Solar Energy Systems For UK Public Housing | Image: P-Association
A social housing solar panel installation programme in the UK will see 800,000 households save up to £192m on electricity costs annually and generate more than a thousand jobs.
Solar Energy Systems For UK Public Housing | Image: P-Association
A social housing solar panel installation programme in the UK will see 800,000 households save up to £192m on electricity costs annually and generate more than a thousand jobs.
After passing a 5GW supply milestone, ABB says its inverter products are present in around 40% of installed solar projects in India.
Australia’s states and territories are lifters and the Federal Government continues to be a leaner on renewable energy and emissions reduction.
Solar Citizens started bringing together solar power supporters across Australia in 2013 and since that time its membership has swelled to 98,500.
If you have solar, is adding a simple, cheap timer to your electric hot water system worthwhile?
Lately my life has been a lollapalloza of solar electric hot water heating. I’ve looked at more ways of heating water using solar electricity than you can poke a stick at. Or at least I have if your poking arm is weak and flabby and easily fatigued. [Read more…]
For more than 4 years, Citizens Own Renewable Energy Network Australia (CORENA) has been utilising people power to help community groups install solar.
July 2017 Totals – Clean Energy Regulator
Installations of solar panel systems in Australia in July brought the nation’s cumulative small-scale PV total to over 5.9 gigawatts.
From July 2016 to June 2017, renewable energy in Australia generated enough electricity to power 7.1 million homes, representing 70% of all households.
The Sun Flux is a box of electronics with one function: heating water with solar electricity.
I recently wrote about solar hot water diverters1 which use surplus electricity from an existing rooftop solar system to heat water.
Another option for heating your water with solar electricity is to use dedicated solar panels. These panels put all their power directly into the hot water cylinder’s heating element. When the water hits its temperature set point the panels are deactivated. [Read more…]
Vales Point Power Station | Image: Public Domain
A 45MW solar farm could soon be built on an old ash dam at a coal fired power station on the southern shores of Lake Macquarie in New South Wales.
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