Solar Analytics Ditches 3G Lifetime Subscriptions – Discover Your Rights and Next Steps

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Solar Analytics Is Taking Away My Lifetime Subscription — What Can I Do?

Solar Analytics provides a solar monitoring service for households.  It’s one of the better ones available and it’s not difficult to find people who say it is the best.  It requires a subscription and, currently, you can pay for it by the month, the year, or five years.  In the past, Solar Analytics sold lifetime subscriptions but they have decided people with older 3G monitoring hardware with lifetime subscriptions will lose them.  This will occur before either these people or the solar systems being monitored are dead.

At the moment, this only applies to those with older 3G monitoring devices.  Those with 4G devices or integrated Solar Analytics in newer Fronius, Goodwe, or Sungrow inverters won’t be affected.  There’s a 3G device problem because the 3G network is going away.  Telstra will completely shut down their 3G network in a little over a year in June 2024.  Solar Analytics says 3G service is already being reduced and some 3G devices have lost their signal. 

A Troubling Email

Solar Analytics has sent emails to those with old 3G monitoring devices stating they can purchase a 4G replacement for $199 plus shipping:

Solar Analytics email

In addition to its $199 cost, it will be necessary to pay a qualified person to install it. 

The email goes on to say the device must be purchased by the 26th of this month, which is three weeks away.

Purchase deadline

To me, allowing such a short period of time looks like an attempt to rush people into making a purchase decision.  While it’s possible some people will lose their signal soon, the 3G network is not about to suddenly disappear and there’s no need to rush.

If you have a 3G device and a lifetime subscription and purchase a new 4G device, instead of having your lifetime subscription continue, you will receive a 5 year subscription instead.

5 year subcription

Notice how Solar Analytics says lifetime subscriptions are no longer available as if it’s out of their hands?  But guess who decides if lifetime subscriptions are available?  It’s not God.  It’s Solar Analytics. 

What Can I Do?

If you have a Solar Analytics 3G monitoring device, your options are:

  1. Do nothing.  Your solar monitoring will stop when 3G service is no longer available or possibly earlier.
  2. Contact Solar Analytics and inform them you want to retain solar monitoring until 3G service is no longer available. It is possible this will occur before the Telstra 3G network is completely shut down in June 2024.
  3. Purchase a new 4G monitoring device and pay to have it installed.  If you currently have a lifetime subscription you can take the 5 year subscription that’s offered.
  4. Attempt to obtain a better outcome using the protections provided under Australian Consumer Guarantees.

Do Nothing

There are plenty of reasons people may choose to do nothing:

  • They’re ambivalent about having solar monitoring.
  • They’re planning to move soon.
  • They want to replace their old solar system with a new one.
  • They just couldn’t be arsed.

Hang On Till 3G Dies

You can keep Solar Analytics monitoring until the 3G network is shut down.  Note it’s possible this could happen for you before the June 2024 deadline given by Telstra.  You may want to contact Solar Analytics to ensure they will allow monitoring to continue as long as possible.

Buy The 4G Device Offered

Purchasing the 4G before the 26th of this month is an option.  This will involve paying the following:

  • $199 for the device and shipping.
  • Cost of paying a qualified electrician or solar installer to install it.  This can vary but may be $150 or more.

The $199 should include GST1.  But when they give they usual price they don’t include it:

4G device usual price

When GST is added to the $255 usual price, it comes to $280.50.  So the special offer price should be $81.50 or 29% less. 

If you currently have what was referred to as a lifetime subscription or a lifetime offer, you will lose that but they will give you 5 years subscription.  What they currently charge for this depends on the size of the solar system:

  • 15 kilowatts or smaller $249
  • Over 15 kilowatts $449

Use Australian Consumer Guarantees

Fortunately, we are protected by Australian Consumer Guarantees.  They’re pretty good.  Because I’m not a lawyer I can’t give you any professional advice on them, but I can read a pamphlet and repeat what it says. 

