South Australia Feed In Tariff Ends In September. What you need to know.

If you’ve opened any South Australian newspapers recently you’ve probably seen adverts from solar power installers screaming about the “IMMINENT REDUCTION IN THE SOUTH AUSTRALIA FEED IN TARIFF!!!”.

Regular readers of this blog will know that I’m not one to bombard you with pushy sales spiel, or use impending rebate cuts to pressure anyone into buying solar.

But what I will do is calmly go through the facts about the looming SA Feed In tariff reduction, and crunch a few numbers, so you can decide if you want to get in on the SA solar action before the 30 September 2013 deadline that a lot of solar companies are getting all worked up about.

First let’s look at the facts (some of which you can get from the horse’s mouth here).

The Facts

1) The value of the current SA FiT:

The current Feed In Tariff in SA is:

16c per kWh + 9.8c per kWh = 25.8c per kWh total

The reason I break it down into two parts is this:

The 16c is guaranteed until  30 September 2016.

The 9.8c is only guaranteed until 31 December 2013. The pollies haven’t decided what it will change to in 2014. It will probably change to about 10c, giving you 26c per kWh total, but that’s just my guess. Worst case would obviously be zero cents, giving you 16c per kWh total from 2014.

2) The deadline for getting the current FiT

To be eligible to get the 25.8c Feed In Tariff you need to “get permission to connect your solar system to the grid” before 30 September 2013, and you need to get the system installed by Jan 28th 2014.

The only legitimate way you can get permission to connect to the grid is to place a firm order for a solar system, so the installer can apply to SA Power Networks (formerly ETSA) for permission to connect.

At the moment it takes a couple of days for them to get this permission – but  my experience in all the other states tells me that as the end of September draws near there will be a huge rush on and it may take weeks to get permission.

So if you want to buy a solar system to get the current FiT my advice is don’t leave it any later than early September to place your order.

But that begs the obvious question:

3) Is it worth buying a solar system right now to get the current FiT?

Lets crunch some numbers so you can make your own mind up. Going to my solar payback calculator, we can run 2 scenarios:

a) Scenario 1: Buying a good quality 3kW solar solar system with the current Feed In Tariff

Key Assumptions:

26c per kWh FiT for 3 years, after which you get 10c per kWh

60% of energy is exported

Cost of 3kW system is $5,800 out of pocket.

graph of solar savings

Savings from 3kW of solar with the current South Australian FiT.

The first thing that jumps out at you is that in the first 3 years – whilst the generous FiT is in place – you are saving about $1200 per year based on both savings on your bill and credits for exported electricity.  The system is paid back in 5 years, and for the accountants out there – you are getting a very healthy 18.43% Internal Rate of Return. A pretty good investment?

But let’s now compare that with the scenario if you buy your system after 30 September 2013, and miss out on the FiT:

b) Scenario 2: Buying a good quality 3kW solar solar system without the current Feed In Tariff

Key Assumptions:

10c per kWh paid for all exported energy for the next 20 years.

60% of energy is exported

Cost of 3kW system is $5,800 out of pocket.

Here’s what the savings look like now:

solar savings graph without FiT

Solar savings on a 3kW system in SA without the current FiT

The difference is all in the first 3 years (obviously!). In this scenario you are losing about $400 per year for 3 years by missing the September 30 deadline. Your system pays for itself in 7 years, up from 5 and your IRR has dropped to 15.6%.

These numbers will change based on the size of the system you buy and how much energy you export. Feel free to have a play with the calculator using your own wild-assed-guess as to what the numbers should be for you!

But to answer the question I posed above – “Is it worth getting a solar system before 30 September to get the current SA FiT?”.  I’ve gotta say “Yes”. You may put about $1200 extra in your pocket over 3 years and pay off your system about 2 years quicker, depending on how much energy you export.  So if you are considering buying solar in SA, it makes a lot of sense to get it by the end of September.

And (warning blatant plug alert!) the easiest way to do that is to get 3 independent quotes from the best SA solar installers.

About Finn Peacock

I'm a Chartered Electrical Engineer, Solar and Energy Efficiency nut, dad, and the founder of I started SolarQuotes in 2009 and the SolarQuotes blog in 2013 with the belief that it’s more important to be truthful and objective than popular. My last "real job" was working for the CSIRO in their renewable energy division. Since 2009, I’ve helped over 800,000 Aussies get quotes for solar from installers I trust. Read my full bio.


  1. Rita Smith says

    You didn’t show any results for those who already have solar. Will the feed-in return change for us as well as for new connections?

