Gotta Getta Group GGG Solar Panels - Company Review Notice Gotta Getta Group GGG Solar Panels - Company Review Notice
Gotta Getta Group GGG Solar Panels

Gotta Getta Group GGG Solar Panels Reviews

79% 0% 100%

Based on 27 ratings


The Gotta Getta Group has been in business for 26 years and provides a wide range of home improvement services, including solar panels. It is based in South Australia
Panels, inverter, battery and EV charger brands

Inverter brands previously installed

The views expressed by reviewers are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Peacock Media Group, which makes no representations as to the accuracy of the reviews. For our full disclaimer and further information, see our Terms of Use and our Review Guidelines.

Gotta Getta Group GGG Solar Panels Reviews (27)

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Customer Service

  • 5 star 0
  • 4 star 12
  • 3 star 4
  • 2 star 7
  • 1 star 4

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Bad service

I have had my system for 8 years, in that 8 years I have never been in credit ,now my inverter has divided to stop ,been told that have to get an electrician out to look at, I am on a pension and can't afford to get one out ,rang ggg and they said they have changed hands and don't do solar any more, so now I am stuck with a system that don't work and still paying for ,not happy
Inverter rating: 1/5
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We bought the GGG Solar when they were advertising payment plans for the elderly to install Solar. We are still paying for a system that does not work at all. There is noone to contact. Dont know what to do. Totally crap system. The Inverter is no longer functioning. Dont know what to do. Would not buy anything of any company that is associated with them rip offs

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Do not ever go through Gotta Getta Group for your Solar Power Unit. We had major problems after we discovered half of our roof panels were not connected to the grid and not producing credits on our bills due to incompetent installers. GGG mucked us around so much to fix it that we took them to court! They turned up at the first hearing and never did again, wasting everyone's time. We won and they had to pay to us for the loss and legal fees. Good win for us!! We have now discovered our Inverter is not working and we need to replace it at our cost as the manufacturer has gone under!! Typical!! Never will I recommend this mob!!
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Had now issues until now, almost four years. Inverter now showing "Fault". Should still be under warranty, but GGG are now wiping their hands of it.
Want me to pay over $1000 for a new inverter. Will not be happening & will be contacting consumer affairs.
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3 years on the inverter failed. I believe GGG have changed their ABN and now call themselves GGGplus - SO WILL NOT HONOUR WARRANTY!!
They will replace it at a cost of $1500 - I DON'T THINK SO.
I will spend my money elsewhere.
The number of phone calls over the last 3 years trying to get me to buy something else has almost been harassment.
I would not deal with them again.
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Initial service and installation was good, my inverter has failed and they will not honour the five year warranty. They now expect me (an old age pensioner) to find $920 to get it fixed. The inverter cannot be fixed and has to be replaced. It has only been just over three years which tells me that the inverter was not fit for purpose, according to consumer law it should be replaced with no charge to me. But I cannot spend the time or money fighting it. SHAME ON YOU Gotta Getta Group, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME.
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Initially I was very satisfied with every aspect of the deal and I was assured it was a quality system. After two years the inverter failed. I was told it would be two weeks before it could be repaired but after endless phone calls and promises it took months and then when it was done it took one minute!! It is still not perfect but when I asked the installer why the lights no longer worked he just said it was not his concern. I have given up and am just hoping it will work. They did tell me the inverter often breaks down as it is poor quality. I have been very disappointed.
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We where told we would save at least 3rd of our bill which was about $300 on a 3 kW system and in actual fact we saved $30 off every bill.
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Inverter is broken & have been waiting a ridiculous amount of time for repair. Apparently the imported inverters are breaking down & GGG have the parts to get it going again.. but the installer needs training before he can bodge up the broken inverter!!
Please give GGG a wide birth folks. Product breaks down, they don't seem to have a solution to fix it & customer service is zero.
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Hi we installed a 3kW system last June 2013. We thought we were getting a good deal. The salesperson looked at out electricity bill and suggests 5 kW. Our main concern was just not having or as little as possible electrical bill. The sales person suggested 3kw to just wipe out our bill ?? We have had the system for 1 year and still receive bills for the amount over $400.00. I would like to get out inverter check ed and our panels to see what we have actually paid for. I have contacted the Company late last year and they suggested we should see a fall soon - YEAH RIGHT. I would like to have the system checked out, can anyone please suggest something/someone. We live in the western suburbs of Adelaide.
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The Sales Rep was fantastic, install was easy and quick.....then our problems began. They told us if they broke any roof tiles, they would replace them. LIES. They didn't even tell us they broke some, they used our spare tiles, used silicone to fix one and then just didn't bother with another one. We only found out when it rained and we had a leak in our lounge room, they are claiming zero liability, we have to go through our insurance company to get repairs done and now they don't want to know us. Customer service is VERY VERY POOR.
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I had an absolute nightmare with the installers(rtc electrical). The house was already fitted with a clipsal safety switch(small three circuit) but required a mains switch which i said ok. They gave me the option to install an enclosed switch for $220 or a full board upgrade for $1000. I went for the cheaper option as the safety switch works perfectly. During the first day the guy fitting the switch pulls the cover off, checks to see how to wire in the mains switch, drills holes in the wall and mounts the new mains switch. then, spends the next 4 hours going too and thro staring at the switch and talking to another guy outside. Next, they both tell me that i need a complete board upgrade as its too small, doesn't have nma/lma or something, only has neutral and is not earthed properly(they told me it also only had 1 bar which i could clearly see 2 and pointed it out to them, then he recanted and said, yes 2 but both neutral,no earth and i required a third).
I said wow, really, this was made to gov,reg,standards and fitted by a gov approved installer back in the day (maybe only 20 odd years ago. Sufficed to say that was the end of day one.
Come day 2 and a third person rolls up and their all having a good chat outside for about an hour.
Then, all three come inside and this third person tells me i require to do a full board upgrade, and
states the same reasons, my reply was, give me a quote. So after about 20 minutes he hands me
a scrap piece of paper without a name, number or anything, with a list of items without prices and
tells me all these need to be done before we continue with the install of the board and the solar.
Everything was in pieces, all the panels were laying out under the carport, their associated parts scattered all over the place, i was being held to ransom. They also proceeded to tell me with smiles on their faces that they've had to do the same recently to a few other property installs.
All this, plus putting up with a guy running around on my roof, stomping his feet, who infact was probably the only one i could ever hear on the roof out of the rest who treaded up there.
Needless to say, yes, he eventually fell through the bathroom ceiling and i'm still waiting for
someone to fix it! well, i just grabbed the yellow pages, found a reputable company and called them, told them the situation and the telephonist told me relax, stay calm and we'll send someone out to you asap. I received a call 15 mins later from one of their technicians and he arrived less then 10 mins later.(The tech that arrived has over 20yrs experience as a qualified electrician). He inspected my switch board and pointed out to me that everything was there and correct. Looked outside and told me that for a house that was built in the sixties that the grounding wire still looked brand new(without any age related wear and tear,stretching and that the coils were still tightly wound). I couldn't thank him enough.
as soon as he left, i didn't hear not one word from these so called professional installers and
they must of did more work in 3hours than the whole of the 2days that they were here.
Gotta getta group(ggg) insist that
their installers are trained professionals and screened to sift out the cowboys and scammers who are rife in the industry.
Well, i think they should change their name to gonna getcha group.
I'm also going to have to stop listening to leon byner spruiking this company as it seems only high
profile clients are emune to the traps.
I'll update this post at a later date.
Just had the bathroom ceiling repair finished after a couple of days of incident.
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We were using about $800 per quarter.
The system in 17 days has gained us more than 250 Kwh reverse on the meter with all normal appliances going and the pool motor running in the daytime.
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We signed up to ggg 60 cents feed in for three years with Simply Energy but for 7 months havnt got the right feed in... Numerous calls to ggg have not fixed the problem.
they say simply energy are to blame but I can't get any resolution from them either we haven't had a bill right in 7 months!
ggg didn't return our last call...

