SolarQuotes TV Launch – Episode 1

Following on from the popular SolarQuotes vodcast series, Finn kicks off the first season of SolarQuotes TV. In this first episode:

This Week In Solar – Australian PV Outlook

0:52 – Finn chats about Australia’s amazing home solar ride, with more watts of PV installed per capita to date than any other country – and by quite a margin.

As for the outlook for 2021, while the Australia Energy Market Operator indicates demand for home solar will fall off a cliff this year, Finn is pretty confident the AEMO is wrong. On a related note, Finn discusses the huge increase in interest in rooftop solar in Western Australia towards the end of last year – is the situation in Western Australia indicative of what will happen in the rest of the country ?

Ned’s Review – Goliath Solar And Electrical

3:18 – At SolarQuotes, we receive hundreds of reviews each week for solar panels, inverters, batteries and installers. Ned’s job is to read them all.

Every. Single. One.

Ned’s probably read more solar reviews than anyone else on the planet. So, who better to pick the review of the week – and this week’s pick was a review for Goliath Solar and Electrical. Find out why this one stood out for Ned.

Ask Finn – Economics Of Batteries

4:29 – Finn responds to a reader-submitted question from Michael:

“How cheap does a battery need to be to make economic sense?”

Short answer: roughly around half the current price in states where there is no subsidy. For the longer answer, check out this segment. View solar battery prices here.

Ask Finn – Comparing Solar Panels

5:14 – Next question from Kurt:

“Why would I pay for a REC over a Jinko?”

The question is in relation to REC vs. Jinko solar panels – and there’s a significant price difference between the two. REC is a premium solar brand, while Jinko manufacturers good panels at the budget end of the spectrum. Finn explains why you might choose one over the other if both offer the same number of watts in a panel.

To see a listing of all SQ approved brands and where they generally sit on the pricing and quality spectrum, see our Solar 101 guide. You can also pick up some tips on comparing solar panels here and see a side-by-side comparison of solar panels.

Ask Finn – Reducing Mains Supply Charges With Solar

5:57 – The third question refers to supply charges – what electricity retailers charge you per day, separate to usage charges. Alexander asks:

“Can supply charges be reduced by exporting to the grid?”

Answer: Yes, the credits you get on your electricity from surplus solar exports can be used to pay other charges on your bill.

Ask Finn – Upgrading To Three Phase

6:15 – In the final question for this segment, David asks:

“I currently have a single phase home. I want to get solar now and a battery and an electric car in the future. Should I upgrade to three phase?”

Most households in Australia are on a single phase electricity supply – Finn discusses some of the pros and cons of switching over to three phase.

If you have any burning questions about solar, batteries, electric cars or energy efficiency, hit us up on Facebook or Twitter.

Installer Profile – Adelaide Solar Safe

7:32 – James chats with Andy from Adelaide Solar Safe about his business, what people should be thinking about when they buy solar and Andy’s view on the future of the emissions and power bill busting technology.

Field Test – Induction Vs. Gas Cooktops

9:05 – There’s been a bit of friction in Finn’s household recently over his plans to achieve his ultimate dream – to have his home 100% powered by solar. This involves ripping out the gas meter, which means no more gas cooktop.

Finn’s better half, Chantel, is aghast at this development as Chantel believes she can’t cook properly on an induction stove.

To find out which is more effective, Finn arranged a gas vs. induction cooktop field test with the assistance of Luigi from Luigi’s Delicatessen in Franklin St. Adelaide. The results may surprise you!

Solar Tech –  Inverters

13:53 – Finn discusses the recently-released Tesla solar inverter and compares it with a Delta inverter model.

Ronald’s Wrap – Tesla Model 3

15:45 – A fireside (without the fire) chat between Finn and now-hardened-criminal Ronald about his very extended test drive of a Model 3 Tesla – and his brush with the law. Plus the pair discuss some important things to watch out for with Tesla’s marketing of the Model 3.

If you would prefer to (or also) read the 7,000 word version, check out Ronald’s very entertaining and informative Tesla Model 3 review here.

Finn’ally – The ISS

23:25 – Some fascinating facts and figures regarding the International Space station, which is solar powered.

Bonus Ronald – Ode To Tesla Model 3

24:10 – You’ll just have to watch it.

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About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.


  1. Ron was a bit unlucky. According to the speed camera site, that one has been “removed” I assume for roadworks

    Luigi and all commercial cooks should consider buying TurbPot kettles and pots to reduce gas usage and speed up cooking (assuming they don’t change over to induction hobs)

    And plus one for Daniel at Goliath. Although I didn’t go ahead, his help in my attempt to get agreement from a tenant on a solar install was much appreciated

  2. Ok I’ve gotta ask.

    What are those cans of baked beans doing on the shelf ? Are they Ronald’s lunch ? No-one could previously accuse Ron of being full of hot air but maybe after seeing those beans he now could be ? Alternatively has he been testing out wind generators ?

  3. John Mitchell says

    Why would you go 480P? Please 1080P minimum – let Youtube handle the streaming…

  4. My motivation for solar at the end of last year was the shift to permanent home working for my wife and I, and the fear of paying for our own Air Conn electricity 9-5 in the summer months!! 🙂

    A lot of my colleagues have or are doing the same!

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