    • Finn Peacock says

      Hi Rita,

      No if you already have solar you are unaffected as you already have a contract with SA Power Networks which they have to continue to uphold.


      • Andre Wilson says

        For what period of time does an existing contract remain valid ? We installed a 5kw system in October / November 2012 so are you saying that we will continue with our present tarrif / rates beyond 30th September 2013 ?

        • I got in early, here in Victoria, and the contract to supply power runs until 2024.
          Not that anyone with half a brain would count on it staying so.

      • Enver malkic says

        Hi Finn
        I live in Adelaide and have a 3.7 kw solar system with a 5 kw inverter
        I am home every day and was after advice re upgrading the number of panels on my roof to take up the capacity of the inverter
        I understand that my system was registered as a 3.7 kw system and any upgrade would see the loss of any feed in tariff
        With long spells of hot weather would i be better off putting on the extra panels, forget feed in tarrif and let solar pay for household running expenses during the day

        Any advice would be appreciated

  2. Thank you for sending me this. I bought a 6kw system from Solar 2000, installed January 2013. I had received replies from your 3 quotes site and followed up on what felt like the best way to go. Was very happy with installation; our first bill was in small credit and we’re wondering how we’ll do in the winter as we use more with heaters and there is less solar.
    So thanks for keeping on it and letting us know what’s going on.

    • If you have a 6Kw system and you received a SMALL credit for the summer quarter, I would be having a very serious look at the way you use, and waste electricity!!!Our 1.5Kw system has reduced our annual cost from over $1200 to under $280

      • Agree. I have 2.5kw up, and through careful use (juggling peak/off-peak, etc. clear about $1600 per year after costs (service-charge/ night-use, etc.)
        Get rid of electric heating first-up and install a pot-belly stove (or a hotdrum, big enough capacity to reduce fire-wood-cutting to very little.

    • Andre Wilson says

      We have just received our AGL a/c for the period 17 Apl to15 Jly 2013 which included part winter. During this period our 5kw system produced 296 kWh which was worth $189.37 credit on our a/c. During June & July our system has only been generating about 20 – 25 kWh per week – on average.

      • My 3kw system produced around 9-11kWh per day during June and July. In October, we got around 16-18kWh per day. Something must be amiss with your system?

        • Andre Wilson says

          There is something wrong with the figures provided by a correspondent for his power export to the grid and credit received in the July quarter. He states that he received $189.37 credit for 296 Kw. If this is correct he received 0.64 cents per Kw exported. During the same period, my 5Kw system produced 734 Kw at a rebate of $ 0.2580 which gave me a credit of $189.37

        • Me too. My 2kw system (LaTrobe Valley ~ zone 4) has averaged 6.94 kwh per day over 3.5 years. (I keep a daily record.) That’s pretty close to what the various charts and maps predicted before I sized my system.
          Something’s not right. First thing to check is the circuit-breakers mounted on or near the panels: ie, not the switch-box mounted near the inverter. It sounds very much like one (or two?) of the ‘strings’ of panels isn’t working.

  3. Hi,
    Excellent information and very well written for so many people who need to be given information they can understand, particularly in this space where there is so much hype that is hard to evaluate.
    I bought my system based on your recommendations and I’m glad I did.
    (fellow engineer)

  4. I already have a 1.5 kw solar system installed before 30 sept 2011.Is it worth my while upgrading to 3kw system now and how much will I save.

    • Finn Peacock says

      Hi Ron,

      If you have a 3kW inverter and your grid connection application was for 3kW, then you can add panels at any time and keep your current FiT.

      If you have a 1.5kW inverter, then your new system will be classed as an upgrade and you will lose your current FiT.

      Hope That Helps,


      • Rod Kemp says

        Hi Finn

        I thought that in SA the initial approval to connect was based on the capacity of the solar panels, but your answer here implies it is the size of the inverter. If that is correct, then am I right in presuming that anyone can legitimately add more panels up to the max the inverter can handle?

        • Finn Peacock says

          yes – as long as the installer has used the inverter capacity – not the panel capacity – in the original application

          • Mark Moody says

            The SEG application must be based on the panel size not the inverter size. Doing otherwise is explicitly forbidden on the application form.

      • If you keep your mouth shut who’s going to know that you’ve upgraded your system?