There are nine different consumer guarantees and the first one is:

  •  Suppliers and manufacturers guarantee that goods are of acceptable quality when sold to a consumer.

This includes being durable.  This means it should, “Function for a reasonable time after purchase, without breaking down.” 

The 3G monitoring devices had a five year warranty.  While I know they’re not perfect, I would expect them to last considerably longer than five years.  Some people bought their devices only three years ago and they will become useless in around one year from now or perhaps sooner.  In this case, I would be certain they’re not meeting the first consumer guarantee and, in my opinion, those who purchased them should receive some form of remedy. 

An exception would be if customers were informed the 3G network could close down and cause the monitoring device to stop working.  If a customer had this explained to them and they decided to buy it anyway, then the responsibility for that decision is their own.  But I have no problem believing many people weren’t told about it.  I’d also find it very strange if people were informed but still decided to pay full price for it.  So I strongly suspect anyone who paid the usual price wasn’t informed.

Note that the 3G monitoring devices would not have been bought from Solar Analytics but from a retailer.  The business that took your money for the device is the one you should contact.  If they are no longer around then you can get in touch with Solar Analytics.

A Lifetime Is A Longtime

The second Australian Consumer Guarantee is:

  • Suppliers and manufacturers guarantee that their description of goods (for example, in a catalogue or television commercial) is accurate.

Note this guarantee gives the example of “in a catalogue or television commercial”.  This is very important because it means that conditions or exclusions hidden away in warranties or terms and conditions documents can’t take away promises made on company websites or subscription pages. 

I don’t have a photographic memory, but back when — not very long ago — Solar Analytics was still selling lifetime subscriptions their webpage said something like “lifetime subscription” and not “subscription for the lifetime of the 3G network”.  If something is described as a “lifetime subscription” then it means it will last for a lifetime.  People might think it means the lifetime of their solar system or they may think it means their own lifetime, but very few people are likely to think it would mean “for the lifetime of a specific type of phone network”. 

I think a reasonable person would conclude that “lifetime subscription” at minimum, means the lifetime of their solar system.  In my non-professional opinion, this means Solar Analytics has committed themselves to providing at least that to everyone who bought one.  If Solar Analytics didn’t want to provide that, they should have used different words.  It’s not as if Consumer Guarantees were a completely new thing at the time.  They’ve been around in their current form since 2011.

What Would I Do?

What actions should be taken in this situation is entirely up to the individuals involved.  Some people may want to do nothing.  Others might want to buy a new 4G device and have their lifetime subscription turn into a 5 year subscription.  But others may insist Solar Analytics live up to their obligations under Australian Consumer Guarantees. 

If you were to ask me what I would do if I were in this situation, I would fight it.

If I had a 3G device for 5 or more years I wouldn’t be too worried about paying for a new one.  But I’d just get Anthony to put it in and not everyone is fortunate enough to have a solar installer on hand.  What I definitely wouldn’t tolerate is their attempt to change a lifetime subscription to “number of years so far + 5”.  Solar Analytics sold lifetime subscriptions rather than charging the same price for 5 year subscription because they knew they would sell more that way.  The people who bought them were not under the impression they were buying a “subscription until the 3G network stops functioning” and as far as I can tell, Solar Analytics did not make sufficient effort to inform people that’s what they were buying before taking their money.  Solar Analytics should live up to their obligations under Australian Consumer Guarantees.

If they don’t, they are not the company I thought they were.


  1. Update 9:24am May 5th 2023: Solar Analytics has confirmed the $199 price includes GST.
About Ronald Brakels

Joining SolarQuotes in 2015, Ronald has a knack for reading those tediously long documents put out by solar manufacturers and translating their contents into something consumers might find interesting. Master of heavily researched deep-dive blog posts, his relentless consumer advocacy has ruffled more than a few manufacturer's feathers over the years. Read Ronald's full bio.


