Search Results for: queensland

Nillumbik Solar Farm Up For Initial Community Comment

Nillumbik Shire Council solar farm

A proposed solar farm project for Victoria’s Nillumbik Shire has taken another step forward with the recent commencement of community consultation. [Read more…]

Solar Powered Disaster Management Trailer For Rockhampton

Solar powered disaster management trailer

In Queensland, Rockhampton Regional Council’s disaster management trailer is about to hit the road; offering important services powered by solar energy. [Read more…]

Solar Power To Help Charge City Of Gold Coast’s New EVs

Hyundai Ioniq

Image: Hyundai

In Queensland, the City of Gold Coast is showing off six new fully electric vehicles recently acquired for its fleet. [Read more…]

TAI: Victoria’s Gas Emissions Highest In A Decade

Victoria gas emissions

Gas consumption in Victoria in April was higher than in any of the preceding ten years according to The Australia Institute, resulting in approximately 200,000 tonnes more emissions than April 2019. [Read more…]

LeTID Update: Unlikely To Become The Problem Many Feared

Solar panels and LeTID issues - update

LeTID: Limited in new PERC panels from reputable manufacturers and probably not a disaster for old ones.

Fourteen months ago I wrote about a type of solar panel degradation called LeTID.  This is short for Light and elevated Temperature Induced Deterioration.  It’s also Norwegian for “laugh time” which is what I think they called the Joker movie over there. [Read more…]

Telstra Closes In On Carbon Neutrality

Telstra carbon neutrality

A new project involving solar power is about to help take Telstra to the point of carbon neutrality – but it’s not in Australia. [Read more…]

Cairns Council “Mini Solar Farms” Project Update

Cairns Council solar rollout

Five waste water treatment plants in the Cairns region are currently having a bunch of solar panels installed. [Read more…]

Multi-Million Dollar “Solar Trees” Project For Townsville

Solar Trees - Townsville

Solar Trees in Townsville – Artist’s Impression

An upcoming new attraction in Townsville powered by solar energy is, well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say. [Read more…]

University of Manchester To ‘Decarbonise’ Investments

University of Manchester divestment

The UK’s University of Manchester has announced it will dump investments in fossil fuel reserve and extraction companies – and take efforts a step further. [Read more…]

AYCC Launching QLD Renewable Energy Recovery Campaign

Queensland Renewable Energy Recovery - AYCC

The Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) is demanding a renewables-led COVID-19 economic recovery for Queensland, and it’s about to virtually assemble its troops. [Read more…]

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