  5. hi there finn looking at your scenarios is it also possible solar system prices will drop after the 16 cent feed in tarrif stops regards gary

    • Finn Peacock says

      Hi Gary,

      Great point! Yes I believe – solar system prices will only reduce as time goes on – here’s why:

      So if you believe the price of a 3kW system will drop by at least $1200 in 3 years – it could be argued that there is no rush to buy one before September from an economic point of view. Because you are betting that you will be able to buy 3kW in 3 years time and still be $1200 better off. Although you will only get the savings in 3 years time and you’ll be delaying by 3 years your switch to low carbon energy, and there are no guarantees that prices will drop that much.

      But it is a very good point!

  6. You might want to check your information against the legislation because some of the above responses are incorrect.

  7. “Any upgrades completed after 30 September 2011 which were not approved prior to 1 October 2011 will result in the solar system being permanently excluded from the solar feed-in scheme and unable to receive any feed-in tariff.”,+energy+and+environment/Energy/Energy+rebates,+concessions+and+incentives/Solar+electricity+rebates+and+incentives/Solar+feed-in+scheme

  8. Hi,
    Do you have any information on on micro inverters (fitted to each panel) as opposed to all panels going through one main inverter. A quote we received from one company uses this system on all it situations. Our area is not shaded at all – but is on three different roof faces – east / north / west. I haven’t found too much information about them.

    • Finn Peacock says

      HI Michael,

      Glad you asked! I love micro inverters. I have solar-bridge ones on my roof. As with all things inverter avoid the cheapest ones on the market because they can be unreliable.

      Everything I know about microinverters is here:

      Hope That Helps,


      • Hi Finn,

        Thanks for the information, your link was more than helpful, one company we received a quote from (ZEN) has their own model (ZEN AC Micro Inverter) they provide a 25 year Zen Micro Inverter warranty on their units, that needs a bit more digging into but appears they are confident in the product. Once again thanks, I have already been contacted by one of your referred companies for a quote (good service).



  9. B Driver says

    Super advice, thanks for all your efforts.
    I’d like to know why the installers put the new power box in an out of the way place on the property? Mine is away around a corner in a remote spot, and is difficult to get to for any checking or reading on a weekly basis. I’ve had the inverter fail for several months and I didn’t know. I lost out on two lots of rebates and of course the power company couldn’t help. Can a secondary read-out gadget possibly be installed in the house for regular checking?

    • Finn Peacock says

      Yes it can – depending on what your inverter is (and how far away it is) you may be able to get Wifi or bluetooth wireless monitoring.

  10. What if you have a system and just want to upgrade from 1.5 to 3W?

    • Finn Peacock says

      If you upgrade to a bigger system you will move to the current FIT. The only exception is if you have a 3kW inverter and your installer originally got approval for 3kW. Them you can add more panels and keep your current FIT.

  11. higha (@highanet) says

    Finn we are building at Broadview, moving in Feb 2014 but may not be there more than 5 years. Is it worth getting a solar system if we won’t be there more than 5 years? Thanks David

  12. Graham Fowler says

    I have a 1.5KW system and FIT, however my system rarely runs at 1.5KW capacity. More like1.1KW. Is is possible to add 2 x 200W panels to optimise the system and regulate to 1.5Kw during those rare occasions when it runs at full capacity.?

  13. Howdy
    Are you aware the SA Goverment is about to audit the 44 cent feed in tarriff? It is trying to downgrade any current applicants in this scheme whom only installed their “qualifying generator” after the 120 days from the 1st October 2011. What this means if even you had your meter installed and all paperwork correct but had no solar panels up and running at the 1st February 2012 your feed in tarriff will be reduced from 44 cents to 2028 to 16 cents till 2016.

    • Hello Fin could you please tell me if what Ian said is correct thank regards tony

      • Finn Peacock says

        Hi Tony,

        I don’t know if there is an active audit going on in SA. But if there is, then they have every right to enforce the eligibility criteria for the previous Feed In Tariff. The rules 2 years ago were that after you had placed your order, you had 120 days from 1 October 2011 to get the system installed.

        Hope That Helps,


  14. I have on older “rotating dial” meter and have just recently had a 4KW system installed. I see that it actually goes backwards at times of high generation. They tell me I have to change the meter to a smart meter that measures what goes out (what I produce) and what comes in (what I use). Can you tell me exactly where this is in any legislation, regulations or applicable legislated codes of practice? I can’t find it ANYWHERE that i “MUST” change the meter.

    Because, very simply, we are all being ripped off big time. They “offer” me 26 cents FiT but the minimum amount on usage is charged at 33 cents! So even using my OWN POWER I am being charged at 8 cents per Kilowatt hour? How can this be? I paid for the installation, I produce power and these bastards want to charge me to use my OWN POWER!?

