Equis Energy’s Wandoan South Solar Project Approved
The massive Wandoan South Solar Project, which could become the largest operating solar farm in Australia, has been granted approval to proceed by Western Downs Regional Council.
The 1-gigawatt capacity solar farm is to be constructed at a site 21km south-west from Wandoan in Queensland. The venture is an Equis Energy project, adding to the 3.7GW of renewable energy generation assets in the company’s portfolio.
Wandoan’s agriculture-based economy will get a welcome boost from the $1.5 billion project, and it’s expected up to 600 jobs will be created across the three stages of development.
“We are serious about cementing the Western Downs as the energy capital of Australia and securing the enormous economic and community benefits that will bring to our region,” said Mayor Paul McVeigh.
A facility of this size could use anywhere up to 4 million solar panels ( figure based on 250 watt modules).
Other Major Solar Projects In The Western Downs Region
Western Downs Regional Council has certainly been walking their solar energy talk.
In June, it approved a 100 megawatt solar farm to be built 16km north-east of Chinchilla. In January, Council gave the green light to what was the largest PV project approved for the region at that point – a 300MW solar power station for a site between Miles and Chinchilla.
The three recently approved projects will collectively generate enough electricity to power the equivalent of more than 462,000 average Queensland homes.
In addition to approving seven solar farms in the region, Council also harnesses the power of the sun to generate electricity at its own facilities; reducing its carbon footprint and slashing energy costs.
Twelve Council-owned facilities already had solar panels installed by July. During the 2017/18 financial year, the solar power system rollout will continue – including arrays at three wastewater treatment plants, two water treatment plants, four swimming pools and two community and cultural centres.
“By doing business smarter and more efficiently we’re reinvesting in the future of our communities and delivering value for money solutions that will allow us to deliver our core functions sustainably,” said Councillor Ray Brown last month.
Large-scale solar project approval announcements have been more frequent in Australia recently. Late last month, we reported New South Wale’s Department of Planning and Environment gave its nod to four major solar power projects to be constructed in the west of the state with a collective capacity of 275MW.
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