REC Launches TwinPeak 4 Solar Panels

REC TwinPeak 4 solar panels

Solar panel manufacturer REC has announced the 4th generation of its TwinPeak series is starting production this month and will be potentially available from July/August.

REC’s TwinPeak series has been around since 2014 – and when you’re on a good thing, you stick to it. The company says the TwinPeak 4, which will be manufactured in Singapore, features a new cell structure design, multi-busbar connection and a higher power output than its predecessor.

The latest TwinPeak also utilises the same frame and support bars used in REC’s N-Peak and Alpha series solar panels, enabling it to withstand higher wind loads.

“The REC TwinPeak 4 marks the latest advancement in technology and performance for our TwinPeak family, and strengthens the entire REC Group portfolio by giving more options to our rooftop customers, be it in the residential or commercial and industrial segments,” said REC Group’s Cemil Seber.

REC TwinPeak 4 Specifications Highlights

  • Cell type: 120 half-cut mono c-Si p-type cells
  • Dimensions: 1755 x 1040 x 30 mm
  • Weight: 20.0 kg
  • Capacities: 360W, 365W, 370W, 375W
  • Panel conversion efficiencies: 19.7% – 20.5%
  • Temperature coefficient of PMAX: -0.34 %/°C

The warranty on the TwinPeak 4 is 25 years on product, performance and labour if installed by a REC certified installer.

The TwinPeak 4 comes with an improved power warranty of 2 percent maximum power degradation in the first year of operation and 0.5 percent per year thereafter until year 25, at which point the TwinPeak 4 should have a minimum of 86% of its original capacity.

Looking back the TwinPeak 2 using SQ’s solar panel comparison table, the warranted annual performance degradation in years 2 – 25 was 0.7% and power output warranted at year 25 was 80.70%.

A datasheet on the REC TwinPeak 4 can be downloaded here.

New Generation Of REC Alpha Panels

Last month, REC announced its new Alpha Pure Black solar panel would start production in June with availability expected in July. Also based on the company’s Twin Design and patented split cell and junction box technology, the new Alpha will be available in capacities up to 405W. When originally launched in 2019, REC Alpha was available in capacities of up to 380 watts, and 375 watts on the full black module range.

The new REC Alpha Pure Black solar panel will offer guaranteed power of at least 92% in year 25 of operation, and a temperature coefficient of -0.26 %/°C, which is very impressive.

Founded in 1996, REC’s PV products were introduced to the Australian market back in 2010. They’ve proved to be pretty popular here, with REC solar panel reviews from Australian customers generally positive and achieving a rating of 4.8/5 overall and 5/5 over the last 6 months here on SolarQuotes.

The company is currently listed on SQ’s recommended solar panel brands chart and scored joint second in the panel category of SolarQuotes’ Installers Choice Awards for 2021.

REC states that to date, it has manufactured 38 million solar panels with a total capacity of 10 gigawatts.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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