    A reply on this would be much appreciated.

    • Finn Peacock says

      Hi Paul,

      It is a requirement of the Electricity Act (1996), the National Energy Customer Framework Regulations and the National Electricity Laws of the National Electricity Market that all SEG (small embedded generator) installations connected to the grid must be connected to metering that measures both import and export energy flows.

      Basically it is illegal to connect your system to an old-style meter with no intention of upgrading to an import/export meter.

      Hope That Helps,


      • Thanks Finn. But can you point to the legislative requirement that says so? I have been through the Act, the Regulations and even the regulated Code of Conduct (that is legally obligating) but find no definitive answer. If something is NOT stated in the Act or regulations as being illegal then it isn’t. I get the feeling we (us solar people) are being scammed here..

        Thankyou for your reply. I read the same sort of thing in the “Providers” statements and FAQ’s, but as I said, I want to see the actual requirement.

        • Finn Peacock says

          Hi Paul,

          No I can’t – is the short answer – I was trusting SA Power Networks to tell the truth.

          Perhaps give them a call?


  15. Hi Finn its about time that if the retailers take the power from solar for free and we have no chance of getting a return to at least get our systems accredited or the upfront roi then I suggest all solar households have rolling stoppages and reduce the supply to the big retailers!
    just imagine 10k of houses turning off for an hour or longer and if that didn’t get their attention then maybe 100K of homes would, action needs to be done if they continually errode what chance we have to get control of being exploited

    • I’m still making a sizeable profit from my grid-connect system, despite shit like 300% increases in the ‘service-to-property charge, etc. (plus GST!)
      The minute that stops happening I’ll be converting my system to a stand-alone one. The required components these days are MUCH cheaper than years ago (even a battery-bank, which is still overpriced), and the sense of independence is GREAT!
      (another option is reduce your power-usage to the point where you can run the house on low-voltage dc. (and have a convenient and quite cheap demand-start generator hooked in for the intermittent heavy-users like the microwave, vacuum-cleaner, etc. I have little washing, so opt to take it down to the local laundramat every so often, and do the work-clothes in the trough at home by hand.)
      For the low-voltage stuff, lights, etc. there’s a huge array of handy things in the off-road/caravanning market. eg. I use a small ac/dc tv that runs on EIGHT watts.

      Always think ‘Alternative’ as a primary option.
      All the best.

  16. Robin Shannon says

    We have had a 1.5Kw system installed by one of the major electricity retailers since September 2011 and are receiving a 54c per Kw feed in tariff (44c Govt guaranteed until 2026 plus 10c from the electricity supplier). Our last quarterly power bill before our solar connection was $1,368.00. I was never expecting to totally eradicate bills of this size with such a small system but, our power bill for this last 10 months to July 2013 has been $208.00 in total ($70.00 pr quarter). Through the warmer 2 quarters we were in credit. At this rate our system will be paid for by the end of 2013 and the money we have saved on power costs by installing a solar system has paid the 2 years of monthly payments to the retailer for its purchase. Obviously we have helped the system somewhat by rationalising the running of air conditioning and un-justified use of other appliances, and many tasks (clothes washing and dishwashing) we now do at night so as not to affect our sunshine hours performance. It’s beneficial for us to put the power into the grid during the day and get 54c pr Kw and use it at night where it costs 30c. There is a certain psychology behind solar… have spent that money, so you want to get the best out of it to justify that expense. But we have not majorly altered our lifestyle and I consider this to be one of the best purchases I have ever made.
    A word of advice though….Do not (under any circumstances) do what the commenter above has done go for the cheapest price or doggiest system you will see advertised! Go with a major company (Origin, AGL) someone who uses quality components and installers. You may pay a bit more but remember, Quality is always quality, rubbish never becomes anything other than rubbish!!
    And the complaints files of various consumers affairs branches are full of failed systems, poor quality and non complying installations.
    Even with no feed-in tariff I would still do this over again…it definitely saves your pocket.


    • What makes you think Origin, etc (who are currently in court for dodgy practices!) use “quality components and installers”???
      ….and how would YOU know?

      Get an education in the field and then check out every component used ~ and question every installer/ technician who does any work.
      If YOU know what you’re talking about you’ll KNOW whether they do ~ and whether the components are any good, regardless of price. THEN go for the cheapest product/deal you can get.

