SolarQuotes Vodcast #7 : Finn Gets In Trouble With The Police

In this episode:

0:17 We discuss why the CEC Approved Solar Retailer Scheme might be about to enter a dangerous new phase.

0:17 Ronald dobs me in for getting a police caution on the streets of Adelaide.

And then we go through the last 7 days of solar news on the blog.

Click on the timestamp to go to that part of the video.

2:50 – Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – March 2019

The latest Australian Solar System Interest Index shows that people want bigger solar systems, only a minority think they will ever add batteries, and very few people actually want batteries right now. We also look at the effect of the ACT and SA battery rebates on increasing battery sales, and are not too impressed.

8:43 – Victoria’s Karadoc Solar Farm Officially Opened and Yarranlea Solar Farm Construction Update

Ronald explains how solar farms get paid for their energy, and how Labor plan to build a crap-load of solar and wind to meet their Renewable Energy Target

10:18 – Sono Motors Unveils Final Design Of The Solar Electric Sion

We discuss the new $41,000 car from Germany that is literally covered with 1.2kW of solar cells. Ronald really likes it. I’m not too impressed.

12:26 – Best and Worst Review Of The Week

Best review of the week is from Adam Solar in northern Adelaide, who has blown this customer away with his choice of sub contracted installer and customer service ethic.

Worst review of the week is from the infamous Modern Solar. The poor customer paid $15-20k for a 5kW system and didn’t even get it installed where they promised. It ended up under a bush.

17:17 – Esperance Farms To Go Off-Grid With Solar + Storage And Generators

We discuss how this post showcases the rare case when going 100% off grid makes total sense environmentally and economically; i.e. when you have a piss-poor grid connection and are a long way from anywhere.

19:49 – Solar And Battery Upgrade For Mount Frankland Communications Tower

We discuss this post – which on the surface sounds really boring – but when you dig into it is quite interesting for solar nerds. It shows some vintage solar panels still going strong, and demonstrates why old school lead acid batteries still have their place.

22:09 – Tongwei Solar: The Biggest Solar Company You’ve Never Heard Of

Tongwei solar probably made more solar cells than anyone else on the planet last year – but no-one’s heard of them. I reveal how I used to develop crystal growing machines in Scotland – and explain how that led to me coming to Australia with a backpack – and never leaving.

Ronald performs the first verse of the Tongwei Company Song he penned. I almost tear up with emotion.

25:56 – Hanwha Q Cells Claims Patent Infringement By Jinko, Longi And REC

We both decide we don’t know enough to comment on whether Q-Cells patent litigation has any merit. But we do decide that trying to destroy perfectly good solar panels cannot ever be a good thing. What a messed up world we live in.

About Finn Peacock

I'm a Chartered Electrical Engineer, Solar and Energy Efficiency nut, dad, and the founder and CEO of I started SolarQuotes in 2009 and the SolarQuotes blog in 2013 with the belief that it’s more important to be truthful and objective than popular. My last "real job" was working for the CSIRO in their renewable energy division. Since 2009, I’ve helped over 700,000 Aussies get quotes for solar from installers I trust. Read my full bio.


  1. Stephen Walker says

    Hi finn i just resubmitted my application as my first had no response & 2 follow-up emails .

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