Solar Installer Reviews now live

Because you asked for it – we’ve done it.

Over the last 4 years we’ve collected over 11,000 (and growing) reviews – mostly good, but a few bad and or ugly – of solar installers all over Australia, whether they are clients of ours or not.

My experience over the last few years is that most installers are honest, hardworking and passionate about doing the right thing by the customer and the environment. But there are always a few bad eggs in any fast growing industry. Now those guys have nowhere to hide. You gotta love this internet thingy!

You can now see these solar installer reviews online – just click the solar installer menu above, then use the search box when you get to the “solar installers” page.

If there are any installers you *really* want to see reviews for that aren’t there – let me know.

And if you would like any features adding to the review pages – let me know through the comments…

About Finn Peacock

I'm a Chartered Electrical Engineer, Solar and Energy Efficiency nut, dad, and the founder and CEO of I started SolarQuotes in 2009 and the SolarQuotes blog in 2013 with the belief that it’s more important to be truthful and objective than popular. My last "real job" was working for the CSIRO in their renewable energy division. Since 2009, I’ve helped over 700,000 Aussies get quotes for solar from installers I trust. Read my full bio.


  1. Paid in full 7 months ago and still have not recieved my unit. Was told today that may not get installed so will get a refund bit of a joke since solargen have had my money now for 7 months. AVOID SOLARGEN AT ALL COSTS

  2. Barbara Mcloughlin says

    I got a 12 panel (2.09kw) system installed in December 2010 by TRUE VALUE SOLAR. When the rain started, water ran down my inside walls, due to cracked roof tiles. After 3 months, and over 5 phone calls and as many e-mails later, nothing had been done. Also our system is only producing about 2 kWh on a sunny day when it should produce up to 10 kWh. This is due to installing 6 panels on the north face (optimal), and 6 on the west face (next to useless). They use google earth to see roof space, instead of a site inspection. The Melbourne office said they would re-configure the system to produce optimally, but when the workmen arrived they tried to get $400 cash in hand to finish the job properly, needless to say I declined the offer. At present in Adelaide, The Government is Auditing TRUE VALUE SOLARS jobs. I urge you, if you have had a probelm with these people, document it. They never returned my calls or e-mails, BEWARE OF TRUE VALUE SOLAR

  3. julie harris says

    I completely agree with Barbara, DO NOT USE TRUE VALUE SOLAR, my experience mirrors the above. THEY ARE terrrible, do not return your calls, then ask you for a referral….. ARE THEY JOKING. STAY AWAY from them

  4. I recently (march 2012) signed a contract with GOTTOGOSOLAR in Sydney. They took my deposit, and 1 month later after I called them for so many times that i cant even remember, and each time they always have an excuse that all tradesmen are out and some one will call me back, they send a tradesman and an apprentice to my place and found out that they could not get to my second roof because they don’t have the right ladder. They left after 10min standing in-front of my house, one month later after numerous calls to their office i either get a voice message or some one will call me back answer. I even called their big boss on mobile and still same thing. Until now i still haven’t been able to get my deposit back. This company is so dodgy that they don’t even have an email address on the website, so i cant even write a complaint letter to them, please avoid this company at all cost and please pass on the message. And by the way another solar company called HIP they are using the same group of installer so avoid them as well.

    • I’vejust had similar problems with too! the system is installed but faces west with the tiniest hint of North! When i challenged GotToGoSolar about this they said that they could only face them East or West because of the clop-lock system they use to avoid damaging the tin rooftop. i remain adiment they could have attached a framework first and put the panels in the optimum direction for generating electricity. who in their right mind says the panels can only point east or west on a flat tin roof hiding?! They took the cheap & lazy option and to make matters worse, I’ve had the first payment taken out of my bank account for the system and they haven’t installed the new meter to read it as an a reduction to my electricity bill! i have been subjected to flat-out rude and clearly unprofessional conversations from a number of GotToGoSolar employees. In one instance the employee hung-
      – up on me! in another instance an employee talked about his personal issues in the middle of the conversation. i have now waited more than a month for the system to be switched on and at least give me some cost savings but instead i continue to wait without any calls from them to keep me informed about what’s happening on their side of things for the okay to switch it on.. GotToStayAway from this crazy bunch of dancing monkeys!!

      • Finn Peacock says

        Thanks for the comment John. Out of interest – how much did you pay for this system? I seem to recall these guys being the cheapest on the market by a fair margin?

  5. Hi Finn
    I was after customer reviews of the companies SOLAR JUNTION & SOLAR DUDE.


  6. can anyone tell me about greenengineering in qld sunshine coast

  7. Sandy Livingston says

    Just had a solar system (2X3kw) installed by Dr Green Sustainable Energy. Would highly recommend them. Their price was unbeatable (just under $6000). They quoted 3-4 weeks between quote and installation. This actually took about 4 weeks, but we do live over 4000 km away. Their tradesmen turned up on the nominated day and as far as I can see did a neat professional job, including cleaning up after themselves. System is working beyond their estimated output, making me a very happy camper.

  8. Many thanks for this site, already worth the visit 🙂
    I want to install a solar hot water and power system in Tassy, does anyone have any good (or bad )experiences in that State?
    Many thanks

  9. I can not find any feed back about “Combined Solar” (very expensive), or “Now Energy” (COMING TO SEE ME MONDAY), just wondering if anybody can give me any info on these to companies, good OR bad. I have also had a quote from suntrix which was about a 3rd of the price of Combined. Quite impressed at this stage but am still getting some more quotes done.

