Search Results for: nsw

Unapproved Solar Panels In Clean Energy Regulator’s Crosshairs

Non-compliant solar panels - Australia

CER crackdown on non-compliant solar panels

The Clean Energy Regulator has announced it is targeting installations of unapproved solar panels for which STC’s have been claimed – and has already taken its first scalp.

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Peer Reviewed Study: Grid Connect Solar Helps Environment But Batteries Harm It

academic in ivory tower

A paper published in ‘Nature’ has agreed with Ronald’s back of an envelope conclusions from last year: at the moment, most grid connected storage harms the environment.

Almost a year ago I wrote an article about how on-grid home battery storage does not help the environment but instead harms it by increasing greenhouse gas emissions and other types of pollution. I am raising this topic again, hoisting it above my head, and waving it around, because a scientific paper published in the journal Nature vindicates my position. [Read more…]

Victorian Hydrogen Refuelling Station Will Use Wind And Solar Power

Waste collection truck - hydrogen, solar, wind

Waste collection trucks to be powered by rain, wind and sun | Image: Orderinchaos, CC BY-SA 3.0

Victoria’s Moreland City Council has received government funding for an ambitious project to transition its diesel-fuelled waste trucks to hydrogen extracted using wind and solar power.

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1,000 MW Queensland Solar Energy Project Approved

Equis Energy - Wandoan South Solar Project

Equis Energy’s Wandoan South Solar Project Approved

The massive Wandoan South Solar Project, which could become the largest operating solar farm in Australia,  has been granted approval to proceed by Western Downs Regional Council.

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Life After Coal – Lithgow City Council Contemplating Solar

Solar energy in Lithgow

A bigger role for solar in Lithgow’s future? | Solar panels image : Lujkin8, CC BY-SA 3.0

If the Mayor of Lithgow in New South Wales has his way, solar panels could soon be installed on the Lithgow City Council building rooftop. It’s big news, as the city is in the heart of coal country.

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What is a PERC Solar Panel?

perc solar panel

34 years after it was invented ‘PERC’ is now a big deal in solar panel technology. But what the hell is it?

Update 16th April 2019:  Many PERC panels have suffered from LeTID deterioration problems since this article was written.  This article here goes into the problem and this article on the MC Electrical blog covers it in detail and gives information on which PERC panels are resistant to LeTID.

Solar panel manufacturers crave efficiency.  I’m not talking about the labour efficiencies they receive from building new production lines that are robot-heavy and people-light, although they like those too. [Read more…]

Green Light For More Large-Scale Solar Projects In New South Wales

Large scale solar power in NSW

Gilgandra Solar Farm Preliminary Layout

NSW Department of Planning and Environment has approved four major solar power projects to be constructed in the west of the state.

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Junee Shire Community Power Project Meeting Next Week

Residents of Junee in New South Wales have been invited to a Council-supported meeting that will gauge the level of interest in solar power and other alternative energy technologies in the area.

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Producing Food From Air With Solar Power

Solar power in food production

Solar electricity + air – the answer to world hunger? | Image: VTT Technical Research Centre

Researchers in Finland have created a protein-rich food using electricity and carbon dioxide, with help from microbes – a process that could be solar powered.

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Tesla’s Elon Musk’s Bold Battery Estimate

Elon Musk on battery storage

Tesla Founder And CEO Elon Musk | Image: National Governors Association

In an entirely solar powered USA, what would be the land area required for battery storage to ensure 24/7 electricity supply? Tesla’s Elon Musk says he has the answer.

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