Queensland-based Redback Technologies’ new single-phase, grid-tied solar inverters have hit the market. [Read more…]
Search Results for: queensland
Tonga Eruption Won’t Cool Planet Or Reduce Solar Output
After I heard about the Tongan volcanic eruption, the first thing I did was determine if the Tongans I knew were all right. While conditions there are serious, they aren’t as bad as they could have been, so they’re probably okay. Australia and New Zealand are sending relief, which is a relief. [Read more…]
Sandy Creek Solar Farm Finally Gets Green Light
A proposed 12MW solar farm pretty much on the doorstep of a town near Wagga Wagga in New South Wales is good to go (Note: this story was updated 19th January with a couple of corrections). [Read more…]
Columboola Solar Farm Progress Update
A major solar farm under construction between Chinchilla and Miles in Queensland’s Western Downs Region is another step closer to prime time. [Read more…]
Sun Metals Hooks Up With Energy Vault
Australia’s Sun Metals’ parent company Korea Zinc is ploughing a significant chunk of cash into Swiss energy storage developer Energy Vault. [Read more…]
A Truly Solar Powered Website
Whether you’ll be able to visit this interesting website will depend on how sunny it’s been in recent days. [Read more…]
Carmichael Mine Coal Ready To Contribute To Climate Havoc
Adding to the general crappiness across 2021 is another bit to help top it off. The first shipment of coal from Adani’s Carmichael mine in Queensland is ready for export. [Read more…]
Risen Plans Massive Solar Manufacturing And Generation Project
Risen Energy has its sights set on developing a huge vertically integrated solar manufacturing project in China accompanied by a major solar, wind and energy storage facility to help power it all – and then some. [Read more…]
Clive’s Carbon-Spewing Coal Burner Project Called In
It looks like Clive Palmer didn’t get the lump of coal in his stocking he may have been hoping for at Xmas. [Read more…]
Don’t Install A Smaller Solar System To Get A Higher Feed In Tariff. Here’s Why..
Finding a high feed-in tariff is becoming harder. Our feed-in-tariff comparison tool makes the job easier, but increasingly electricity retailers are putting system size limits on their most generous solar feed-in rates. [Read more…]
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