Search Results for: queensland

Restrictions On Rooftop Solar In QLD Eased — Powerwall 2 & Larger Inverters Allowed With Export Limiting

qld map

Good news for Queenslanders who want to install a battery or a bigger solar inverter.

There is good news for Queenslanders looking to install rooftop solar and anyone thinking of of installing AC coupled battery systems such as the Powerwall 2. [Read more…]

Australia’s Top 10 Postcodes For Solar – May Update

Top Solar Postcodes - Australia

1.67 Million+ Systems Sticking It To The Electricity Man | Panel Image: Smaack, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

The most recent data from Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator shows Queensland and Western Australia postcodes still entirely dominating the top 10 rankings for total numbers of installed small scale solar power systems.

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Fresh Warnings On Adani’s Carmichael Coal Mine

Galilee Basin Coal - Australia

Coal Is A Risky Business

The Climate Council and Oxfam have again warned that the Adani Carmichael coal mine in Queensland’s Galilee Basin represents a major conflict with Australia’s commitment to addressing climate change.

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Natural Gas Blamed For Rising Electricity Prices But Is Not the Main Villain

lady looking at electricity price rise graph

Is the rising electricity price really all down to gas prices?

Last week I wrote about how electricity prices in Australia are about to shoot so high the International Space Station will have to take evasive action.  It appears it’s not enough for the electricity sector to make Australians pay ridiculous prices, they are going to force us to go right to ludicrous. [Read more…]

Sunshine Coast Solar Farm Fully Operational Soon

Sunshine Coast Solar Farm

Sunshine Coast Solar Farm | Image: Trina Solar

The 15 megawatt Sunshine Coast Solar Farm in Valdora, Queensland, powered by Trina Solar panels, is on track to be fully operational within the next couple of months.

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Solar Owners Secure As Electricity Prices & Solar Feed-In Tariffs Rise

solar owner

If you own a good-sized solar power system, rising electricity prices are not a worry, in fact some solar owners will see their bills decrease thanks to rising feed-in-tariffs.

Australians don’t pay the highest electricity prices in the world, but we’re working on it.  [Read more…]

Trina Solar Sets New IBC Monocrystalline Cell Efficiency Record

PV cell efficiency record - Trina Solar

Yet Another Record For Trina Solar

Trina Solar has announced it has set a new record of 24.13% total-area efficiency for a large-area n-type mono-crystalline silicon Interdigitated Back Contact (IBC) solar cell.

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South Australia Is Actually Second Cheapest State For Household Electricity


Not true Malcolm! A typical house in SA pays less per kWh for electricity than any other state except NSW.

Grid electricity is not cheap in South Australia.  Here in Adelaide it’s never a happy time when I get an electricity bill.  My last quarterly bill was $203 for 389 kilowatt-hours of use.  All up, that means I paid over 52 cents for each kilowatt-hour of grid electricity. [Read more…]

Third Phase Of Townsville Solar + Battery Trial

Solar and battery trial in Townsville

It’s a scientific fact – free batteries make people smile – Image: Ergon Energy

A new phase of an Ergon project in Townsville is trialing new home energy management systems (HEMS) and battery storage, solar panels – and a residential demand tariff.

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Australians Continue To Say Frack Off

Fracking moratoriums in Australia

Australians Say No To Fracking – Image: Jeremy Buckingham

New polling indicates far more than double the percentage of Australians support moratoriums on the controversial practice of fracking compared to those who oppose them.

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