertor.
Sales person did not inspect meter board,the board was too old to accept invertor connection.
Whole board had to be replaced plus new wiring up to Country Energy incomming terminal.
Did get a second and third opinion,one electrical tradesman(known to me) said yes complete replacement
needed,the other one said we may be able to bodgie up.
Total cost of replacement and wiring $1500
Now in second week of waiting for council inspection and connection to grid
Hope to be on solar power soon.
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