Solar Victoria Warns On Marketing, Safety And Quality

Monitoring of Victoria's solar rebate

As applications for the Victorian solar rebate roll in, there’s an increased focus on ensuring safety and quality standards are being met – and that Victorians aren’t being ripped off.

Solar Victoria is keen to get the word out to consumers and industry it is taking the issues of quality and safety very seriously, and also watching closely how solar power systems are being marketed.

Solar Victoria is a dedicated business unit with Sustainability Victoria that was established to deliver the State Government’s Solar Homes Package. The initiative provides a rebate of up to a value of $2,225 or 50% of the price, whichever is lowest, on the cost of a solar power system. Applications for the scheme opened last month and rebates are available for systems installed from 19 August 2018.

There’s also a  $1,000 rebate for the replacement of hot water systems with solar hot water, applications for which will open soon. It’s important to note households only be eligible for one rebate under the Solar Homes Package.

Solar Scammers And Shonks Beware

In September, we reported scammers had cottoned on to the scheme and were attempting to fleece the unsuspecting. Solar Victoria issued a warning about callers claiming to be from the state government and requesting bank account details – something it would not request over the phone.

It’s also watching out for shonky players in the industry with the assistance of Consumer Affairs Victoria. Solar Victoria says it doesn’t endorse any companies telemarketing or going door-to-door, and will act on instances of high-pressure sales tactics and inaccurate marketing.

“This program is helping Victorians to significantly reduce their energy costs, but we won’t tolerate those who are fraudulently taking advantage of vulnerable people,” said Solar Victoria Chief Operating Officer, Jonathan Leake. “Compared with the number of installations, we are receiving relatively few complaints, but there could be more.”

All participating installers must be Clean Energy Council Accredited, but as in any trade there are good operators and not-so-good. While Solar Victoria appears to be on the ball, solar purchasers should still do their own due diligence.

One way to help gauge the competency of companies is by checking our solar installer reviews, submitted by Australians customers of these firms. We have close to 33,000 reviews of installers in Victoria and throughout Australia – with more being added each day.

Solar Installation Safety Paramount

With so much interest in the rebate, the pressure is also on to get these solar power systems installed. Some companies may be tempted to take shortcuts to keep up with demand – which Mr. Leake says can be shortcuts to disaster.

Earlier this month, Worksafe, Energy Safe Victoria and the Victorian Building Authority joined forces to maximise safety for workers and householders.

Mr. Leake stated while the Solar Homes Package was an opportunity to boost Victoria’s solar industry, rigorous adherence to safety standards was essential.

“Agencies across government want to make it very clear that safety breaches will not be tolerated,” said Mr. Leake. “Failing the safety test may lead to you being removed from the Clean Energy Council’s Accredited Installers lists and referral for investigation and prosecution by the appropriate agency.”

The focus on safety isn’t just about the way components are installed, but also the activities of workers installing them – for example, to ensure the risk of falls is minimised.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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