Australian Small Scale Solar Installation Statistics For November 2017

November was a busy month in Australia for <100kW capacity solar power installations according to the Clean Energy Regulator, and concurrent battery installations picked up again.

There were 7,944 small-scale systems , including PV and solar hot water, installed nationally in November, with a total capacity of 43,664 kW.

“Installation rates for November are currently tracking higher than October, with 7944 installed compared to 7412 last month,” states the Regulator.

The Regulator says “currently” due to the fact its statistics are based on Small-scale Technology Certificate (STC) creation1; which can be generated up to 12 months after installation, meaning figures for October and November will continue to increase.

The Regulator says national cumulative totals of small scale renewable energy systems (since 2001) have reached 2,856,203 installations.

With regard to commercial and home solar power system installations specifically during November, here’s how the states are stacking up:

  • Queensland: 2,210
  • New South Wales: 1,565
  • ACT: 60
  • Victoria: 662
  • Tasmania: 87
  • South Australia: 728
  • Western Australia: 1,457
  • Northern Territory: 79

The latest Cracking The Small Scale Code notes 164 solar PV systems with a concurrent solar battery storage installation occurring in November, nearly double the number in October (88) and also higher than September (132). November’s figure represents just 3% of overall PV installations during the month.

SolarQuotes’ latest auSSII report covering November indicated just over 5% of Australians requesting solar quotes also wanted system pricing to include a concurrent energy storage installation. This figure has remained reasonably static over the last few months, but interest in battery-ready systems increased significantly last month; from 10% in October to 13% in November.

On the commercial solar energy side of things, 535 commercial-sized solar power systems (10 – 100kW capacity) were installed across Australia in November. As with smaller systems, Queensland led the pack; accounting for 178 systems.

Looking ahead, Victoria could see a spike in interest in installing solar panels starting in January, when electricity price rises of up to 14.9% will hit most Victorians – a rather nasty start to the new year.

Interest in PV power in the Northern Territory is also expected to increase as a result of the recent announcement of NT’s Smart Energy Grant scheme; which will provide up to a $1,000 grant additional to Australia’s major solar subsidy.


  1. STC’s and their creation are explained in greater detail here
About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.


  1. As published on my web page at ;

    Thus, my rankings, by state/territory, for November 2017, in Australia, for “small scale installations” ( 64.281 per 100,000 people
    Qld 2511 systems for 4,860,400 people – > 51.662 per 100,000 people
    SA 773 systems for 1,710,800 people – > 45.184 per 100,000 people
    NT 83 systems for 245,700 people – > 33.781 per 100,000 people
    Tas 119 systems for 519,800 people – > 22.893 per 100,000 people
    NSW 1773 systems for 7,757,800 people – > 22.854 per 100,000 people
    ACT 74 systems for 398,300 people – > 18.579 per 100,000 people
    Vic 919 systems for 6,039,100 people – > 15.217 per 100,000 people

    Note: My ranking by state/territory, is performed on the basis of number of installations relative to population.

    As explained on my web page, I am using my previously used populations figures (as the latest values that I have found).

  2. I am resubmitting the post, as it did not display correctly (some text in the ranking list, got removed) in the process of the posting.

    As published on my web page at ;

    Thus, my rankings, by state/territory, for November 2017, in Australia, for “small scale installations” ( 64.281 per 100,000 people
    Qld 2511 systems for 4,860,400 people – > 51.662 per 100,000 people
    SA 773 systems for 1,710,800 people – > 45.184 per 100,000 people
    NT 83 systems for 245,700 people – > 33.781 per 100,000 people
    Tas 119 systems for 519,800 people – > 22.893 per 100,000 people
    NSW 1773 systems for 7,757,800 people – > 22.854 per 100,000 people
    ACT 74 systems for 398,300 people – > 18.579 per 100,000 people
    Vic 919 systems for 6,039,100 people – > 15.217 per 100,000 people

    Note: My ranking by state/territory, is performed on the basis of number of installations relative to population.

    As explained on my web page, I am using my previously used populations figures (as the latest values that I have found).

  3. After resubmitting the post, with blank lines inserted to try to prevent the mutilation of my submission, the submission is still mutilated by the posting process.

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