  1. Well said Ronald.

    If Solar Analytics won’t honour what they sold customers previously, then how can anyone trust what they are selling today?

    Their “offer” stinks and seems to me they have mislead customers at the time of sale and are in breach of Australian Consumer Law.

    There’s another simple test under ACL – had the customer been made aware of these things at the time of purchase, would they have continued with their purchase decision? If the answer is “no” then this constitutes a major failure under Australian Consumer Law.

    I find it hard to believe that anyone would have purchased a lifetime subscription if they were told it meant it would only last a few years and their hardware would also fail to operate within a few years and they would need to buy and install new hardware at considerable expense (along with removing the old hardware).

    Without suitable remedy (as defined under ACL) for the affected customers then Solar Analytics is not a business I would trust.

    Their offer is not a suitable remedy, it falls well short of that.

  2. Gaetano says

    I am among the people who received that email. My biggest concern about it is indeed the lifetime subscription being ditched.

    Before I decide what to do, I would need to understand how the offer works. Since we are purchasing a 3rd party device, does that imply that the device will work as with the third party company? More specifically, the wattwatchers device has both 4g and wifi and if you get it through wattwatchers, the device will decide which of the two to use. Needless to say that wifi being free, if there is wifi, that is what the device will use.

    Does anyone know whether Solar Analytics will use the 4g channel only? If not, there would be no data costs as far as I understand and ditching the lifetime subscription would be even less understandable.

  3. Am quite sure the price stated for anything INCLUDES GST unless it states “excluding GST”.
    Solar Analytics obviously doesn’t realise reputation is as valuable as the product and service one sells. New customers are unlikely to be attracted to a service provider with demonstrated lack of integrity.
    In these days of Google Reviews, it is very hide what customers think of how they are treated. Btw, that is another part of the actions options.

    I am in the market for this service. But why would I buy a 5 year subscription from Solar Analytics? Seems there is a prospect of it being cancelled in 2 years, and replaced with a 2 x 1 year subscriptions because (if), supposedly, the hardware I have stops working. But it will do this only for cost of hardware. Wow thank you so much!

  4. Thanks for putting this out there Ronald. My system was installed exactly 3 years ago with the 3G hardware and lifetime subscription. The short time frame is also very frustrating as I’m trying to get this resolved before the date (26th May) as is my installer, but I’m yet to hear back from Solar Analytics, they’ve gone very quiet it seems. If I don’t hear anything within the next week I’ll be going down the path of contacting the ACCC.

    It’s also very frustrating that I couldn’t upgrade to the 4G hardware and still keep my lifetime subscription as their terms state as long as existing customers have 3G or 4G, but SA’s response to others and on whirlpool as been that the “lifetime subscription” is tied to the device and they no longer offer that subscription. Seems like a handy way of getting out of it to me, as you mentioned, it’s their subscriptions, no one is forcing them. Just an easy way for them to wipe all our subscriptions that we paid a lot extra for, in a short period of time. I certainly won’t be buying the new device and continuing as if they’re doing me a favour without some kind of fix.

    • I don’t understand why 26th May, I have reached out to telstra, voda and optus in regards to 3G shutdown in my area. None of them are shutting down the 3G service in my area in the next 6 months. So SA is prob violating their own T&Cs.

  5. Craig Iedema says

    “Lifetime” generally means the lifetime of the product. For something like this, I’d be expecting 10 years +.

    In my mind selling a device with a “Lifetime” Subscription when the underlying technology is going to disappear in 3-5 years means it not “fit for purpose” as the lifetime subscription can’t be used for the life of the product.

    • George Kaplan says

      Is the product still the product if it’s modified to be compatible with a 4G network?

      Side note. I thought 3G had been ditched years ago so I’m quite surprised to hear there’s still 3G devices in operation!

  6. Nicely Done Ronald bringing this to light – there has ben an ongoing discussion about this for a month or so on the whirlpool forums – its good to see it now hitting the mainstream media.