      Always remember that 99% of all electrical house-fires are caused by ‘qualified’ (“quality”) electricians and ‘approved’ parts. I’ve been involved in installing HUNDREDS of solar systems and a good few ‘pirate’ 240ac systems over 30+ years and have NEVER caused a fire.

      • Robin Shannon says

        Well ‘Dabbles’ seems to have a lot to say throughout this discussion since it started, and much of it negative…sort of speaks for itself doesn’t it!
        My point was, while installation companies are falling over left right and centre, Origin are still here honouring commitments these lesser companies have left behind. Sure Origin have been the subject of a lot of complaints, in fact more than any other resource supplier, but these issues are being addressed through the relevant authorities.
        I was conned by Origin Energy when I switched to them for energy supply!…The cheap per Kw figures I was quoted prior to signing up quickly disappeared once the first bill came. So I have no love for them but, having said that, on their solar installation supply, they do NOT hook solar installations up to meters that run backwards….They do NOT supply grid tie inverters that fail within a couple of months and they do NOT provide installations without proper paperwork. They DO supply full documentation and warranty on every aspect of their installation plus all relevant paperwork from the authorities that have to be dealt with. They DO provide a simply 24 months interest free payment system which is an in-house agreement with Origin, not some finance company ‘go between’ with strings attached.

        In the two and a half years since this system was installed and commissioned nothing has gone wrong with it. The whole thing works precisely as it should. Although rated at 1.5Kws, many times in the middle of the day during summer the inverter will show the system is producing 1560Ws or even more. By the end of last year the savings made had covered the cost of the installation and our last 3 monthly bill was for the amount of $20.00…and we run 5kw of reverse cycle ducted air conditioning!

        I did quite a bit of research prior to having this system installed, and through much of my working life held an electrical contractors licence.
        I don’t feel I have been conned, and Dabbles…..I don’t feel I am a fool, and resent being treated like one. At least let the positive experiences of others be seen without making some stupid inane comment!

        • Robin Shannon says

          As footnote to my last comment, I meant to say we run 5hp (12Kws) of reverse cycle ducted air conditioning not the 5Kws I previously stated, which means that the air conditioning is the major power consumer in this residence but by using the system on a needs basis rather than a ‘look at me’ basis our total consumption with such a small solar system is really impressive.

        • Perhaps Dabbles has a lot to say because he was involved in solar power before most people had even heard of it, and has been dealing with the ins-and-outs of it for over THIRTY years….perhaps before some of today’s ‘clever young things’ had stopped pooping their nappies.

          ….and yes, Origin IS “still there” ~ in court for telling lies and ripping people off.
          MY point was, and has always been, that NOTHING is guaranteed in life, and it behooves one NOT to rely on anything they’re told, but to
          get EDUCATED about whatever the issue and work out their own plan to cover as many contingencies as possible.

          For my own reasons I I use Origin as my power/gas provider, but do so from an informed position and have had cause to pull them into gear on a number of occasions.
          The thing I like about Origin is that they’re amenable to being pulled into gear, unlike (I hear) some of the others.

          btw. Origin was my agency when I had my grid-connect system connected, and they DID connect me to an analogue meter (which ran backwards) for the first few months until it was replaced with a TOU one. Friends would come to look at it in amazement.
          Grid inverters ~ or anything else in life ~ can fail (in a few months or a few years); the value of the system manifests itself when you DO have a system that needs repair or replacement. On that plane Origin does NOT have a good track-record.

          Whether you “feel conned” or not is irrelevant. The fact is that you WERE conned by Origin. (“I was conned by Origin Energy when I switched to them for energy supply!”)
          That says something about the integrity of Origin; and it also says something about whether you’re a fool or not. I make no judgment.
          BUT I will reiterate that if you’d been educated in the matter about which you were conned, and had investigated the contingencies, you WOULD NOT have been conned; or even ‘connable’.

          I notice you don’t challenge my assertion that 99% of electrical house-fires (by far the greatest source of house-fires) are caused by systems installed by ‘qualified electricians’ using, presumably, quality material. Remind me not to call you if I need some work done.

          oh….and I don’t believe you run a 5kw air-conditioner off a 1.5kw solar system. And make a priofit yet!) . In Zone 4 you may occasionally get 1500w+ produced for a very short time and very intermittently; but the average would be MUCH less, and inconsistent. (sunlight is like that! ~ it’s NOT produced by Origin 🙂 ) There’s never been a system built (even the ones used in near-perfect conditions on satellites/space-stations) that runs at anywhere near 100% efficiency. What’s the FF ratio of your panels? Who manufactured them, and what were the ‘quality-test’ figures?
          Do you know?

