Search Results for: queensland

Canavan: Renewables The “Dole Bludgers” Of Energy

Matt Canavan - coal power

Image: Senator Matt Canavan via Facebook

Senator Matt Canavan is ramping up his pro-coal power message for North Queensland, and has made an interesting comment about renewables. [Read more…]

Clean Energy Finance Corporation Cash For Stockland

Stockland - solar energy

Australian property developer Stockland has sourced $75 million in finance from the CEFC for further energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives. [Read more…]

Victorians Can Get $50 From The Victorian Energy Compare Website Because We Are A Nation Of Idiots

Victorian Energy Compare website $50 bribe

Victorians can get $50 from the Victorian Energy Compare website until the 30th of June 2020 because they’d rather waste money on bribes than allow real competition.

If you live in Victoria and have an electricity or gas account in your name, you can get $50 from the Victorian Government.  Why are they handing out $50 to every household that asks for it? [Read more…]

Oh No, Not You Again – Barnaby Eyes Nationals Leadership

Barnaby Joyce - coal

Barnaby Joyce – (they say the eyes are the mirror of the soul)

The Nationals are at it again and there’s a chance by the end of today Barnaby Joyce may be the party’s leader (again) – and Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister. [Read more…]

The New Energy Tech Consumer Code & The Battle To Purge ‘Interest Free Deals’ From Solar

Solar code of conduct and Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)

There’s a new solar code of conduct on the horizon, and Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) credit providers are not happy with it.

The ‘CEC Approved Solar Retailer’ (ASR) scheme, a code of conduct for solar companies, may soon be obsolete. I think that’s a good thing. [Read more…]

Scientists’ Plea: Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions In Australia by 2050

Australia - bushfires, emissions and climate change

Image: Professor Eelco Rohling

Hundreds of scientists have called on the Morrison Government to develop science-informed policies to help combat climate change in an open letter published last night. [Read more…]

More Victorian Hospitals Going Solar

East Gippsland Health Service - Solar Energy

East Grampians Health Service (EGHS) has recently had solar panels installed at Willaura Healthcare and PV installation at its Ararat campus starts very soon. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes’ New Retail Electricity Plan Comparison Tool Can Save You Money — It Let Me Afford Pizza

Electricity plan comparison tool

Introducing Solarquotes New Retail Electricity Plan Comparison Tool:  It Will Pay For Pizza!

I’m paying way too much for electricity.  It’s driving me broke!  Financially I was doing okay until I told everyone I’d buy them pizza and it end up costing me $90.  How can pizza cost $90?  It’s dough, tomato sauce, ham, pineapple, and maybe some corn if you’re Japanese.  How can that be $90?  We only had four of them! [Read more…]

Scumbags Steal Solar Panels From Fire Lookout Tower

Solar panel theft

Low-life, degenerate pus buckets have stolen solar panels that could help save lives from a site near Gympie in Queensland. [Read more…]

Noosa To Host Cities Power Partnership Summit

Transforming Australian Energy

Noosa Council has been chosen to host a national summit later this year for local government, industry and community leaders doing their bit towards Australia’s energy transformation. [Read more…]

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