    What is every more galling is that they now direct you to purchase the hardware directly from the supplier – who make an identical product that will use your WIFI network rather than a monthly subscrption on the 4G network (which will obviously at some time in the future also disappear) – but they will not support using that – which says to me they are counting on future obsolence to ensure a turnover in their subscription base.

  7. Ha! I literally just emailed you guys about this…before searching your website! I must say, I wish I’d read this post before emailing them….

    Here’s the email I sent to them just this morning:

    Hi there,

    I must say I’m not happy with this urgent and unexpected expense. Clearly lifetime does not mean lifetime! And to use the “as per the original T&C” line is total BS….

    Perhaps you should actually supply the terms and conditions, and make that clear to customers BEFORE they INVEST into your system.

    3G networks do not get turned off until June 2024, so you’re 12 months ahead of time. I would like to know why you’re forcing us into this unexpected cost so much earlier that the 3G shutdown date and why can it not be extended?

    As far as I am concerned, solar analytics should be supplying the new device free of charge + 10 years of usage + installation costs.

    Thank you


  8. As a supplier we had been told about this some time ago and am surprised people are just hearing about it now. When we questioned what SA was proposing we were hit with “most people are jumping onboard with the proposal and are understanding of the T&C’s and that the network closing is not SA’s fault”.

    I feel like it should also be brought to light that the old SA hardware came with a 5 year warranty, whereas the WW hardware is only 2 years…. the fact this isn’t mentioned here makes me think it isn’t widely known and it is a big step down. so purchasing this new device, with a 5 year sub(free) when the device could potentially fail in just over 2 years…. or new customers purchasing the 5 year sub could be up for another hardware device just after 2 years…. or face having shelled out for 5 year sub with no device to monitor from….

  9. John Mitchell says

    Might be worth getting in contact with Nigel Morris and getting an insight into Solar Analytics reasoning behind this move and also sharing some of the bad customer feedback that this move has caused.
    I think it probably comes down to the fact that selling a lifetime subscription was never economically viable for a company that relies on continuing income. Doesn’t excuse the behaviour. I have seen plenty of software companies over the years backtrack on these same promises then go belly up and relaunch the next month under “new ownership” having purchased the rights and changed the terms and conditions.

    • Grant N says

      I agree, would love to see what Nigel has to say.

      They definitely should be honouring their original promise to early customers who took up the “lifetime” offer…..not hiding behind the fine print, fine print that I for one did not receive prior to purchase to enable an informed decision to be

      I think I have a legitimate case with the ACCC and no doubt there would be others

  10. Grant N says


    I went through my emails, quotes and comms with my (nameless) supplier I see I was not provided with SA’s Ts & Cs at all prior to purchase…

    Here’s the exact email I received, with some personal identifying info removed, no mention of warranty:

    There’s no way around it – we have some bad news. The telcos are shutting down 3G networks around Australia and replacing them with 4G progressively throughout this year. Unfortunately, your Solar Analytics monitoring device is not 4G capable and will also shut down, and your Solar Analytics Dashboard won’t display any data.

    If you want to continue with Solar Analytics you will need to replace your 3G monitoring device with a 4G capable monitoring device.

    We would love to have you remain as a customer, so we have put together a special offer. A 4G monitoring device can be purchased from Wattwatchers for $199 inc shipping (they usually retail for $255 + GST).

    If you want to take advantage of this offer, here’s what you need to do:
    Purchase a replacement Wattwatcher device
    Once it arrives, get your solar installer or an electrician to install it and then register it with Wattwatchers to ensure the device is set up properly – installation instructions will be sent with the device and are also available here.

    Contact Solar Analytics to register your new device by 19th July 2023 to ensure continuous data monitoring.

    If you don’t purchase a new device before 26th May 2023, we’ll assume you don’t want to continue using your Solar Analytics Dashboard and your account will lapse.