we are contacting consumer affairs/ energy ombudsman
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Original Review on 26-04-2011:

As stated above, most compaines would not even quote when asked about installation on an Alulite (aluminium re-roofed) tyled roof.
Great care must be taken in not breaking any tiles or creating future water leaks and GGG have done this type of install before and are willing to add extra battons & plastic sheeting under the tyles and guarantee their work.
Original ratings

Panel rating: 4/5
Inverter rating: 4/5

Value for money: N/A
Quality of System: N/A
Installation: N/A
Customer Service: N/A

17 months later we asked Lindsay: "Are you happy with the performance of your system so far?"

As my setup is a split installation - 9 panels on the North face and 9 on the West face of the roof, with a dual balanced input Inverter, the perfomance varies conciderably depending on the sun angle over the roof.

I get excellent solar power generation for most of the daylight hours over Summer and into late March.

However, between April and mid-September it's only well after midday that both sets of panels are generating power, and then that's (of course) dependent on Winter cloud cover, rain and overcast conditions, same for everyone I guess.

Summer Av daily output 17kW/h - up to 22+kW/h
Winter Av daily output 10.5kW/h - up to 16.8kW/h
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Original Review on 23-09-2010:

Very pleased with the service. I enquired on-line at 4 sites. The Gotta Get Group were the first to reply the next day with a rep in the Barossa area and an appointment cancellation. They quoted and I accepted and it has been installed for 2 weeks. All very pleasant and easy with no problems and I am very happy with the quality and the workmanship. The other replies to my enquiry dribbled in at least a week later. Original ratings

Panel rating: 0/5
Inverter rating: 1/5

Value for money: 4/5
Quality of System: 4/5
Installation: 5/5
Customer Service: 5/5

24 months later we asked Ngaire: "Are you happy with the performance of your system so far?"

Definitely not - I am feeling quite 'ripped off"
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We signed up in relative haste thanks to a salesman who was quite good at his job and the looming June 30 deadline. Since we signed, there seems to have been no apparent haste on their part to have the sytem installed by June 30, which has made us realise that we have probably overpaid. In terms of customer service, they have responded to all of my queries to this point, although not necessarily with any sense of urgency.
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Man came out to look at roof. A;; of the others went onto Google. Our roof is not what it seems and so the panels could not fit where the others said they would. The man was informative and friendly and knew his product well.

Installation much better than any of the others. No attached to tiles but roof beams. Wiring inside the roof and walls nit in a pipe outside the building. Delivered on time, no mess no fuss. Cleaned up afterward. Very very pleased.

Follow up from GGG has been brilliant. We are swapping our electricity provider and they have been in touch right the way through to make sure everything is on track. The rep from GGG is fabulous. We are very very happy.
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Thanks for your advice and helpful tips on the website it helped me alot.
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I would like to thank you for your help and all the information you gave me. It did help me understand solar power. Thanks Solar Quotes.
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The only problem was a lack of notice to arrange access to the property by both GGG and the installers. If I was home all the time this would not be an issue.
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