Solar Victoria: Door-Knockers Should Stop Immediately

Door to door solar sales in Victoria

While solar power sales and installations are continuing in Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire, Solar Victoria is taking a particularly dim view of door-to-door sales activity in the state – for pretty obvious reasons.

An email notice sent by the agency yesterday says in response to a state of emergency remaining in place in Victoria and changed restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne and the Shire of Mitchell, all door-knocking activity should stop immediately across the state.

“Retailers are reminded that Solar Victoria works closely CEC, Worksafe and Consumer Affairs Victoria. Information received regarding door knocking activities may be referred to these agencies as appropriate,” states the email. “If you are aware of door knocking continuing following the release of this guidance, please report it to Solar Victoria on 1300 376 393.”

You would think common sense would prevail in such conditions. Also, Melbourne residents likely wouldn’t take too kindly to a stranger rocking up on their doorstep at this point in time wanting to sell them solar panels; but at least those considering taking a crack at it have now been put on notice the activity may result in trouble.

Prior to and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, buying a solar power system through door-to-door sales has been/will be risky at the best of times and should probably be avoided. If you are considering acquiring a system in such a way – do your research first and know your rights.

Solar Victoria is pretty keen on stomping out any sort of shenanigans, given it’s the body that administers the generous Victorian solar panel rebate available in addition to the also very generous national solar subsidy.

Buying And Installing Solar Without Close Contact

If you’re keen to install a solar power system, the coronavirus situation needn’t get in the way of your goal of slashing your electricity bills with PV. Much of the sales process can occur remotely and workers installing solar panels in Melbourne (and across Victoria) can still do so at this point in time. When someone does need to be on your premises, social distancing can be observed. Australian solar industry bodies have been providing plenty of educational resources to solar installers to help keep you – and installers – safe.

Given the track record door-to-door solar power sales has had over the years here in Australia, like the dreaded virus hopefully it can be suppressed and then perhaps be eliminated. Back in 2016, a Consumer Action Law Centre commissioned poll found 81.2% of Australians surveyed had a negative opinion of unsolicited sales generally, and 76.9% agreed unsolicited sales should be made unlawful.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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