Search Results for: queensland

Redeployable Commercial Solar Gets ARENA Cash

Solpod redeployable commercial solar

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency is supporting a project involving the installation of redeployable solar power systems on commercial and government buildings. [Read more…]

NPI Report Highlights Need For Coal Power Pollution Crackdown

Environmental Justice Australia states this year’s National Pollutant Inventory report results strengthens the case for getting tough on air pollution created by the nation’s coal-fired clunkers. [Read more…]

BrownPower: Finally Some Innovative Thinking From The Coal Industry

BrownPower - Accredited Coal-Fired Energy

Finally! Some innovation from the traditional energy industry.

During the recent kerfuffle about the Approved Solar Retailer scheme, I had an epiphany.

It dawned on me that the ‘new energy’ media landscape in Australia has become a victim of the ‘filter bubble’ culture – and is, in 2019, horribly lopsided. To be specific, scrolling through the news feeds there is very little coverage of what the other side of the energy industry are up to. Rather narcissistically the ‘Clean Energy’ industry only ever publish news about low emissions technology, blatantly ignoring any innovation from ‘the other side’. [Read more…]

Pumped Hydro Storage: An Underwriting New Generation Standout

Pumped hydro energy storage

Goat Hill Project | Image: Altura Group

Pumped hydro storage projects made up half of the projects shortlisted under the Morrison Government’s Underwriting New Generation Investments program. [Read more…]

Solar To Help Power Gold Coast Seaway’s Sand Bypass System

Gold Coast Sand Bypass System - solar energy

Image: Gold Coast Water Authority

A 100-kilowatt solar power system will soon be installed for the Sand Bypass System at The Spit on Queensland’s Gold Coast. [Read more…]

Health Hub Morayfield’s Monster Rooftop Solar Power Project

Morayfield Health Hub solar energy installation

Image: NuGreen Solutions

A 404kW solar power system recently completed for Health Hub Morayfield is expected to achieve payback in just over 4 years. [Read more…]

Daley Vs. Berejiklian On School Strike 4 Climate Protests

School strike for climate change action

Image: School Strike 4 Climate Australia

NSW Labor leader Michael Daley has voiced his support for Friday’s school student climate action strikers, while Premier Gladys Berejiklian says the kids should stay in class. [Read more…]

Making Approved Solar Retailer Status Mandatory in Victoria Would Be Disastrous

Approved Solar Retailers In Victoria

In Orwell’s Animal Farm, animals were told that doing extra work was voluntary, yet those who didn’t volunteer got their rations reduced.

In November 2013 the Clean Energy Council told solar companies that becoming an Approved Solar Retailer (ASR), which requires extra work, was voluntary. But in 2018  solar companies that had not signed up started to lose their opportunity to benefit from participation in state government solar rebate and zero interest loan schemes.

Beware of schemes that claim to be voluntary but force you into applying by other means. [Read more…]

Noosa Council To Crank Up Its Solar Capacity (Again)

In another step towards its goal of carbon neutrality by 2026, Noosa Council is installing more solar power – this time expanding the installation on its Tewantin Administration Building. [Read more…]

Yarranlea Solar Farm Construction Update

Yarranlea Solar Farm

Better late than never – construction of Risen Energy’s 100MW (AC) Yarranlea Solar Farm west of Toowoomba in Queensland is moving along. [Read more…]

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