Search Results for: queensland

Queensland’s Longreach Solar Farm Inaugurated

Longreach solar farm

Canadian Solar’s $29 million Longreach Solar Farm project had its official inauguration yesterday. The 15MW AC (17.472 MWp DC) clean power station is being progressively commissioned and is currently operating at 50% capacity. [Read more…]

Queensland Interest-Free Solar/Battery Loans And Grants Update

QLD interest free solar loans and battery grants

Image: Stocksnap

Some Queenslanders waiting on the State Government’s interest-free loans initiative before going solar or installing/adding a battery system may need to reconsider their position. [Read more…]

Queensland Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Ends Soon

Queensland appliance rebate

Image: Queensland Government

Queenslanders have less than two weeks to purchase an energy efficient appliance eligible for a State Government rebate. 40,000 Queensland households have so far received a rebate, with another 10,000 applications currently being processed. [Read more…]

Queensland Leading The Charge In Large-Scale Solar

Investment value in large-scale solar power projects in Queensland make up more than half of the national total says the Clean Energy Council. [Read more…]

Queensland Energy Legislation Overhaul Commences

Queensland energy legislation

A 10-yearly review of the laws that regulate energy in Queensland kicked off this week with an issues paper released – and submissions from all interested parties are invited. [Read more…]

Application Lodged For 1,500 MW Solar Farm In Queensland

1,500 megawatt solar farm - Queensland

Image: plonk66

Queensland’s Somerset Regional Council has acknowledged it has received a development application for a 1,500 megawatt solar farm to be built east of Harlin. [Read more…]

All Systems Go For Queensland’s Haughton Solar Farm Construction

Haughton solar farm

RCR Tomlinson Ltd announced on Monday it has received a notice to go ahead with its contract for the 100MWac Haughton Solar Farm, being developed by Pacific Hydro. [Read more…]

Electricity Bill Credits Rolling Out For Queensland Households

Queensland electricity bills

As part of the Palaszczuk Government’s $2 billion Affordable Energy Plan, 1.9 million Queensland households will see a credit on their next electricity bill. [Read more…]

Solar To Help Power Queensland Hospital Linen Services

Group Linen Services - Commercial Solar

Wide Bay Group Linen Service’s Maryborough Facility | Image via Bruce Saunders MP/Facebook

One of the largest linen service providers in Australia is to have solar panels installed on its facilities in order to cut electricity costs and emissions. [Read more…]

Queensland’s Solar For Public Housing Trial Update

The Queensland Government has announced close to 500 households in the state are now benefiting from its solar energy for public housing rollout. [Read more…]

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