Search Results for: queensland

Light Rail On Water – Solar Powered Ferries For The Gold Coast

Solar powered catamaran ferries may be quietly cruising the waters of the Broadwater and Nerang River on Queensland’s Gold Coast next year. [Read more…]

More Accolades For Sunshine Coast Solar Farm

Another award for Sunshine Coast Solar Farm

Queensland’s Sunshine Coast Solar farm has picked up another award, this time at the Australian Regional Development Conference Awards 2018. [Read more…]

Final Rule On National Solar And Battery Storage Register Published

National solar and battery database

Last week the Australian Energy Market Commission released its final rule on establishing a distributed energy resources (DER) register for the National Electricity Market. [Read more…]

The Gigawatt Project Reviewed: Solar For Rented Roofs

gigawatt project review - solar power for renters

Another company who can help get solar on tenant’s roofs is the Gigawatt Project. Ronald looks over the details…

The Gigawatt Project is a Queensland company that helps put solar panels on the roofs of rental properties.  They give tenants some of the savings from rooftop solar power while giving landlords a good enough return to make installing it worthwhile.  In Queensland the Gigawatt Project can:

  • Install a solar power system.
  • Monitor tenant electricity use.
  • Bill tenants for solar electricity they use at a rate less than the cost of grid electricity.  The bill is paid to the landlord.

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Deadlines For Electricity Meter Changeovers Under AEMC Draft Rule

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) is calling for feedback on a draft rule that it says will give customers in the National Electricity Market (NEM) greater control over electricity meter changes and see deadlines implemented for meter changeovers. [Read more…]

Clive Palmer’s Coal Power Play

Clive Palmer - coal fired power station

Image via Clive Palmer | Twitter

In a series of 12 tweets, Waratah Coal Chairman Clive Palmer announced his intention to build a major coal-fired power station in Queensland’s Galilee Basin. [Read more…]

Redflow Pleased With Thai Battery Manufacturing Progress

Redflow batteries

RedFlow CEO and Managing Director Tim Harris and a bank of Redflow ZBM2 batteries

It’s not about to set any battery production world records, but Australian energy storage company Redflow is happy with progress at its new manufacturing facility in Thailand. [Read more…]

More Solar For Northern Territory Airports

Solar farms - Northern Territory Airports

Image: Northern Territory Airports

Several solar farms and an off-site battery storage system will be built in the NT with the assistance of funding provided to Northern Territory Airports Pty Ltd. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – September 2018

auSSII solar report covering August 2018

There was heightened interest in installing solar panels in August, driven primarily by the announcement of Victoria’s Solar Homes rebate. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Panel Validation Initiative Rolls Out

Solar panel validation - Australia

After a successful pilot program, Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator has extended the Solar Panel Validation Initiative across the industry. [Read more…]

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