    If you’re on a Lifetime subscription, it will expire with the shutting down of the 3G device (as per the original T&C). Since a Lifetime subscription is no longer available, as part of this upgrade offer we will provide you with a free five-year subscription from the date the new device is installed.

    If you’re on any other type of subscription, your subscription will be automatically continued with your new 4G device.

    • Gaetano says

      I did not receive the T&C from my installer either during the quoting process. They have a responsibility as ultimately, they sold us the product, so it will be easy for SA to use the solar installers as a shield.

    • I was told by my installer that I must have clicked the I agree checkbox upon first login or registration to agree with the T&Cs. If I was refuse to click the checkbox then they would happily refund the money to me.

      However when I contacted SA they couldn’t produce the same T&Cs for the lifetime subscription claim the lifetime subscription plan is no longer available.

      • Ronald Brakels says

        Hi Jack. I will email you the Solar Analytics’ older terms and conditions. But note your protections under Australian Consumer Guarantees don’t depend on what’s in the T&C document.

  11. Mark McClurg says

    And this is why I still look at you guys was being the most credible source within the solar industry.. Well done again. You guys are like the Current Affair of the solar industry without the “back-end marketing deals”

  12. Tom Couvret says

    The way back machine (a freely available internet archive) should allow you to see exactly what their web site said in the past.

    • Grant N says

      Yes, but how relevant is that from the perspective of customers who did not receive the full story prior to purchasing the equipment and “lifetime” subscription?

    • Gaetano says

      Thanks Tom, I did not know about that service. It only has one copy of the t&C and it is dated 29/1/2022. Not sure if I am doing something wrong but I can’t display that copy, when I hit the Go button, the page remains blank.

  13. “In a policy U-Turn Solar Analytics has decided to honour their lifetime warranty. In unrelated news has announced a sudden increase in profit.”.

  14. Hi,

    Option #5: Use the Energy Consumption Dashboard of your Retailer and/or Distributor, if they have one. Both are free. Assuming you have a Smart meter.

    Option #6: Buy some of your own equipment and use PVOutput. Free & paid options available.


  15. Jay Huntley says

    My solar analytics monitoring stopped working, I reported it a few days ago as a fault. I received an email tonight saying that:

    ‘the telcos are shutting down 3G networks around Australia and replacing them with 4G progressively throughout this year. Therefore, all our 3G-only product lines have been discontinued, and we are unable to provide a replacement device. ‘

    So my runway for my ‘not so lifetime subscription’ has been cut short! Telcos are not shutting down their 3G networks until June 2024.

    I am sceptical that it’s actually a hardware fault, but more so a get my revenue from Jay sooner approach.

    I have had the system just over three years – shouldn’t they at least offer me another 10 years free subscription to match my system age! Or replace my unit under warranty.

    • Craig Iedema says

      So they are actively refusing to even honour the warranty?

      Wow – that is pretty poor business practice.

  16. From 2018 T&C re lifetime subscription

    Please note that:
    • The functions, features and data provided via our Dashboard remains subject to
    change in accordance with our standard Terms and Conditions
    • This offer may cease to be offered in the future at the sole discretion of Solar
    Analytics but in this event, such cessation will not negatively affect customers
    who opted into the Residential Lifetime Offer while it was available
    • This offer may not be available in conjunction with other special offers, features
    or functions as may be offered by Solar Analytics from time to time and at its
    sole discretion
    • Solar Analytics Pty Ltd requires you to maintain a valid email address with us, so
    that we can monitor your energy systems. The Residential Lifetime Offer will not
    apply if you do not keep your email address current with us or if you unsubscribe
    to email communications from us.

    • Hi John
      Thanks for that, are you able to post a link to these T and C somehow?

      • Ronald Brakels says

        Hi Grant

        I’ve emailed you a copy of Solar Analytics older Terms & Conditions document. Note your protections under Australian Consumer Guarantees don’t depend on what’s in that document.

