Renewable Energy Employment Powers Ahead

Renewable energy jobs

Employment in renewable energy globally hit 12.7 million jobs last year, and solar power accounted for more than a third of the roles.

A report published by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) indicates even given various spanners thrown in the works – particularly COVID – 700,000 new jobs were added last year.

“In the face of numerous challenges, renewable energy jobs remain resilient, and have been proven to be a reliable job creation engine,” said IRENA Director General Francesco La Camera. “My advice to governments around the world is to pursue industrial policies that encourage the expansion of decent renewables jobs at home.”

Mr. La Camera says a local focus will not only create jobs, but also boost supply chain reliability and generally contribute to better energy security.

Australia’s Solar Employment Powerhouse

And speaking of home, in terms of solar power Australia ranked in the top 10 (just) for PV jobs. China accounted for a whopping 63% and the top 10 countries accounted for 87% of all PV jobs.

Solar power employment

More broadly across the Australian renewables sector, the IRENA/ILO report notes a survey from last year indicating women accounted for 39% of the Australian clean energy workforce in 2021; compared with 23% in the oil and gas sector and 16% in the coal industry.

On a related note, Australia will soon have its first national energy workforce survey at a Federal Government level; the Australian Energy Employment Report (AEER). The first survey will be held this quarter.

“The Australian Energy Employment Report (AEER) will improve government and industry understanding of jobs in the energy sector, and support the people in those jobs and their skills,” state the feds.

139 Million Renewable Energy Jobs By 2030?

Looking ahead globally, the IRENA/ILO report states under an ambitious energy transition scenario with front-loaded investments, renewable energy jobs could reach as many as 139 million – close to 11 times the current level – by 2030.

More than 74 million of these jobs could be in areas including energy efficiency, electric vehicles, power systems/flexibility and, wait for it …. hydrogen. There’s a heck of a lot riding on this gas playing a huge role in the world’s renewable energy future. Here’s hoping capabilities meet ambitions as it’s going to give the renewables nay-sayers a tonne of ammunition if it doesn’t pan out.

In terms of future renewable energy jobs in Australia and aside from what’s evolving naturally, now PM-Anthony Albanese went to the election with Labor’s Powering Australia Plan, under which the party says 600,000 jobs will be created.

The IRENA/ILO  report also highlights the need for renewable energy’s expanding footprint to be supported with “holistic policy packages”. This includes:

“…training for workers to ensure jobs are decent, high quality, well paid and diverse in pursuit of a just transition.”

Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Review 2022, can be viewed here.

If you’re interested in a job or career in Australian renewable energy, check out the CEC’s Clean Energy Careers Hub or Seek. At the time of writing, Seek was listing 2,307 jobs.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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