Search Results for: queensland

Australian Power Project Pushing For HELE Coal

A new report ranking power prices in the National Electricity Market makes some curious claims about so-called high-efficiency, low emissions (HELE) coal fired power generation. [Read more…]

Kidston Cranking A Heap Of Solar Electricity Goodness – And Cash

Kidston solar energy project

KS1 after completion | Image: Genex Power

Genex Power has released a revenue update for its 50MW Kidston Solar Project (KS1) in North Queensland, along with some energy generation statistics. [Read more…]

China’s “Cheapest Electric Car” — The ORA-R1 — May Cost Around $28,000


Does this electric car really cost less than $13,000? Err, unfortunately no.

Great Wall Motors has has released the electric ORA R1 passenger car in China.  Or at least I think they have. [Read more…]

The New Catch Power Green Hot Water Diverter Reviewed: Smaller, Cheaper, Cuter

Catch Power Green Catch PV diverter review

Hot water diversion is now more affordable with the new Catch Power ‘Green Catch’

Hi everyone.  Happy New Year!  This is a short article about a new hot water diverter developed by Australia’s Catch Power.  I’m just letting you know it’s available and because I don’t really have anything bad to say about it this may seem like an advertisement.  [Read more…]

WA Wholesale Electricity Price Rises Under The Spotlight

Wholesale Electricity Prices - Western Australia

Image : geralt

Synergy’s wholesale electricity market dominance has been highlighted in a discussion paper from Western Australia’s Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) released a few days before Xmas. [Read more…]

Solar Slashes Peak Electricity Demand On New Year’s Eve

Rooftop solar's impact on electricity demand

Image: moerschy

The Australia Institute (TAI) has taken EnergyAustralia to task over recent claims it made regarding the cost of small-scale solar to electricity customers, while ignoring its value. [Read more…]

Australia’s Leading Postcodes For Solar Installations In 2018

Australia's top solar postcodes

Image: Stocksnap

Which Australian postcodes are shaping up to have the highest number of small-scale solar power systems installed this year? Let’s see what the most recent Clean Energy Regulator data reveals. [Read more…]

Tesla Big Battery’s First Year: Lowers Electricity Prices, Makes Money, Is Not On Fire

Tesla Big Battery - Hornsdale Power Reserve

The Hornsdale Power Reserve or “Tesla Big Battery” is One! And it’s been quite successful.

The Tesla Big Battery in South Australia came online last year on the first of December.  It’s now one year and 18 days old.  Despite the involvement of Elon Musk and Tesla it’s not actually called the Tesla Big Battery.  Its real name is the Hornsdale Power Reserve.  Personally, if I had been asked, I would have called it Elonia Princess of Power, but I wasn’t consulted and so my naming talents continue to be squandered. [Read more…]

Over Estimating Electricity Price Inflation For Fun And Evil Profit

Over-estimates of electricity price rises

Beware Of Salespeople Making Ridiculous Electricity Price Increase Predictions

A rooftop solar power system is an excellent investment for any home that isn’t at the bottom of a well or otherwise suffering from major shade problems.  Earlier this year I wrote an article on payback times in Australian capitals but it’s already out of date as they pay themselves off even faster now.  [Read more…]

Oxfam Australia : 100% Renewables, No New Coal

Oxfam on coal and renewables in Australia

Oxfam has warned Australia is at risk of falling even further behind in the climate change battle, isolating it from its neighbours in the region. [Read more…]

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