  17. I had been thinking about the 3G issue for some time & sent an email to SA a while back.

    They categorically said that I would have to upgrade to a 4G device, but my lifelong subscription would remain.

    Ronald, could I please also get a copy of the old T&C’s

    I feel like this is something they’re going to have to stand by, at least while solvent…..

    • Ronald Brakels says

      Email has been sent. But note the reason I didn’t include them in the original article is because I didn’t want people to get hung up on them. Consumer Guarantees apply no matter what they say.

  18. I received this from Solar Analytics today (while I’m thinking of it, have they responded to any requests to explain themselves on this blog?)

    Thank you for your email. Unfortunately Telstra, Optus and Vodafone are all progressively discontinuing 3G data transmission this year, and we are already seeing 3G only monitoring devices no longer able to communicate. The Lifetime subscription offer is attached to the lifetime of the device, hence once 3G is no longer available the Lifetime subscription expires.

    The Terms and Conditions associated with all our products and services including our Lifetime subscription have always spelled this out and explained that we cannot guarantee cellular network access. The device’s life has come to an end as a consequence of this change and so the subscription ends too.

    In accordance with our Terms and Conditions we don’t have an obligation to make any offer, but have opted to negotiate a discount on hardware with our supplier, and to provide a new 5 year subscription at no additional cost as a gesture of goodwill.

    I have put your site on a whitelist, we will not deactivate your account so you may choose to not replace your monitoring device, and still be able to continue your Solar Analytics subscription until 3G is fully switched off.

    • I contacted my installer and after and initial brushing off response, I mentioned Consumer laws and the email was them escalated to upper management.

      No reply since 12th May.

      I requested that they negotiate a better outcome on behalf of their customers, suggesting that lifetime could be interpreted as the expected lifetime of the device, i.e. 10 years. Based on that, I suggested that every user should get 10 years free access less the number of years already used, so 7 years free access in my case.

      I will send the same.proposal to SA and see what they say.

      Let’s all keep the pressure up else it will just silently happen.

      The offer expires in about 1 week, so whatever you decide to do, do it fast.

      • Gaetano this is NOT a good alternative that you propose !

        This still leaves you out of pocket, having to pay for the original hardware AND now the replacement hardware (and installation costs), as they have failed to deliver even to their T&C’s.

        At a minimum, IF the hardware you where sold was a 3G only model and it was sold AFTER the announcement of 3G was going to be turned off, then your hardware should be replaced with a WattWatchers A6M by SA.

        Preferably the original T&C’s should be honoured, and the A6W (WiFi) model supported, so users could purchase and update to that model and then use the service as per the original T&C’s (lifetime of the subscriber, so long as don’t move house / go over 15kW inverter etc).

  19. Ok, so this is disturbing: A A now have an integrated offer that requires no specific hardware, they use the inverter’s monitoring. I guess you would still pay the subscription but at least no extra $350 for the hardware…

    Granted, it may not have the same update frequency, capability or data elements, but for those who don’t want or need it, it is worth considering.

    • Yes and this is another reason why SA should be updating their API to call the WiFi WWAN connection in a WattWatchers A6W (2.4Ghz WiFi) model, and not just the A6M (4G) model.

      Offering a WiFi connection with no issues re a users location (i.e. remote rural users) or the availability now or in the future of a 3G / 4G / 5G etc.. mobile network for one subset of customers, whilst intentionally restricting those customers who invest additional cost into a dedicated device (and installation costs) to a connectivity method that has outages, coverage issues and eventually loss of service (and forced to upgrade hardware) is seem unfair and IMHO potentialy intentional.

  20. Mitch Eadie says

    My name is Mitch and I am the a co-founder of Clipsal Cortex.

    I would be happy to give anyone a demo of the Clipsal Cortex app that are considering their options with respect to investing in an energy management app going forward.

