Solis Achieves 100GW+ Of Inverter Shipments

Solis inverter

Chinese inverter manufacturer Solis is celebrating having reached a major milestone for global inverter shipments; a feat made even more impressive by the timeframe the bulk of capacity was achieved.

Ginlong Solis, or just plain Solis to its friends, was established in Ningbo, China in 2005 and the company has been on the Australian solar scene since 2011. The firm’s inverters have been a pretty popular choice in Australia for home solar installations given their feature set and comparatively low pricing.

While Solis has been around for nearly 20 years, the bulk of its shipped capacity has occurred relatively recently. A news item from the company in 2020 indicated at that point the company had shipped 15GW.

A recent report from Wood Mackenzie concerning the top 10 PV inverter manufacturers in 2023 for capacity shipped put Solis in third place, a ranking it also achieved in 2022. Solis says it ranked in the top ten for the first time in terms of global inverter shipment volumes in 2020.

Commenting on the 100GW milestone, President of Ginlong (Solis) Technologies Jimmy Wang said:

“Our success is deeply rooted in our commitment to research and development (R&D), allowing us to continually refine our inverter technology to meet the diverse needs of regional markets. Customers not only appreciate our innovation, but also value our world-leading after-sales support.”

100 GW is a lot of inverters, particularly if they are mostly devices for small-scale applications as is the case with Solis. Comparing it to a couple of its Chinese peers; Sungrow claimed 515 GW cumulative shipments as at December 2023 and GoodWe had racked up 71GW (unsure of date).

The company’s growth in recent years and various accolades it has collected since it was founded is certainly impressive, but the big question is:

Should You Buy A Solis Inverter?

Solar panels tend to steal the limelight when choosing components for a rooftop solar power system. But given the amount of work an inverter does day in and day out, and often under harsh conditions, choosing a solar inverter is something that shouldn’t be rushed, nor corners cut. It’s the component of a solar system most likely to fail first, so it’s wise to buy the best solar inverter you can afford.

But if your budget is tight, SolarQuotes Founder Finn says:

“I’m comfortable recommending Solis inverters, which have generally held up well under Australian conditions. And if things go wrong there’s a decent warranty backed by local support.”

Residential Solis inverters up to 20kW capacity installed in Australia carry a standard 10-year warranty these days that can be extended to 15 or even 20 years for an additional cost. 10 years standard warranty for inverters at the lower end of the price range of SQ-recommended brands is pretty generous.

Just as a comparison price-wise, a Solis 5kW inverter costs around $900 (not including installation) whereas at the high-end, a Fronius Primo 5kW inverter will set you back around $2,300.

The company also has an office in Melbourne – and local support is another “must have” when selecting an inverter.

Here on SolarQuotes, we currently have 317 customer ratings on our Solis inverter reviews page, with an overall average star-rating of 4.5 and 4.4 stars over the last 12 months.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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