Search Results for: queensland
Proposed Changes Seek To Stop Smart Meter Shenanigans
Australian households getting a smart meter installed will have better protection from electricity retailers behaving badly under proposed changes from the AEMC. [Read more…]
WA’s Smart Connect Solar Rollout Done And Dusted
Home solar installation permission knockbacks should now be a thing of the past in regional Western Australia after the final phase of Horizon Power’s Smart Connect Solar initiative rolled out well ahead of schedule. [Read more…]
Australian Solar Standards, Regulations, Rules & Guidelines Explained

Image credit: MC Electrical
Whenever we discuss new rules or solar standards on the SolarQuotes blog, we invariably get comments asking if these rules apply to the commenter’s situation.
This blog explains the hierarchy of national standards, state regulations, DNSP rules and SAA guidelines and what that means for everyone buying, using and especially working with solar energy. [Read more…]
Nuclear + Solar In Australia = A Huge Waste Of Energy
The operation of just one nuclear power station in Queensland would require cutting off renewable energy output equivalent to tens of thousands of home solar power systems every day says Queensland Conservation Council (QCC). [Read more…]
Solar Ecosystems; What’s Available Today?

Tesla, Enphase, Sungrow & SolarEdge Apps. Some apps are better than others – so try before you buy.
While new solar, battery and EV charging products are always arriving, some have become running jokes in the solar industry because promises of ‘here by Xmas’ often lead to questions about ‘which Xmas?’ If you’re tired of waiting for a unicorn to arrive in Q5, then read on as we outline what’s already available to Australian installers to generate, store and manage energy, plus charge an EV or two. [Read more…]
Inverter, Battery, EV Charger: Why Sticking To One Brand Makes Sense

SolarEdge have one of the most complete solar ecosystems available in Australia.
As more homes become all-electric, you must consider how your solar, battery, and EV charger will work together.
This is especially true for EV chargers, one of the most power-hungry appliances. [Read more…]
NSW Councils Collaborating On Home Solar And Batteries
Wollongong City Council is teaming up with several neighbouring councils to boost local uptake of solar panels, battery systems and VPPs among households and small businesses. [Read more…]
Townsville Declared A QLD Local Renewable Energy Zone
Queensland’s Miles Government wants to boost rooftop solar power and energy storage capacity in Townsville, and have non-solar households sharing the benefits of locally generated clean electricity. [Read more…]
Upgrading Vintage Solar? You May Need To Start Again

Like the rest of Burra, this solar system should be heritage listed.
Are you an early adopter of solar power? Are you wondering how to install a new solar system alongside your existing one? Or if you need to replace it entirely? And what about the solar rebate if you’ve already received it? Plus, how does the Premium Feed-in Tariff (FiT) factor into your decision?
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