Search Results for: council

Butler : National Energy Guarantee Will Nobble Rooftop Solar

National Energy Guarantee and solar power

Will the NEG impact on Australia’s “solar rebate”?

Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Mark Butler, says implementation of the Turnbull Government’s NEG will nobble small-scale solar power and large-scale renewables.

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Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) Legislation Passes

Victoria Renewable Energy Target - VRET

Image : seagul

The Victorian Labor Government’s  Renewable Energy (Jobs and Investment) Bill 2017 passed the Legislative Council late on Friday afternoon, enshrining the VRET in law.

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Picking Energy Winners In Australia – Latest Poll Results

The Turnbull Government claims it’s not picking winners when it comes to energy, but Australian voters have – and a winner is renewables.

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Orange Aquatic Centre Goes Solar

Solar panels at Orange Aquatic Centre

Image: Orange City Council

A 100kW solar power system has been installed at the Aquatic Centre in the New South Wales regional city of Orange.

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Clean Energy Target Dumped For National Energy Guarantee

Tony Abbott - Coal fan

Mr. Abbott said the CET’s dumping was “progress”. | Image: via Facebook

It’s a done deal. The Australian Government has dumped Dr. Alan Finkel’s recommendation of a Clean Energy Target in favour of a “National Energy Guarantee”,  which will see coal power hanging around for a lot longer and renewable energy subsidies end.

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U.S. 300MW Battery Storage Project Looks Set To Proceed

AES 300MW battery storage project

The company that held the title of the world’s largest installed lithium-ion battery system earlier this year has cleared a hurdle for a far larger energy storage project.

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Tony Abbott : Solar And Wind “Intermittent And Unreliable Power”

Tony Abbott - Global Warming Policy Foundation

Tony Abbott painted an interesting picture in his speech | Image via Facebook

In his speech to the Global Warming Policy Foundation in London, Australia’s ex-Prime Minister Tony Abbott expressed little love for renewables again – particularly wind and solar power.

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U.S. Solar Power Growth Blows Away Historical Expectations

NRDC Fifth Annual Energy Report

The amount of solar energy capacity in place in the United States by the end of last year was 4,500 percent more than government experts forecast 10 years earlier.

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Politics Holding Back Australia’s Energy Transition

Powering a 21st Century Economy

Australia’s transition to a grid powered by renewable energy and supported by storage is only being held back by ongoing climate and energy policy deadlock states a new Climate Council report.

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Solar Retailer Code of Conduct Program Reaches Milestone

Clean Energy Council Solar Retailer Code Of Conduct

The Clean Energy Council’s Solar Retailer Code of Conduct initiative has welcomed the fiftieth solar company accepted into its program.

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