Sunshine Coast Solar Farm | Image: Trina Solar
The 15 megawatt Sunshine Coast Solar Farm in Valdora, Queensland, powered by Trina Solar panels, is on track to be fully operational within the next couple of months.
Sunshine Coast Solar Farm | Image: Trina Solar
The 15 megawatt Sunshine Coast Solar Farm in Valdora, Queensland, powered by Trina Solar panels, is on track to be fully operational within the next couple of months.
If you own a good-sized solar power system, rising electricity prices are not a worry, in fact some solar owners will see their bills decrease thanks to rising feed-in-tariffs.
Australians don’t pay the highest electricity prices in the world, but we’re working on it. [Read more…]
Yet Another Record For Trina Solar
Trina Solar has announced it has set a new record of 24.13% total-area efficiency for a large-area n-type mono-crystalline silicon Interdigitated Back Contact (IBC) solar cell.
Not true Malcolm! A typical house in SA pays less per kWh for electricity than any other state except NSW.
Grid electricity is not cheap in South Australia. Here in Adelaide it’s never a happy time when I get an electricity bill. My last quarterly bill was $203 for 389 kilowatt-hours of use. All up, that means I paid over 52 cents for each kilowatt-hour of grid electricity. [Read more…]
It’s a scientific fact – free batteries make people smile – Image: Ergon Energy
A new phase of an Ergon project in Townsville is trialing new home energy management systems (HEMS) and battery storage, solar panels – and a residential demand tariff.
Australians Say No To Fracking – Image: Jeremy Buckingham
New polling indicates far more than double the percentage of Australians support moratoriums on the controversial practice of fracking compared to those who oppose them.
SA Back In The Driver’s Seat On Electricity (Somewhat) – Image: Wongm, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
The South Australian Government has announced it now has powers over the electricity market not seen since the privatisation of ETSA back in 1999.
If you repeat a message long and loud enough many people will accept it as true.
At the start of the month I wrote that South Australia’s grid was in disarray. I warned that more blackouts were inevitable as soon as summer rolled around again or adverse weather struck.
With my warning I wanted to give people a sense of perilous urgency on the need to do something about the dilapidated state of the grid that we depend upon for our jobs, our well being, and civilization itself.
But that was on April Fools Day.
I wasn’t serious. [Read more…]
Unwelcome bumps in the road for Australia’s Redflow
Australian energy storage company Redflow has temporarily suspended delivery of new battery stock after detecting the presence of impurities beyond an acceptable level in battery electrolyte.
Townsville – Beautiful One Day, Battery Powered Economy The Next? – Image: ROxBo, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
A consortium has inked an agreement with Queensland’s Townsville City Council to investigate the viability of constructing of a huge battery manufacturing facility capable of churning out one million home batteries annually.
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