WA government gives ground on solar energy purchase agreements

Perth skyline

It is now a lot easier for for WA and Perth Solar Installers to sell Power Purchase Agreements (or PPAs)

It’s not often that the Clean Energy Council and a conservative government agree on funding for solar energy purchase agreements but this week appears to have achieved that very scenario. For the West Australian government — that bastion of conservatism west of Adelaide — has introduced a scheme which will make it easier for customers to access solar energy.

The key is the removal of certain restrictions on solar power purchase agreements (PPAs), said Clean Energy Council WA Manager Dermot Costello. He added that the proposed change could help households and businesses make an informed choice about benefit from solar power, according to a CEC press release. [Read more…]

Will solar leasing in Australia offer certainty for homeowners?

solar panels and australian cash

Will your solar purchase be Cheque, Savings or Credit?

Do the benefits of solar leasing in Australia outweigh the traps for young players?

It’s a given that Australians, perhaps more than any other nationality, prefer ownership over leasing or renting. Etched into our history of suspicion of authorities and banks, this is expressed most clearly in “The Great Australian Dream” — to completely own one’s own home or block of land.

This preference to be one’s own master is also true of domestic solar arrays. The preference for homeowners has been to buy their solar panels outright. However this may not be possible for all and new solar leasing models which have become popular overseas are now being introduced into the Australian market. Supporters of the model claim it provides access to solar energy where none was previously available. [Read more…]

How I got a $33 power bill with solar – even with a crappy 8c buy back rate

Update: This post was written in 2015. It is still worth a read to understand how solar affects your bill – but if you want to browse all my recent bills you can do so here.

I got my quarterly electricity bill last week. It was $33. I was so happy that I tweeted AGL.

AGL’s reply is priceless:

I’m guessing AGL don’t get a lot of compliments on Twitter! I also posted a scan of my bill on SolarQuotes’ Facebook page:
[Read more…]

Big end of town bails out of coal

coal cash and solar

The smart money is moving out of coal. Hurrah!

Ever considered the consequences of mega coal companies investing in solar power?

This week news came through of the world’s largest coal miner — Coal India Limited — pumping a cool $1.2 billion into the development of 1,000MW solar plants in the country.

Under huge pressure to source their energy in a more environmentally friendly way, the public-owned company is helping carry out the new Indian government’s effort to promote domestic renewable energy. Researching sites to establish the solar plants throughout the various states has already begun.

However this news — major though it was — paled into insignificance compared to reports this week that the philanthropic arm of the Rockefeller family is leading an international move away from fossil fuels and towards clean energy. [Read more…]

Is Solar Leasing a Better Option than Buying Outright?

usa and aussie flags

Should Aussies follow the American way when it comes to solar leasing?

Are Americans are getting their butts handed to them with long-term solar leasing? And what can us Aussies do to come out ahead?

It seems the suits perched in the top floor offices on Wall-Street are finally taking notice of solar energy.  And that could spell bad news for American consumers.

American energy firms like SolarCity, a growing solar-energy giant based out of California, have been offering long-term, relatively affordable leasing arrangements to consumers for years; either by financing the installation of panels or charging users by the kilowatt-hour and selling the remaining power back to the grid.

But those arrangements are about to get a whole lot more expensive now that they, and firms like them, are going public.  Why?  Because their shareholders, many of them massive hedge funds and banks, are demanding an American-sized profit which can only be attained through skyrocketing costs to consumers.    [Read more…]

Is crowdfunding solar power the future financing model?


a crowd in front of solar panels

Crowd Funding Solar Is A Growing Trend

Will crowdfunding solar replace more traditional methods of funding solar energy readers?

At the time of writing we appear to be headed for a clean sweep of conservative governments across Australia (with the exception of the outpost of ACT). Though it is possible that the relatively progressive Weatherill government may retain government in South Australia through postal votes, it must be considered that the governments throughout the country will trend away towards support for renewable energy including solar.

Perhaps the relevant question is: Would this be a bad thing? [Read more…]

Pay-As-You-Go Solar Arrives In Australia

Sim Cards

PAYG Solar Too?

Have you considered installing a domestic solar system but have been put off by the initial cost? Then the recently-announced unveiling of a radical new pay-as-you-go plan in Australia may be for you.

According to an April 21 report in the Sydney Morning Herald, an American company, Sungevity Inc., has teamed up with Lismore-based solar installer Nickel Energy to set up an Australian subsidiary, Sungevity Australia, which offers free solar panel installation. [Read more…]

New Ways To Finance Residential Solar Power Systems

How can Massachusetts residents afford solar power? The same way they get cable television. Though a long term lease on solar panels Massachusetts residents can now have solar panels atop their homes for a fraction of the cost of buying them outright.

Plus they begin to reap the savings on their electric bills immediately.
The state of Massachusetts wants to go green. Yet unlike California and Arizona the vast areas of sun drenched land is not available for giant solar parks. In an effort to convince residents to place solar panels on their rooftops Massachusetts has a state subsidy program, Commonwealth Solar.

[Read more…]

Solar Payback Calculators Launched

How long will it take a solar power system to pay for itself?

What will my next bill be with solar?

How will electricity price increases affect the payback?

What about the Feed In Tariffs?

Is it a good idea to put the cost of the solar system on my mortgage?

What about one of those “Green Loans”?

These are questions I get asked every day. To help you answer them we are proud to announce that we have just released three solar power calculators:

1) Solar Savings calculator : How many $ will you save and what’s the payback if you pay 100% upfront for your solar system? This calculator wil tell you.

2)Solar Home Loans: Will you still save money if you add the cost to your home loan? What will you pay extra (or save) per month compared to not having solar? This calculator wil tell you.

3)Paying for Solar with a Personal Loan? Is it a good option financially? This calculator wil tell you.

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