We are seeing a lot of battery companies only quoting the payback of solar and batteries combined. But adding batteries makes payback worse. So always compare the payback of just solar.
I want you to know I have a great investment for you. Believe me, it’s great. I have all the best investments. Trust me — it’s yuge! If you invest in the Ronald Trump fund you will get an average return of over 4%. I guarantee it!1 Just hand over your money and you’ll start making money!
What’s that? You want me to actually explain what I will do with your money? Trust me, you don’t want to worry your pretty little head about that!
What? You do want to worry your pretty little head about that? Alright then, what I will do is take your money and invest it in the Australian stock market. Then each year I will take all the dividends and all the capital gains and I will reinvest half and I will take the other half in the form of $50 notes and burn them. It will be great! In 10 years you can have over a 50% return!
Wait a minute! Calm down! You say you don’t want me to burn half the money your investment makes? I don’t understand why you are complaining. You will still come out ahead! [Read more…]
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