    You can schedule a time and date that suits here

  21. Brendan Clover says

    So I didn’t take up the offer, just couldn’t afford to with only 3 weeks notice (cashflow is tight at the moment) but with the SA email mentioning “If you’re on a Lifetime subscription, it will expire with the shutting down of the 3G device (as per the original T&C). “, I thought no problem I’ve got until Jun 2024 before the 3G stops working and in that time I can purchase the 4G model and plan.

    Alas not the case, SA have disconnected my monitoring as of the 27th, I contacted their support to get the service reconnected as their original email said it would continue, so far crickets.

    Why try and support an Australian company when they treat you like this.

    • Brendan Clover says


      SA have reconnected my 3G service until the 3G service in my area is turned off.

  22. Switch to Crystal Cortex? No mention of price or installation cost. Must be expensive.

    When SA was first introduced the wifi/internet network was patchy and there was justification for using 3G. For some years now wifi/internet connections are very reliable and used by the vast majority to run mission critical communications. Why did SA wait until the death knell to propose a solution?

    Apart from Clipsal Cortex what are the alternatives? There must be many products used in other countries.

    These days I can buy “smart” power points for all my 10 amp circuits which I can monitor and download usage via an app. I haven’t seen a “smart” module which is able to monitor higher current circuits but I haven’t looked too far yet. Similarly, I can buy wifi add-ins for my aircon fan coil boxes. More generally, there is a lot of development in the “smart home” space which will include monitoring apps. At the other end the Tesla app will display the overall flows

    SA’s selling point is the aggregation of monitored data. Do I still need it?

    • Good question. I have been thinking a lot about it, and there are not many options that provide the same level of insight. Lifetime licensing is vague but can realistically be interpreted as “the life of the device”. I’d thenlampncome lifetime of the device is 10 years, with their 5 year free access option, I’m only out of pocket by about $120. Then the installer offered a free compensation so I took the upgrade offer. I like solar analytics but it is likely I will switch to another supplier if they offer the same functionality, which so far is not available…

      Wattwatchers don’t offer alerts about the system being down but do offer alerts about billing amounts… Seriously? That is lousy…

    • Craig Iedema says

      I’m using the Shelly 3EM to do the same Job as the SA product does. Wifi connection and integration to a number of things to do analysis.

  23. SA are honouring my lifetime subscription, but I have to purchase and install the new equipment. They have also left my 3G device active until the 3G network is switched off. This was offered after I informed them I would be raising it with ACCC and NSW Fair Trading.
    Anyone who is getting less of a deal from them is getting ripped off.
    I actually feel as if I am being ripped off too, because as I have stated both here and to SA:
    I was not provided the Ts and Cs prior to purchase, so was unable to make an informed decision prior to purchase, so still not happy but it seems to be the best they will offer….

    • Grant, so what ‘lifetime’ are they honouring? The lifetime of the user (with the caveats re can’t move house / transfer to a new user etc) or 10 years?

      • Brett Campbell says

        I received this email from Wattwatchers on the 16th May 2023

        Logistical challenges with the 3G to 4G replacement program are now easing

        Dear Solar Analytics Customer

        Gavin from Wattwatchers here, I am the CEO of Wattwatchers and have been closely involved in all of the 3G to 4G replacement products you have been ordering.

        As a small Australian Owned and Made company, we like many companies in recent times are short staffed and subject to supply chain challenges. This means that we face intermittent difficulties in getting products made and delivered.

        In its early weeks, this replacement process has not gone as smoothly as we would have liked. The main reason is that we are traditionally a wholesaler business, and we don’t usually deal in small one-off orders going direct to end customers.

        We’ve taken it on this time as a favour to our partner, Solar Analytics, and it has proved to be a challenging time.

        I am glad to say that our factory is now getting on top of most of the logistical issues around fulfilling your orders and shipping products out to you.

        We apologise if the product has taken too long, arrived incorrectly or we are slow in responding. All orders will get shipped and delivered, and Solar Analytics has assured us that they will honour your ongoing subscriptions.

