WA Government Announces Clean Energy Future Fund Cash

Clean Energy Future Fund - Western Australia

Western Australia’s McGowan Government has opened applications for the first round of the Clean Energy Future Fund (CEFF), worth around $2 million.

Projects will be eligible for funding of between $250,000 and $2 million in each instance, with the State Government funding up to a quarter of eligible project costs. Projects will be evaluated on their capacity to reduce emissions, potential for wider uptake, innovation and financial viability.

In this first round priority will be given to facilities required to report under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme and those located in regional and remote areas – those on the fringe of the grid or not connected to the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) or the North West Interconnected System (NWIS – Pilbara region of Western Australia).

40% of the merit criteria score on applications will be related to emissions reduction attributes; i.e. demonstrated evidence of the quantifiable direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions reductions expected to be achieved and how the project aligns with the State Government’s aspiration to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across Western Australia’s economy by 20501.

Applicant guidelines for Round 1 can be found here. The application closing date is 7am AWST, 13 July 2020.

“Western Australia is home to some incredible innovation that can help underpin a prosperous, low-carbon future,” said Environment Minister Stephen Dawson. “Clean energy technologies and industries will be an important source of future jobs and will support sustainable growth.”

Future Funding From Fracking?

The total fund, which is being administered by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation with support from Energy Policy WA, is worth $9.28 million. In addition to the $2 million available this year, 2021/22 and 2022/23 will each see around $3 million released, with the balance of funds to be granted in 2023/24.

Royalties from future unconventional onshore oil and gas projects (e.g. fracking) in WA may be directed to the Fund for future funding rounds states this page. It was back in 2018 when the McGowan Government announced it had lifted a moratorium on fracking, but committed to using fracking royalties for funding new renewable energy projects.

It was an interesting way to add a spoonful of sugar to what is a very bitter medicine (or poison). Clever or cunning? You be the judge.


  1.  The WA State Climate Policy that will help pave the way towards this goal is being developed and will be released sometime this year
About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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