        • PS.. those people caught out by ” installation companies are falling over left right and centre,” should’ve been a bit ‘more negative’ and done their homework, shouldn’t they.

          After much research and lotsa questions I picked a young fellow whose family members I’d known over the years and who still lived in the area in which I grew up. He was confident enough about his work and his product to agree to my rewriting the ‘formal/standard’ industry contract (excluding all the bullshit and indemnities*) into a fair and reasonable agreement between myself and his company AND between myself and himself personally.
          ie. even if his company does go down he personally will nonetheless stand by the warranty.
          He’s installed systems for two of my friends on the same basis.

          THAT’S a warranty.

          * eg. allowing the installation company the “sole discretion” of deciding whether there (a) was a fault in the system, and (b) whether they should accept liability for it, and (c) to what extent they will repair/replace the fault.
          (Did you read the fineprint in your contract with Origin?

  17. Hi Finn, what if I already got a 1.5Kwh solar system. But would like to install additional 3Kwh solar system, either connecting to the existing or separate, with a new larger capacity converter or without if separate. Could I stil get back to same feed-in tarriff as my initial installation?

  18. Howdy Finn
    Where did it state this was correct, as we know now its in the legislation but the flyers and all advise available at the time never stated it had to be completed in the 120 days. Cheers

  19. Do you think there will be another solar rebate scheme in the future?

  20. Info for those who already have systems, I installed my 1.5kW system in 2011 and have been calculating savings quarterly since. It was then $3000 out of pocket and has saved me $1444 since over 2-1/2 years counting feedin and savings and my top level usage rate. So, looks pretty close to a 5 year payback for my smaller feedin amount (than a 3kW system would provide) but at a $0.52, now $0.538 feedin rate which was on offer at the time.

  21. Enver malkic says


    I had a 3.6 kw system installed last year by the solar shop in Adelaide
    I received a phone call 2 days ago to inform me the company had gone into liquidation at end of last year and has been taken over by another company trading under same name
    They emailed details of an anti islanding test that was mandatory
    Details below. What is this all about and is there any obligation as it comes with a $330 charge

    As discussed the Anti-Islanding Test ensures that when the Network Power is lost your Inverter shuts down and stops power exporting to the grid from your Solar System. This is to protect workers who arrive to restore power. The test to confirm the correct operation of the inverter is referred to as the Anti-Islanding test.

    This is a requirement under state and federal Electricity Distribution Regulations and is the responsibility of all Solar PV owners to carry out this function.
    This is a legal Requirement to…
    Ensure the system can operate continuously and uninterrupted at the required system frequency of 50Hz (or within allowable variations).
    Identify that your Solar PV system is correctly connected to the Electricity Network, and complies with State and national Governments Electricity Distribution code, the electricity Safety Act 1998 as well as any other Australian Standards.
    The Solar PV system must be maintained in a safe condition.
    The Solar PV system will Connect/disconnect from the Grid as required by Current Australian Standards.
    As part of the Mandatory Anti-Islanding Test, Solar Shop is carrying out a 31 point service check to ensure your Solar System is in line with current State/Federal standards, this is a requirement to maintain your warranties moving forward.
    The 31 point service includes…
    · Grid Connect Solar labeling.
    · PV Solar Array Check.
    · Solar Array Earth Circuits.
    · AC and DC wiring.
    · Circuit Breakers/Isolators
    · Inverter Disconnect Enclosures.
    · Mechanical and certification update.
    · System performance.
    As discussed there is a cost involved to Check and maintain the system integrity which is $330.00 including GST. This cost includes the CEC electricians call out fee and the labor cost on producing the report.
    You can read more about your obligations under The State/Federal Electricity Distribution Regulations
    National Electricity Distribution Regulations –

    • Finn Peacock says

      This was almost certainly done when the system was installed – you don’t need to do it again. Save your money!

  22. Ross Galloway says

    Y cant the sa power extend the tarrif on the customers that have a low rate of tarrif.and they give the people with the higher tarrif till September 2016 .we go down from 24 26 9 10 cents.then they sell it back to us for 2 3 times as much we nnake fuck all. So really there ripping us off xxxxan somone get onto the government and help us little guys please


  1. ACT leads the country in commercial solar. says:

    […] into fossil fuel lobby demands that support for domestic and commercial solar be wound back. (See here for Finn’s cool headed information on the South Australian government’s feed-in tariff […]

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