        If you need further help from Wattwatchers, you will find our Service Desk here.

        Yours truly

      • Hi Sean
        They just said “Lifetime”, I didn’t ask for details but made it very clear what my expectations of “Lifetime” are.

  24. I too am affected by this increase. Basically i’ve paid MORE than it would have cost to do just an annual payment. It’s appalling. At no stage was I aware it was only until ‘3G ended’ . I understand 4g devices were available in 2019 but only a 3G device was intalled by my electrician. I was the first of his clients to install it and he told me it was lifetime.

    This is not ok.
    Solarquotes is probably the source for nearly every person thinking of installing solar for the amount of knowledge, advice and tips, plus intallers.

    Has Ronald or SolarQuotes approached SolarAnalytics about this? They ‘may’ respond to the negative backlash of this change.

    I’d be pleased to know if anyone has lodged FAIR TRADING complaint so that we can all use the same case number to lodge same objection.

    • It is a good lesson learned for all of us: if it is too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true. We need to ask what the meaning of Lifetime is. SA and any similar supplier who doesn’t sell and finance data charges cannot offer lifetime access.

      Is lifetime access the same as “the life of my inverter? My own life? The life of the panels? The life of the device? The life of the network being used?

      For me the bottom line is that I only lost about $200 if I consider lifetime to be 10 year (the expected lifetime of the device), and considering what I have saved thanks to SA data, so it is not worth losing sleep over it.

      SA is easily the best monitoring software around – wattwatchers doesn’t even alert you if the system stops producing in their own subscription – and that is simply the most important function of a monitoring system. How can they not offer that service?

      Also, SA did not sell us anything, so from a legal standpoint, it is your solar installer that is responsible for informing you about what they sell you, and the issue and they should sort the issue out with SA.

      I’ve their 5 year free access period is over, I will look for other options, hopefully wattwatchers will have upped their game in terms of functionality by then.

  25. Solar Analytics are honouring my lifetime subscription unless there is a change of address or property owenership.

    Lindiana Yusuf was the person I was dealing with, helpful and professional.

    Reach out to [email protected]

    Enjoy the Sun!!

    • Hi Brett,

      Thats great re the software / subscription side of things, what agreement was reached in regards the hardware? i.e. You purchase and get a new 4G (and next time 5G etc) device installed to replace your 3G device, and they’ll activate it in their system?

  26. Here’s a snippet of my official response from Fair Trading.

    Dear _________

    I refer to your correspondence dated 12 June 2023 regarding Solar Analytics.

    Your concerns were brought to the attention of a representative of Solar Analytics. The representative advised your requested outcome has been declined. The representative states the device has a five year warranty and there is no fault with the hardware which continues to meet its warranted specifications and functionality. The 3G network is operated by Telstra and other communications companies and its shutdown is outside the control of Solar Analytics. The representative reports although not obliged to do so, Solar Analytics has offered a new five year subscription at no cost on any new 4G device however noting, that Solar Analytics no longer sells hardware so the device would be purchased from an independent third party.

    Furthermore, the representative notes the 3G subscription does not turn off before the 3G reception is lost. As stated in their previous email correspondence with you, the representative advises they will continue their service for as long as 3G is available and they can receive your energy data. The representative further advises you are welcome to maintain your Solar Analytics lifetime subscription on your existing device and continue to receive energy data via 3G until such time as 3G communications are lost.

    The above outcome to your complaint concludes the dispute resolution process with NSW Fair Trading.

    Next steps

    There are other options available to you should you wish to pursue your matter further. These include:

    -NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT)
    -Law Access NSW
    -Independent legal advice
    -Legal Aid NSW
    -Department of Communities and Justice (CJC)

    Please refer to the enclosed factsheet for further information. The factsheet covers a wide range of options available to consumers, however, every option may not apply to your situation.

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