ACTEW AGL have just announced that they are increasing the cost of installing a solar compatible, import export meter from July 1 2015.
Basically – if your application to connect is received after 30 June, instead of paying $66, you will be charged $500 for a new meter.
So if you live in ACT and have decided to go solar, it makes sense to sign up as soon as possible. You can get quick quotes from up to 3 ACT installers here.
ActewAGL General Manager Asset Management Stephen Devlin said:
“Charges for meter installation will be increasing. This change has occurred because of new National Electricity Rules that have been introduced that restructure the provision of metering in the industry.
As part of the Australian Energy Regulator’s final decision released on 30 April 2015, ActewAGL Distribution is required to move to full cost recovery for metering services from 1 July 2015.
Therefore, from 1 July 2015 ActewAGL customers will be required to pay the full up-front cost for new meters, including installation. Applications for any connection received before 30 June 2015 will be treated under the old pricing regime, where customers only pay for installation.
For solar customers, the cost of a new meter and installation would change from about $66 to $500.”
Solar meter charges will also be increasing by around $200 in NSW if you are on the Ausgrid network from July 1 thanks to the AER’s decision.
If the customer pays the full cost do they then own the meter?
excellent question!
Yep. …and here’s another:-
If full market-price is to be charged then all market-forces should come into play.
ie. One should be free to choose which meter one wants to use ~ and buy in a competitive market-place. (I’ll bet the Chinese could do it much cheaper…..on Ebay??)
One should also be free to choose the installer ~ also chosen in a competitive market-place.
…and so on.
….and a vagrant afterthought:- Anybody who’d be hooked into a hybrid/battery-backup system which demands grid-connection would do well to have a talk to their local psychiatrist first.
Question:- Why do, and for how long will, people put up with this sort of crap?