Energex Tries To Stop Tide Of Batteries With Bonkers Tariff 31 and 33 Rule

king energex on a throne

Cnut from Energex1 tries to stop batteries.

Energex is the state government owned network operator for all of Queensland.  They receive electricity from the high voltage transmission lines that Powerlink manages and distribute it to the state’s homes and businesses. They also kindly distribute it things that aren’t homes or business, including my cousin’s non-profit Fight Club Community Center2. [Read more…]

European Union Pressures U.S. & China with Strict Carbon Regulations

At a summit in Brussels, leaders of the EU endorsed a target date to cut greenhouse gases by at least 40% from 1990 levels by 2030. Based on current progress, the goal’s outlook is positive despite the fact that meeting the goal by the deadline will cost $48 billion a year to implement the increased deployment of solar and other green energy. This agreement now puts pressure on other nations such as the United States and China to respond. For a full article, click here:: EU Leaders Agree to Tough Carbon Regulations to Spur Renewable Energy Development and Fight Climate Change

Danny Broad Enters the ARENA

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) announced that commercial manager, Danny Broad, has been appointed by the Australian government to ARENA’s Board. Broad is expected to help ARENA in its efforts using the 2.4 billion dollar mandate to improve competiveness and use of renewable energy in Australia. For more on this story, read the full article here:: Danny Broad appointed to the board of ARENA

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