The Top-Rated Solar Installers In Brisbane In 2024

Who are the top-rated solar installers in Brisbane in 2024?

I looked at all companies based in Brisbane with at least 15 reviews in the last three years and ranked them based on the highest average review score.

If scores were equal, the winner goes to the company with more reviews.

Top 5 Brisbane Solar Installers

This year’s winners are:

First place: Maritz Electrical, based in Bulimba, with a score of 5/5 based on 17 reviews

An install by Maritz Electrical

Second place: Eco Bay Electrical, based in Cleveland, with a score of 4.99/5 based on 18 reviews

An install by Eco bay electrical

Third place: Amplify Electrical, based in Mansfield, with a score of 4.97/5 based on 18 reviews

An install by Amplify electrical

Fourth place: Solar Air Energy, based in Morningside, with a score of 4.95/5 based on 59 reviews.

An installation by Solar Air Energy

Fifth place: LMS Electrical, based in Slacks Creek, with a score of 4.95/5 based on 26 reviews.

An install by LMS Electrical

Interview With This Year’s Winner – Maritz Electrical

We had a chat with owner Jan Maritz about why he thinks they took the top spot:

At Maritz Electrical, we prioritise three core values: customer service, quality products and overall value.


We take the time to understand our clients’ needs and recommend the best solutions tailored to them, rather than pushing particular products.

We also asked him what, if anything, makes the Brisbane market unique when it comes to solar:

The market is extremely competitive. As an installer, our pricing needs to be on point so customers feel they’re getting a good deal – more than anything, customers are looking for a good deal.

If you’re considering solar for your home or business and would like quotes from this year’s winners, visit my list of Brisbane solar installers, select up to three, then hit “Get quotes from selected companies”:

How to get quotes from this years' winners

Or, if you are happy for the SolarQuotes algorithm to choose up to 3 pre-vetted installers for you, just pop your postcode in here. If you choose to install with one of them, I guarantee you’ll have a good experience.

About Finn Peacock

I'm a Chartered Electrical Engineer, Solar and Energy Efficiency nut, dad, and the founder of I started SolarQuotes in 2009 and the SolarQuotes blog in 2013 with the belief that it’s more important to be truthful and objective than popular. My last "real job" was working for the CSIRO in their renewable energy division. Since 2009, I’ve helped over 800,000 Aussies get quotes for solar from installers I trust. Read my full bio.


  1. Sean Michaels says

    I’ve just started my solar research and was looking for Brisbane-based companies when I found this article. 2 lines in and I couldn’t help but laugh. 15 reviews over 3 years? Is that all you need to be named the best? Give me a break!

    Surely a minimum of 100 reviews would be a more statistically significant dataset and give this article more credibility. I think I’ll keep looking. Thanks for the laugh though.

    • Finn Peacock says

      Sean, you pick your own number – all good. The higher the number, the fewer small companies you’ll get. We’ve found that 15 reviews ensures the really little guys get a fair go too. Remember, typically well under ten percent of customers will leave a review on any one platform.

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