Search Results for: queensland

Another Road Incident Involving Solar Panels

Loose solar panels

This is something you don’t want to see come flying towards you on the road to wherever. It’s another case of improperly secured solar panels – but a different scenario. [Read more…]

AEMC Introducing New Solar Inverter Standards

AEMC solar inverter standards

Where South Australia has already gone with some solar inverter standards, most other states will follow by the end of this year. [Read more…]

Thousands Of Texans Charged $11+ Per Kilowatt-Hour During Blizzard

Texas snowstorm electricity prices

Thousands of Texans caught in a deadly, polar vortex blizzard have been charged thousands of dollars for electricity over just a few days. They were exposed to wholesale electricity prices that hit their maximum price of over $11 Australian per kilowatt-hour. [Read more…]

Battery Test Centre 8th & 9th Reports: Many Home Batteries Still Unreliable

Battery Test Centre reports

Ronald analyses the latest battery test results just as you like it. This twice-told tale shows the course of true battery love may not run smooth.

Do you enjoy reading about home batteries?  I know I do.  This is why I’m addicted to reports from the Canberra Battery Test Centre.  They’re like Shakespeare!  That is, they’re mostly tragedy but there’s also some comedy as well. [Read more…]

Renewables Help Achieve Lowest Wholesale Electricity Prices In Years

Renewables and wholesale electricity prices

Wholesale electricity prices in the National Electricity Market last year were at their lowest since 2015 says the Australian Energy Regulator. [Read more…]

NSW Government Makes Going Solar Simpler For Strata Owners 

Solar for strata buildings in New South Wales

New amendments passed in NSW’s Parliament on Tuesday will make it easier to install solar panels, batteries and other renewable energy technologies on strata buildings. [Read more…]

Scrap Your Old Solar System & High Feed-in Tariff For A Bigger & Better Return

Replacing or upgrading a solar power system

If you have a small, old system, replacing it with a bigger, more efficient modern system is worth serious consideration. Even if it means losing that premium feed-in-tariff you’ve enjoyed for all these years.

Do you have a faithful, old, 1.5 kilowatt solar system installed?

Has it sat on your roof churning photons into electrical energy for 10 years or more?

Has it earned you a heap of money because it gets an old, premium feed-in tariff far higher than anything available now? [Read more…]

Clean Energy Finance Corporation Invests In Ingenia Communities

CEFC and Ingenia

Ingenia Communities Group has secured a $75 million debt facility with the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) for carbon reduction and energy initiatives. [Read more…]

AEMO Virtual Power Plant Reports Released

Virtual Power Plants - AEMO reports

The Australian Energy Market Operator has published its latest Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Knowledge Sharing Report and VPP Consumer Insights Interim Report. [Read more…]

Renewables Need More Long Distance Transmission. Low Interest Rates Can Make That Happen.

Renewable energy and long distance electricity transmission

Long-distance transmission sends electrical energy from where it’s generated to where it’s used.  If we had more of it, electricity prices would be lower, and the integration of solar and wind farms would be easier.  Thanks to record low-interest rates, more of it is exactly what we’re going to get.   [Read more…]

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