Search Results for: victoria

July 2017 Australian Electricity Price Rise Roundup

Power cost increases in Australia

Electricity companies to count even more of Australians’ money | Image: Public Domain

Rising energy costs appear to be the third thing you can be assured of in life in Australia these days.  Here’s a look at the looming impacts in each state in relation to major electricity retailers.

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Beware of Blended Payback: Solar Pays For Itself But Batteries Don’t Yet.

a solar panel, a battery and a blender

We are seeing a lot of battery companies only quoting the payback of solar and batteries combined. But adding batteries makes payback worse. So always compare the payback of just solar.

I want you to know I have a great investment for you.  Believe me, it’s great.  I have all the best investments.  Trust me — it’s yuge!  If you invest in the Ronald Trump fund you will get an average return of over 4%.  I guarantee it!1  Just hand over your money and you’ll start making money!

What’s that?  You want me to actually explain what I will do with your money?  Trust me, you don’t want to worry your pretty little head about that!

What?  You do want to worry your pretty little head about that?  Alright then, what I will do is take your money and invest it in the Australian stock market.  Then each year I will take all the dividends and all the capital gains and I will reinvest half and I will take the other half in the form of $50 notes and burn them.  It will be great!  In 10 years you can have over a 50% return!

Wait a minute!  Calm down!  You say you don’t want me to burn half the money your investment makes?  I don’t understand why you are complaining.  You will still come out ahead! [Read more…]

Electricity Metering Rule Changes Could Boost Solar Battery Uptake

Smart meters and battery storage

Australia’s Smart Meter Revolution About To Get Into Gear? | Image: Christopher Corneschi

Implementation of rule changes in December concerning electricity meters may accelerate the uptake of home battery systems across Australia.

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Gippsland Getting Solar Funding

Solar panels for Yarram, Victoria

Gippsland solar PV projects | Image : Public Domain

Victoria’s Government via the Latrobe Valley Authority is providing funds for a solar power system installation at Yarram Recreation Reserve and other PV projects.

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Does Rooftop Solar Hurt The Have Nots?

a poor mother paying for a prince's solar

Do solar rebates result in the poor subsidising the rich?

If you spend a significant amount of time on the internet, which I can’t recommend as it is a silly place, then you may have come across people who claim rooftop solar is an enormous scam that depends on government subsidies unfairly taken from those who can’t install it, or choose not to. [Read more…]

70MW Of Solar PV For Telstra

Tesla solar electricity purchase

Telstra Seeking Power Price Protection – Panel background : Lujkin8, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

It’s been reported Australian telecommunications company Telstra will purchase all the electricity generated by a 70MW solar farm to be built near Emerald in Queensland.

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Solar Power Funding For Food Rescue Groups

Solar panels on FoodBank facility

More solar energy for Foodbank | Image: LG

The Australian Federal Government is providing $1.2 million in funding to assist food rescue groups reduce their energy costs and boost their food storage capabilities.

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When Electricity Price Hikes Don’t Improve The Economics Of Batteries

batteries and bills

Do rising electricity prices always improve the economics of batteries? No. Read on to discover why. (And don’t stand on your roof without wearing an approved safety harness – especially if you are balancing giant golden scales on your head.)

I’ve already written on how electricity prices are set to rise substantially.

Because Australians will soon have to shell out like an evicted hermit crab when it comes to grid power, both the good and bad mainstream media are declaring that rising power costs make buying batteries more attractive.

Unfortunately for fans of shock boxes this is unlikely to be the case. Counter-intuitive I know. But bear with me. [Read more…]

Costa Looks To Solar Power For Mushroom Growing Operations

Growing mushrooms with solar energy

Growing in the dark, powered by the sun? Image: Costa Group

Australia’s largest mushroom producer is expanding operations in South Australia; with solar energy on the cards to help power it.

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Electricity Bills Are Rising Because Of A Lack of Competition And Coalition Opposition To Renewables

ronald in scooby style unveiling

Ronald unveils the true culprit behind current electricity price rises.

Australia’s grid electricity prices are about to soar so high they’ll probably suffer from altitude sickness.  Households in all states, with the possible exception of Tasmania, are looking at increases in electricity bills of roughly 20% over the next two to three years. [Read more…]

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