Further to late April’s announcements, there are more changes ahead for Victoria’s popular Solar Homes program – here’s what’s happening. [Read more…]
Search Results for: queensland
Norway Has So Many EVs Their Battery Capacity Averages 13 kWh Per Household
Norway has more electric cars per capita than any other nation. They have over half a million EVs, one for every 11 people. The combined capacity of all those rolling batteries is a whopping 34 gigawatt-hours. [Read more…]
Rising Electricity Prices: It’s Time To Go Solar
Higher retail electricity prices will add to household hip-pocket pain, but make installing solar panels an even more attractive prospect. [Read more…]
Federal Election ’22: Clean Energy Scorecard, The Good, The Meh, & The Ugly
The federal election is only four weeks away, so I decided to make an in depth study of the environmental policies of all major political parties and rank them from best to worst:
- Greens
- Labor
- Coalition
That didn’t take long. [Read more…]
Australian Solar Prices: April 2022 Update
The average cost per watt for solar power systems dropped in some Australian states and rose in others in March 2022. Here’s a look at what happened where. [Read more…]
Where’s The Carbon Neutral Beef? At Coles
Coles says it is the first major Australian supermarket to launch a range of certified carbon neutral beef products under its own brand. [Read more…]
Solar Power Shines In Adelaide’s CBD
This pretty impressive solar panel installation recently popped up in the heart of Adelaide, on the rooftop of jewellery company Shiels’ headquarters. [Read more…]
Solar Powered Resort A Sustainability Winner
Queensland’s Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort won the Sustainable Tourism category in this year’s Banksia National Sustainability Awards for its shift to 100% renewables. [Read more…]
Coal Power Plants Producing Less Electricity, Pumping More Pollution
New analysis of National Pollutant Inventory data indicates while some Australian coal power stations are generating less electricity, a number saw levels of toxic pollutants increase. [Read more…]
Bargara’s Community-Scale Tesla Battery System Nears Prime Time
It won’t be long before a Tesla Megapack battery installation at Bargara near Bundaberg in Queensland starts soaking up locally-generated surplus solar power. [Read more…]
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