Search Results for: queensland

Solar Hot Water Diverters Beat Batteries On Energy Storage

battery vs hot water cylinder

If you want to store your solar energy, should you put it in a battery or in your hot water cylinder?


Update: Compare all the hot water diverters available in Australia here.

How A Diverter Can Give You Solar Hot Water And Store Energy At A Lower Cost Than Batteries

A solar hot water diverter is an electronic device that sends surplus electricity from your rooftop solar to your electric hot water cylinder.  This reduces, or even eliminates, the need to use grid electricity to heat water.  Under the right circumstances diverters can save you money and allow you to store energy at a cost lower than batteries.

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Australia’s Redback Technologies To Expand

Redback Technologies - Australia

QLD Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk at Redback Technologies HQ

Solar and storage solutions developer Redback Technologies, based at University of Queensland’s Long Pocket campus, plans to boost its workforce significantly over the next 6 months.

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Australian Solar System Interest Index (auSSII) August 2017

Australian solar power statistics

We’re very pleased to publish the first in what will be a monthly report on the current state of solar power interest in Australia – the SolarQuotes auSSII report.

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How To Use a Fronius Smart Meter To Solar Power Your Hot Water

fronius hot water diversion

Note to installers: Don’t wire directly in to bathtub or the duck will die.

Over the past week or so I’ve been politely prodded  by a plethora of people pushing me to provide information pertaining to solar hot water diverters.

A ‘hot water diverter’ is a box of power electronics that that sucks up your homes’ surplus solar electricity and diverts it to an electric hot water system instead of exporting it to the grid where it would earn a feed-in-tariff.  If the whole system is well designed and installed it will  greatly reduce or even eliminate using grid electricity for water heating. [Read more…]

What Does The Reduced STC Price Mean For Solar?

Solar salesperson

STC prices dropping means solar prices have risen. What has that done to solar payback times?

We were warned.

We all knew this was coming.

But who among us was prepared for the recent tumble in the price of STCs that lower the cost of rooftop solar?

Well, I was. [Read more…]

Green Light For More Large-Scale Solar Projects In New South Wales

Large scale solar power in NSW

Gilgandra Solar Farm Preliminary Layout

NSW Department of Planning and Environment has approved four major solar power projects to be constructed in the west of the state.

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Solar + Storage Proposed For Lindeman Island Resort Redevelopment

Solar power and storage for Lindeman Island

Lindeman Island Resort Redevelopment | White Horse Australia Lindeman

Redevelopment of Queensland’s Lindeman Island Resort could incorporate a significant level of solar power and battery storage according to a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) released on the weekend.

Lindeman Island’s resort has been out of action since 2012, following substantial damage wreaked by Cyclone Yasi in 2011.   [Read more…]

Sunshine Coast Solar Farm Connected To The Grid

Sunshine Coast solar farm

Sunshine Coast Council Goes 100% Renewable | Artist’s Impression

Grid connection of the 15MW Sunshine Coast Solar Farm in Queensland on the weekend marks a couple of firsts in Australia.

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COAG Energy Council Meeting Outcomes : Reactions

COAG - Clean Energy Target

Clean Energy Target causes friction at COAG meeting

As expected, Friday’s COAG Energy Council meeting saw all but one of the Finkel Review recommendations approved – the Clean Energy Target (CET).

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Coal Kills. That’s For Certain

Coal fired power generation and pollution

Coal kills – it’s a well established fact | Image : Mriya, CC BY-SA 4.0

Liberal MP Craig Kelly’s concerns about people dying as a result of high energy prices raises another issue he didn’t mention – the incredibly high death toll from coal.

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