Search Results for: queensland

QLD’s Maranoa Council Looks To Solar Power To Slash Energy Costs

Maranoa Regional Council decided last week to proceed to the detailed design phase for installation of solar power systems at 13 of its facilities. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 14 – Stupid Solar Rules

Finn and Ronald discuss highlights from the SolarQuotes blog from the previous week, plus a few other news items for good measure. [Read more…]

How To End Dodgy Solar For Good? 100% Inspections By State Electrical Bodies

This is a guest post by John Inglis, owner of Positronic Solar. John is a veteran of the solar industry. Rumour has it that his involvement predates the invention of the sun dial. Take it away John… [Read more…]

More Solar Power For Woolworths And Costco

Solar energy - Woolworths and Costco

Supermarket giant Woolworths and membership warehouse club Costco are continuing to build on their solar energy capacity in Australia. [Read more…]

Johns Hopkins University Inks Solar Power Supply Deal

Johns Hopkins University - solar energy

Image: Johns Hopkins University

The USA’s Johns Hopkins University has announced it will meet roughly two-thirds of its overall electricity needs with solar power. [Read more…]

Hanwha Energy Seeking Australian Electricity Retailer Status

Hanwha Energy Retail Australia - Electricity Retailer Authorisation

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) announced yesterday it has accepted an electricity retailer authorisation application from Hanwha Energy Retail Australia (Hanwha ERA). [Read more…]

Redeployable Commercial Solar Gets ARENA Cash

Solpod redeployable commercial solar

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency is supporting a project involving the installation of redeployable solar power systems on commercial and government buildings. [Read more…]

NPI Report Highlights Need For Coal Power Pollution Crackdown

Environmental Justice Australia states this year’s National Pollutant Inventory report results strengthens the case for getting tough on air pollution created by the nation’s coal-fired clunkers. [Read more…]

BrownPower: Finally Some Innovative Thinking From The Coal Industry

BrownPower - Accredited Coal-Fired Energy

Finally! Some innovation from the traditional energy industry.

During the recent kerfuffle about the Approved Solar Retailer scheme, I had an epiphany.

It dawned on me that the ‘new energy’ media landscape in Australia has become a victim of the ‘filter bubble’ culture – and is, in 2019, horribly lopsided. To be specific, scrolling through the news feeds there is very little coverage of what the other side of the energy industry are up to. Rather narcissistically the ‘Clean Energy’ industry only ever publish news about low emissions technology, blatantly ignoring any innovation from ‘the other side’. [Read more…]

Pumped Hydro Storage: An Underwriting New Generation Standout

Pumped hydro energy storage

Goat Hill Project | Image: Altura Group

Pumped hydro storage projects made up half of the projects shortlisted under the Morrison Government’s Underwriting New Generation Investments program. [Read more…]

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