SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode #6

Join Ronald and I from the SolarQuotes office in Adelaide CBD where we discuss the previous week’s happenings on the blog:

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Tesla Model 3 For $54,000 Aussie Dollars?

0:20 – Covering some breaking news items, Ronald and I discuss Tesla’s $35,000 (USD) Model 3 announcement. I reveal I’ve put a deposit down. Ronald asks me if he can borrow it.

We also discuss the Liberal party jumping on board the Hydrogen wagon (or was it ‘airship’?)

Jinko Shipped The Most Solar Panels in 2018

3:00Jinko Solar Ruled The Roost For Solar Panel Shipments In 2018

Learn who the top 10 solar panel manufacturers were in 2018, and how much of the market they have. We also discuss the comeback of Chinese solar panel companies giving themselves German names. It like 2010 all over again!

Solar Farm & Storage Compared To Coal Power

5:11Not All Sunshine For QLD 1,500MW Solar + 500MW Storage Project

We talk about complaints over solar farms. Ronald compares the area requirements for a 1,500MW solar farm with the equivalent coal mine and power station.

ScoMo’s Climate ‘Solution’. LOL!

8:42ScoMo’s Climate Solutions Package Panned

Discover the logical fallacy of Scott Morrison’s climate ‘solution’. And I share an interesting correlation I discovered.

Battlers Want Lower Bills More Than Rich People. Surprise!

11:12Another Study Confirms Solar’s Popularity Among Australia’s Battlers

In this ‘stating the bleeding obvious’ segment we cover a study that confirms that poorer people are keener to lower their bills with solar panels than rich people.

US Senators Get The Willies About Huawei

12:41U.S. Senators Fear Huawei Solar Inverters

Where I hypothesise this scare is all Ronald’s fault, after he wrote about this a year ago, not realising that Americans don’t posses the irony gene.

New Battery Tech!

14:48Gelion Endure – A Non-Flow Zinc Bromine Battery

We dig into what the hell this battery is and express scepticism that it is the next ‘Lithium Ion Killer’.

Best & Worst Reviews This Week

16:31 – The rotten tomatoes go to the now defunct retailer, Energy Matters. The slap on the back for outstanding service goes to Springer’s Solar.

I also provide a happy update on the two Tesla Powerwall 2 owners that were frustrated with Tesla last week after their batteries were bricked following electrical storms.

Why is Victoria’s Feed In tariff increasing?

22:17Victoria’s 2019/20 Minimum Solar Feed In Tariff Rates Finalised

We explain what is going on with Victorian solar feed in tariffs and why they are going up, despite an explosion of solar installs pumping out more energy than ever in the middle of the day.

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About Finn Peacock

I'm a Chartered Electrical Engineer, Solar and Energy Efficiency nut, dad, and the founder of I started SolarQuotes in 2009 and the SolarQuotes blog in 2013 with the belief that it’s more important to be truthful and objective than popular. My last "real job" was working for the CSIRO in their renewable energy division. Since 2009, I’ve helped over 800,000 Aussies get quotes for solar from installers I trust. Read my full bio.

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