    • Finn Peacock says

      HI Mavis,

      I’m not familiar with Now or Combined solar (I know Suntrix are great guys (and clients of mine)).

      But I do have reviews of them both:

      Combined Solar Reviews:

      Now Energy Reviews:

      • Hi never used a site like this before. Just wondering if any one else has been told by the new owners of the Solar Shop that the panels need to be re installed to improve the life of the brackets and we have to pay their installer $400 odd dollars and they will not cover us if we use our own installer (at half the price)

        • Finn Peacock says

          Hi Alyson,

          If you have Kaneka panels, then they need to be negative earthed. If you have an SMA inverter the earthing kit costs about $105. Total cost for installation and labour should be about $250. A local solar installer should be able to arrange it for you.

          Hope That Helps,


        • Thanks. Yes we have the Kaneka panels and have a letter informing us about the earthing. I was irritated about the late notice of this and the conditions attached to how it ‘must’ be done by their installers. However, having already gone through a myriad of problems with the power company, lasting over 12 months (which were finally vindicated);I think we will opt to go with the extra cost to eliminate any problems.Thanks again for your help

  10. bruce whelan says

    could someone tell me who installs soar system to rv,si have been given all the parts just need to install. i am in brooklyn suburb of melbourne

  11. True value solar is the worst company in Australia, in my opinion, not only do they do a terrible job, if you don’t wish to go with them, they’ll harass you months after with numerous calls to your personal mobile, STAY AWAY FROM THEM.

  12. hi finn

    very confused, we have been looking in to solar panals.
    we have had the quotes one from livesolar 12×250 3.0kw sma inverter with momo
    panels,and also another quote from solargain they are using Renesola panels
    Virtus ll Module. both of the company panels are differate size, dose that matter?
    can you tell me about these companys?

  13. Hi all
    Looking for a reputable solar installer in emerald CQ? Thanks

  14. Andy Day says

    Another firm to give a miss is Aus1Solar. Aus1solar are quick to come around, promise you everything, take your money then give you half of what you’ve paid for. I should be getting 10kws a day, according to their own calculator, but even on the best days I get no more than 6kws. I asked them incurable times to come and check out that the installation was correct but I was wasting my time. Months later still no check done. The next stop for me is consumer affairs. Stay away from this firm.

    • I had my solar panels and invertor installed on the 1st September 2012. I suspected I wasn’t getting what I paid for as I was only getting a maximum of 7kw, which occurred on the longest day of the year, instead of the average of 10kw per day per year as promised. To make sure I waited for my first electricity which covered the full 3 month period, and this confirmed my suspicions. After 8 months of complaining Aus1solar finally got around to sending a member of the original installation team to check out my solar panels and invertor. The technician fixed the problem in 20 minutes. He said that a $2.00 connector had failed. I got 14kw of power on the longest day in 2013. The calculation by Aus1solar was good, the panels and invertor where good but terrible after sales service let them down. The technician wasn’t contacted until July 2013 because Aus1solar didn’t have any office staff to do the admin!! Aus1solar were only interested in sales. The installers were contractors and are paid each time they visit, hence Aus1solar’s reluctance to contact them. My advice is; make sure the company you sign up with have their own installers and the firm you signed up with has support staff. My post regarding Aus1solar could have cost them thousands of dollars all for the sake of a $2.00 connector.

  15. hi kylie
    we found solargain a good compny to deal with the only problem we are having is the power company.

  16. Keith fisher says

    Hi all. Great. Site with good information… Does anyone know of some reputable solar company’s suppy and install in the geelong area. Want to go with SMA inverter and what are the best panels to use . I have a big roofline facing true north.Thanks. Keith

  17. Hi looking for a reputable installer in Epping Victoria, I’m new to solar panels/investors and hard to get a grip on it all.
    Website has been a massive help

  18. S Roussis says

    GottaGo SOLAR installed my solar system in June 2013. System has not worked yet. Do not use this company.

  19. Has anyone had any problems with Samil 3000TL Inverters. I’m on my third one now and they won’t stop screaming at me, I was told it was a faulty bearing (three of them?) The high pitched scream is like loud tinnitus when the sun comes out and gets louder the more the sun is overhead, It is installed in my kitchen and I can’t use it on sunny days. My installer is baffled and starting to come up with stupid excuses like echos and wants to relocate it outside where it will not only still annoy me but my other neighbours as well in our retirement village. Would love to know if anyone else is having this problem.

  20. I had used Elecforce for installation of my SolarPanels.

    Elecforce has been very professional and have a very good team. I received a call from Hugh Couper. Hugh was very patient and replied all my queries, he was not interested in weather I give him business or not, his major concern was I had right information to make a decision. This is very rare quality and truly appreciate Hugh’s input and professionalism. Given my knowledge on Solar energy was limited, he needed to be lot more patient with me and answer my queries.

    After completing my order, he transferred me to Paul Caulfield. Paul is very good to deal with, the team he sent to my place to install panels was very professional too and did a neat and clean job.

    Upon completion of installation, they explained to me in detail what would happen with regards to process of connecting it to grid.

    Once installed, I had questions after week or so, and both Hugh and Paul were very helpful in answering my questions.

    I would recommend Elecforce as preferred installer to anyone in process of installing Solar Panels.

    Thank you Hugh and Paul, you guys should get 6 out of 5 star ratings.

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