Search Results for: queensland

Bundaberg Moves Towards Net Zero by 2030

Bundaberg net zero emissions goal

Queensland’s Bundaberg Regional Council has endorsed a report in relation to the entire region achieving net zero emissions by the end of the decade – and renewables will of course play a major role. [Read more…]

Yes, Heat Reduces Solar Panel Output. But Not Enough To Worry About

Solar panels in summer - heat impact on performance

Solar panel temperature is typically at least 20ºC above ambient temperature.

Solar panel output is hurt by heat. The hotter they are, the lower their efficiency. This seems like a major drawback for something deliberately exposed to the Australian sun. In practice, it’s not something anyone with a solar power system needs to worry about. This is because our hottest days … usually have the most sunshine. [Read more…]

Tasmanian Solar Company Brings Solar Power To PNG

Off-grid solar and battery installation in Papua New Guinea

Recently things warmed up for Tasmanian solar company I Want Energy when they partnered with Astra Solar in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, to deliver four off-grid solar power projects in Bougainville PNG. [Read more…]

Big Batteries, Power Price Rise Relief And Australian Solar Silicon

Capacity Investment Scheme, Energy Relief Plan and Australian Silicon Action Plan

Between the Capacity Investment Scheme getting legs, planned actions to rein in electricity price rises and the prospect of a thriving local solar manufacturing industry, there’s been a bit happening on Australia’s energy front the past few days. Here’s a summary. [Read more…]

Cairns Regional Council Inks Clean Power Deal

Cairns Regional Council and CleanCo

Cairns Regional Council has taken another big step towards meeting its commitment to all the organisation’s electricity being sourced from renewables. [Read more…]

Coal Booster Ian Off Anna’s Xmas List

Ian Macfarlane - Coal

Annastacia Palaszczuk is keeping a list of who’s naughty or nice, and Queensland Resources Council’s Ian Macfarlane can expect a lump of coal in his stocking. He’d be completely fine with that. [Read more…]

Help! My Vintage Solar Inverter Has Finally Failed

Repairing or replacing old failed solar inverters

If you are reading this because you have a failed ‘vintage’ inverter, you probably bought your solar power system ten or more years ago. In which case… [Read more…]

Inverter Manufacturers Hit Back On QLD Emergency Backstop

QLD emergency backstop - solar power

Several major solar inverter manufacturers have expressed their concerns over Queensland’s plans to introduce a very blunt tool to manage some new solar and battery systems remotely. [Read more…]

Callide Coal Plant Crap Out Investigators Appointed

Callide Power Station

Independent investigators have been appointed to delve into the recent Callide Power Station faceplant. [Read more…]

If Renewables Are So Cheap, Why Is South Australian Electricity So Expensive?

Electricity prices in SA - renewables and gas

Recently I wrote about South Australia going from zero to 70% renewable energy generation in 16 years, resulting in:

  • reduced greenhouse gas emissions
  • improved air quality
  • lower electricity prices than we’d have without those renewables

But – although our electricity prices would be much higher without renewable energy, electricity prices – overall – have still trended up over those 16 years. And that’s because many things affect electricity pricing. [Read more…]

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