The Top-Rated Solar Installers In Melbourne In 2024

Who are the top five solar installers servicing Melbourne in 2024? Here are the best, as rated by SolarQuotes reviewers over the past three years.


I looked at all companies based in Melbourne with at least 15 reviews in the last three years and ranked them based on the highest average review score.

If scores were equal, the winner goes to the company with more reviews.

Top 5 Melbourne Solar Installers

There’s always tough competition for the top spots. The difference between first and fifth place was only 0.02/5!

This year’s winners are:

First place: JWS Electrical Services, based in Keilor East, with a score of 4.98/5 based on 127 reviews

An install by JWS

Second place: Green Line Solar, based in Heatherton, with a score of 4.98/5 based on 110 reviews

An install by Green Line Solar

Third place: Western Elec, based in Werribee, with a score of 4.98/5 based on 15 reviews

An install by Western Elec

Fourth place: Everlite Electrical, based in Dandenong South, with a score of 4.97/5 based on 27 reviews

An install by Everlite

Fifth place: Jet Solar, based in Rowville, with a score of 4.96/5 based on 258 reviews

An install by Jet Solar

Interview With This Year’s Winner – JWS Electrical Services

We had a chat with director Josh Seeberger:

Why do you think JWS claimed the top spot?

At JWS we believe that we attract happy customers because of our ability to be completely transparent with them in what they will receive with their solar installation, and then delivering on those promises.


All our staff are in-house. Personally, as the Director of JWS, I am also the head installer and have a strong vested interest in ensuring all jobs are completed to impeccable standards.

Are there any specific challenges when it comes to installing solar in Melbourne?

All of the audits and inspections do add a layer of complexity, as every inspector has a different take on installations.


On the positive, it does clean up the industry and eliminate those installers who aren’t doing the right thing.

If you’d like to get quotes from this year’s winners, visit my list of Melbourne solar installers, select up to three, then hit “Get quotes from selected companies”:

How to choose installers in melbourne

Or, if you’re happy for us to choose for you from our network of vetted installers, just fill in the form here. If you choose to install with one of my companies, I literally guarantee you’ll have a good experience.

About Finn Peacock

I'm a Chartered Electrical Engineer, Solar and Energy Efficiency nut, dad, and the founder of I started SolarQuotes in 2009 and the SolarQuotes blog in 2013 with the belief that it’s more important to be truthful and objective than popular. My last "real job" was working for the CSIRO in their renewable energy division. Since 2009, I’ve helped over 800,000 Aussies get quotes for solar from installers I trust. Read my full bio.


  1. > ranked them based on the *highest average review score*

    Okay, I realise this is just a promo for your quoting service, but lets take your 1st and 5th place based on this methodology:

    1st: JWS Electrical Services
    4.98/127 reviews

    5th: Jet Solar
    4.96/258 reviews

    Which is the better company? 4.98 stars with 127 reviews, or 4.96 stars with 258 reviews? It’s nearly impossible to tell. This is why star ratings offer no real insight for end consumers when you’re comparing values like this.

    Star ratings and reviews of course have their place, but as a company who touts themselves as truely independent I would love to see you auditing a % of the installations yourselves.

    Consumers are great at rating their experience with an installer, but they (myself included), lack the ability to assess system design, implementation and long term performance. I’m sure you also slice the data in more interesting ways too.

    There is so much you could do in this space!

    • Finn Peacock says

      Hi Leah,

      Agreed, average star ratings are not ideal. We will trial Bayesian averages soon – watch this space. In your example, both installers are absolutely excellent, so I can’t say who is better. But we tried to use a simple to understand method that gives a chance to the newer, smaller companies doing great work too.

      We put a lot of time, money and our souls int a ‘SolarQuotes Installer Audit’ program a few years ago – but the realities of making it work, meant it just didn’t fly in practice. Although it did reassure us that our stringent vetting is very effective. It has to be our Good Installer Guarantee would bankrupt us!

      Thanks for the feedback. We are always open to ways to make our reviews more useful.

  2. We had our install done by EOC Energy, they were great.

    I think they’ve got over 15 reviews in 3 years and are 5 stars.

    Ultimately lots of good companies in Melbourne, and plenty of bad. Sifting through reviews making sure they are legit can also be hard.

    Anyway thought they might be worth adding

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